View Full Version : NXT 2.0 Paste Clearanced at Target

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02-06-2008, 06:14 PM
Just wanted to give a friendly heads up fellow OTC shoppers...

I was at one of my local (San Jose, CA) Targets and I noticed that they had the the NXT Paste Wax Version 2.0 in stock! Happy Happy Joy Joy right? I grab one to purchase and I notice a red clearance sticker on the front and the price was marked down to $11.18! This can`t be, so off to the price scanner to verify and sure enough, BAAAAM... $11.18! Happier Happier Joy-er Joy-er!

This has to be some sort of mistake and is probably limited to the store I visited, but it`s in their price system as $11.18. Just a heads up y`all...


02-06-2008, 07:24 PM
i was there today and it definately was regular price at mine. I have liquid anyways :)

02-07-2008, 10:36 AM
I`m thinking this was a mistake by someone. The regular NTX paste is 50% at my local Targets. You got lucky! I have not even seen the 2.0 paste around here yet.

02-07-2008, 01:30 PM
ive only seen regular NXT here as well, was in target last night. Didn`t know a 2.0 even existed till i came on here haha. Reg. stuff worked well for me when i used it!

02-07-2008, 02:39 PM
i was there today and it definately was regular price at mine. I have liquid anyways :)

I made a trip to Target to check too. :grinno:

02-07-2008, 04:22 PM
I made a trip to Target to check too. :grinno:

Well I had to get MF`s there :)

FYI wal-mart on Archer has lambswool wash mits for like $2.00 there.

I cant remember if either place has the 2.0 liquid, but I know Advance does on University

02-07-2008, 08:28 PM
i picked up 6 cans for 7.98...

i think it was an accident too...

02-07-2008, 08:35 PM
Thanks for the heads-up! Which Target store in San Jose had them at the lower price?

02-08-2008, 01:23 AM
Well I had to get MF`s there :)

FYI wal-mart on Archer has lambswool wash mits for like $2.00 there.

I cant remember if either place has the 2.0 liquid, but I know Advance does on University

I almost picked up a 12 pack of the Vroom oranges myself.

I went to Wal Mart first and did see the Eurow mitts on sale. I might go back and pick up a few. I returned some scratch X and other stuff I was never going to use for some store credit.

Wal Mart has also stocked 2.0 for a while, as well as Target I do believe. I have started to see the 2.0 just about everywhere NXT is sold.

02-08-2008, 11:00 AM
Wal Mart has also stocked 2.0 for a while, as well as Target I do believe. I have started to see the 2.0 just about everywhere NXT is sold.

Yea, my walmart has tons of NXT2.0 and UQD. Stupid thing is, they have NXTv1 and NXT2.0 on the same shelf in the same place. If someone didnt know any better they would pick up the old nxt.

02-08-2008, 11:42 AM
Thanks for the heads-up! Which Target store in San Jose had them at the lower price?

The Target I visited is off of Montague Expressway and the 680 freeway (Landess Avenue to be more precise). It`s on the border of Milpitas and San Jose, but it`s "technically" in San Jose. When I made my purchase, there were at least two more.

Happy Hunting,


02-11-2008, 03:54 PM
just bought 4 nxt2.0 for 7.58 each at target

02-20-2008, 09:41 PM
On clearance here also (Massoponax, VA) Super Target. Although I am not sure why. (NXT 2.0 Paste) :think:

I picked one up for $7.98. They had 4 left. I am running out of room in my garage.

02-21-2008, 02:26 AM
On clearance here also (Massoponax, VA) Super Target. Although I am not sure why. (NXT 2.0 Paste) :think:

I picked one up for $7.98. They had 4 left. I am running out of room in my garage.

I think I may know what`s going on...

I recently visited another local Target and they had the NXT paste wax on clearance. However, this was only on the ORIGINAL version of NXT. I don`t think Target differentiates between the two different versions, or rather the "employees" don`t differentiate. On pure speculation, the Target employee just probably sees "NXT Paste Wax" and places it on clearance regardless the version.

Just my observation,


02-21-2008, 10:41 AM
i was in the target too yesterday. they had a whole bunch. i didn`t buy any.. haha..