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02-13-2008, 03:26 AM
we`ve all gone through the same situation. having the car sit exposed to freezing rain or sleet. whats the best way to remove ice thats frozen to paint and windows. i only use the scrapper for the windows and normally leave the ice on the paint to melt. sometimes i cant help but like to remove the ice in huge sheets off the car,when ice falls off paint does it scratch??

02-13-2008, 03:41 AM
we`ve all gone through the same situation.

What about those of us in Florida? :D

02-13-2008, 04:13 AM
we`ve all gone through the same situation. having the car sit exposed to freezing rain or sleet. whats the best way to remove ice thats frozen to paint and windows. i only use the scrapper for the windows and normally leave the ice on the paint to melt. sometimes i cant help but like to remove the ice in huge sheets off the car,when ice falls off paint does it scratch??

Yes it can scratch if there is dirt in the ice. It can also scratch windows with a scraper, don`t ask me how i know. For snow i try and leave a small layer on the car or wipe off at a 45% or less angle, and hope for the best.

02-13-2008, 04:17 AM
What about those of us in Florida? :D


tonight we were blasted with 2 inches of snow followed by a nice coat of sleet then topped off with some rain.

02-14-2008, 01:18 AM

tonight we were blasted with 2 inches of snow followed by a nice coat of sleet then topped off with some rain.

We had some bad weather, but certainly nothing like that. :D

02-14-2008, 07:01 AM
Surely the best way to clean off solid ice would be to melt it?

I`d look at a high pressure washer that is HOT!!!

then start high pressure washing the car with 80 degree water and the ice will melt pretty quick.

No need to worry about the panels going from cold to hot either. The ice will melt over a couple minutes so the temperature change will be quite gradual.

I dont have to worry about ice/snow where i live though.

02-14-2008, 07:16 AM
What about those of us in Florida? :D

Man it was 32 in Jax this morning!! I had ice on my car. I did not know what to do. I do have an ice scraper, but I know that I would scratch my windshield.

I simply poured a bucket of cold water (60degrees) and turned my fogger up to 80 degrees and watch it defrost. I was late to work about 5 mins doing this!!

I would not have this problem if my car was washed and had the car cover on.

02-14-2008, 11:55 AM
I just leave it on the paint and scrape the windows. Never had a problem with scratching glass.

02-14-2008, 12:37 PM
Surely the best way to clean off solid ice would be to melt it?

I`d look at a high pressure washer that is HOT!!!

then start high pressure washing the car with 80 degree water and the ice will melt pretty quick.

No need to worry about the panels going from cold to hot either. The ice will melt over a couple minutes so the temperature change will be quite gradual.

I dont have to worry about ice/snow where i live though.

Just need to worry about adding a nice sheet of ice on your driveway from all the water you just sprayed everywhere.

02-14-2008, 12:41 PM
Bucket or jug of HOT tap water... I`m from Wisconsin .. went to school in Minneapolis .. lived in Chicago, Toronto and Boston. Have been throwing hot water on my windshields and side windows for 30yrs.. (would not kick-a-snake by doing it -10below)

Most people get all nervous seeing you do it, but just this morning we had freezing rain last night here in MD with about 1" of snow for a topper. Took a gallon of hot water to clean the windshield. ...no scrapping or looking thru teeny holes. Most of the schlubs around here don`t bother to do anything?! ...goes with their non-use of a turn signal.

j i m

02-14-2008, 01:00 PM
crank and turn on defrosters previous night let idle....

No ice build up:D

02-14-2008, 03:40 PM
Man it was 32 in Jax this morning!!

Yeah, it was about that cold here in Gainesville last night. How are we supposed to know what to do in all this cold weather?!

02-14-2008, 03:57 PM
I feel the best thing to do is leave it. Hopefully it melts off when it gets above freezing and doesn`t slide off. One thing about living in the climates like this is that you can just about guarantee you`ll be doing a polish on your car come Spring.

One thing I would not do is toss hot or warm water on it. Glass usually doesn`t like going from 0 degrees to hot instantly. Very good chance you would shatter or crack the glass.

02-14-2008, 04:01 PM
Ground crew with deicing fluid, 2nd flight officer who all get up before you do in order to warm er up and roll er out to the takeoff queue before you even finish your shower.

Note: I have never had hot water crack any of my windows (tempered auto glass resists such shenanigans) but I have had it progress existing cracks. It`s always safest to use MORE water rather than hotter water, only as warm as you need it to be. Run wipers to clear windows before water can refreeze.

02-14-2008, 04:10 PM
I feel the best thing to do is leave it. Hopefully it melts off when it gets above freezing and doesn`t slide off. One thing about living in the climates like this is that you can just about guarantee you`ll be doing a polish on your car come Spring.

Ya what Bob said!

I have a detached garage that normally stays above freezing so it melts off every night.