View Full Version : Dawn only washes

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02-06-2008, 11:40 AM
Would they be better or worse than nothing at all?

On a side note, do any of you repair windshields as part of your profession?

tom p.
02-06-2008, 11:49 AM
Would they be better or worse than nothing at all?

On a side note, do any of you repair windshields as part of your profession?

$20- wash and dry, interior wipedown and vacuum

$40- tires and wheels and trim protectant

$60- one coat of wax

$80- two coats of wax

$100- interior w/protectant and glass

Hey all. I just got excited when I finally applied a non-cleaner wax over a cleaner wax.

Now if I could find a way to remove micro swirls (what notation goes here) I might just be in business. Oh yeah, I`m no good at carpet cleaning either

You have the most curious posts of anybody here...and I`m being polite. You never acknowledge other folks when they take the time to reply. :down

Are you preparing for a shilling attack?

02-06-2008, 12:12 PM
DO you mean only washing with Dawn? If so, then dont bother unless you`re going to seal the car after. If you`re not to seal the car after the dawn wash, well, ...

02-06-2008, 05:06 PM
dish soap = bad for cars.

02-06-2008, 05:08 PM
dish soap = bad for cars.

^^^this post = can of worms :geez

02-06-2008, 07:04 PM

I`m not sure why you would want to do that anyways. Autozone sells car wash that is probably cheaper than Dawn.

02-06-2008, 07:14 PM
I would suggest calling the Customer Care Line of the company that makes Dawn. They should be able to help you.

Setec Astronomy
02-06-2008, 07:27 PM
Would they be better or worse than nothing at all?

Washing your car is better than not washing it. Dawn is not evil.

dish soap = bad for cars.

Dish soap = ok for hands? Madge used to soak her manicure client`s hands in Palmolive. Is dish soap more likely to strip wax than car wash soap? Maybe, but the question from the OP is whether a Dawn wash is better than no wash at all, to which I would have to say emphatically yes.

As far as Dawn destroying rubber, etc., I cleaned my tires with Hi-Temp tire cleaner and half destroyed them, while Dawn did basically nothing to them (including not cleaning them very well).

As we do in every Dawn thread, let`s go through the "Dawn is a degreaser, they use it to clean up crude oil from ducklings!" Well, they use Dawn BECAUSE IT`S SAFE FOR THE DUCKLINGS. I`m quite sure that a chlorinated, HCFC, or ketone-based solvent would be more effective at removing crude oil from a duckling, but it would also be more effective at removing the duckling`s vital signs. P&G doesn`t want you to wash your car with Dawn because the customer service people there at the 800-number don`t have time to answer your car cleaning questions because they are too busy telling people how to degrease their ducks.

02-06-2008, 07:36 PM
Right on Setec - I agree, my doctor told my teenage daughter that Dawn was safe enough for her face (she got her old man`s oily skin) and guess what - it was. I don`t know why so many people get their panties in a wad over Dawn. If you`re happy with it and it works, screw what the "experts" say, it ain`t their car. I don`t think there`s anyone here that lets too much time slip without applying the current flavor of the month wax or sealer. I take that back, I do know at least one...

02-06-2008, 10:50 PM
Lol. It may be better than nothing but like someone said there is carwash soaps out there that you can get for like 8 bucks a gallon or something along those lines... and its concentrated so it will last you a good amount of time. Check pep boys or autozone out. Good luck!

02-06-2008, 11:08 PM
Dawn is for dishes, although I do use Dawn Power Disslover for washing pads.

02-06-2008, 11:17 PM
FYI, Cannondale (a bicycle mfr.) says to use only blue liquid Dawn to clean disc brake rotors as it does not leave any residue behind.

02-07-2008, 02:18 PM
Gee, now *why* would a manufacturer in our litigious society nay-say some outside-the-box use for their product? In case the rhetorical nature of that isn`t obvious, the answer in this case is that it`s cheaper to say "don`t do it" and lose the minuscule carwashing-use sales than it is to fight *one* lawsuit from some weirdo. I bet they only condone the duck-washing because of all the warm/fuzzy PR it brings them (and, well, wildlife usually doesn`t sue ya, especially if you save its life).

... I don`t know why so many people get their panties in a wad over Dawn. If you`re happy with it and it works, screw what the "experts" say, it ain`t their car...

Heh heh, this topic just keep coming back huh? Anybody who`s ever used something like AutoInt`s "A" is gonna :rolleyes: about the supposed harshness of Dawn. Not surprised you daughter could wash her face with it, it sure doesn`t dry out *my* skin as badly as many "normal" soaps do.

..I don`t think there`s anyone here that lets too much time slip without applying the current flavor of the month wax or sealer. I take that back, I do know at least one...

Heh heh, that`s the part that *realy* got me to post on this thread (wasn`t gonna touch another Dawn thread..); as they say, "I resemble that remark" :chuckle:

02-07-2008, 03:29 PM
Gosh, you were the last person I would think let a month go by without something, little detail spray after a wash maybe? or some AW?

02-07-2008, 03:41 PM
My dad has always used dawn, once a week in the summer and maybe once a month in the winter. His car is polished and waxed once or twice a year. I used to wash my truck with dawn from `88 to `94 and have never seen any sign of damage ever. I polish my dads van at least once a year and haven`t seen anything out of the ordinary due to his dawn washes and I bet if I lined it up next to another vehicle washed with car soap nobody else could either.