View Full Version : Duragloss FC & Zaino Z6 - Same Product????

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01-23-2008, 12:52 PM
I have seen AW and Z8 metioned as products that are very similar in texture and function. Well, maybe this was also mentioned before also, but after coming in from doing a quick detail, Duragloss FC (#921 and #931) have to be the same product as Z6. They smell exactly alike, they have the same texture, same color, and they give the same results. The similarities are incrediable. I am convinced the products are the same. ;)

All you Zaino maniacs hold on to your seat, but could Sal be relabeling Duragloss AW and FC? We always talk about CG relabels.

:hm Something to think about, but if true it means little in the grand scheme of things.

01-23-2008, 01:08 PM
I find a lot of similarities between the two lines, only DG is significantly cheaper for my wallet, and I still get the same great results that I expect.

Yep, FC&S functions just like Z6 to me. Are they the same or from the same base chemical? Who knows. AW performs awefully close to Z8 also IMO, only maybe slightly diluted. Other similarities also exist IMO. The car wash, while different color and smell, is also a lot like Z7 to me (same concentration, cleaning power, suds, adds extra polymer to the paint, etc). The leather products between both companies are indistinguishable from smell, at least to me, and work about the same. I find the DG sealant 105 to work similar to Z5. I could keep going... So, they do seem pretty close, but who knows if they are based from similar products. All I know is that the end results I get from from DG are within fractions of the results I used to get with the Z line, so I simply choose the cheaper and easier to obtain (locally) alternative. :) If both lines were equal on a cost basis, I`d probably go back to Zaino because I think updates are more frequent with that line.



01-23-2008, 01:08 PM
isn`t FC&S pink and Z6 purple?

I have all 4 products, and as far as AW and Z8 goes, they are very different.

01-23-2008, 01:13 PM
Z6 had a color change not too long ago also...wonder why? Who cares what color it is? What color was the older Z6? Personally, I just don`t see how AW and Z8 are "very different." Maybe Z8 adds a tad more wetness/gloss, but they both look great and last about as long as each other, but not enough to make them radically different products IMO.

Regardless of the whole DG vs Zaino thing, remember that color and smell are probably the two easiest things to change about products.

01-23-2008, 01:24 PM
It`s not difficult to change a product`s scent and color.

When it comes to quick detailers, to be honest, theres only about 10 different combinations within reason one can make.

Most contain Polydimethysiloxane Cut about 55:1 Water:Silicone. With some form of stabilizing liquid, and a small amount of other silicones with various properties. I.e. anti static, hydrophobic additives etc.

Setec Astronomy
01-23-2008, 02:23 PM
I think you`re out of your mind. Sal has his own manufacturing facility where he makes his own base chemicals from the roots of exotic plants and the pelts of small animals, as well as distilling the finest petroleum.

When I get a chance I`m going to drive down to the Zaino World Headquarters and see if I can get a tour and some pics of the plant. Of course, it`s possible that the manufacturing facility isn`t co-located with the World Headquarters here in NJ, it could be down in the Carolinas or something....

01-23-2008, 02:32 PM
Last time I was at my local auto parts place buying DG105, the manager told me that back in the 70`s, a guy from DuraGloss showed up at his store one day, and was selling DG products out of the trunk of his car. He said that`s how he got started carrying them. I thought that was interesting.

01-23-2008, 02:38 PM
Why don`t you e-mail Sal and ask him. You`re not the first to make such assumptions.

01-23-2008, 02:41 PM
Of course, it`s possible that the manufacturing facility isn`t co-located with the World Headquarters here in NJ, it could be down in the Carolinas or something....http://members.cox.net/sborders/keyboard.jpg

You owe me a new one. :D


01-23-2008, 02:43 PM
I think you`re out of your mind. Sal has his own manufacturing facility where he makes his own base chemicals from the roots of exotic plants and the pelts of small animals, as well as distilling the finest petroleum.

When I get a chance I`m going to drive down to the Zaino World Headquarters and see if I can get a tour and some pics of the plant. Of course, it`s possible that the manufacturing facility isn`t co-located with the World Headquarters here in NJ, it could be down in the Carolinas or something....

....:rofl :rofl .....That`s off the Heeezzee....

01-23-2008, 02:47 PM
Correct me if I`m wrong, isn`t duragloss manufactured by Brothers Research......Zaino Brothers....

However, I havent come to this conclusion and I own both Zaino and DG, the entire paint care line of DG and all Z products.

One thing for sure, 105 or 111 are nowhere near similar to Z2 or Z5.

01-23-2008, 02:52 PM
105 definitely reminds me of Z5 every time I use it, but 111 seems more like Z2 from several generations ago....hence not at all like the current Z2. Anyone remember Z2 from, say, 5-10 yrs ago? Older generations of Z2 used to be criticized for looking sterile, silvery, and kinda plasticky, lacking depth. I still see these qualities to a degree in 111, and the current Z2 is far better than 111, IMO. I do agree that the current Z2 and 111 are not alike. I guess that`s why I prefer 105...seems to be based from newer technologies and I like the looks better than 111.

Regardless of whether they are similar or not, Zaino does get more frequent updates/upgrades it seems than the DG products.

01-23-2008, 02:55 PM
Very interesting post....

01-23-2008, 02:56 PM
Turtle wax paste reminds me of Vintage.

01-23-2008, 04:06 PM
Gentlemen... Gentlemen.. :cooleek: These Zaino discussions always get so heated....:angry

All that I am saying is that the similarities (between FCS and Z6) are incredibly close.... Of course you can disagree, this is America. ;) . I just wanted to get everyone else`s take on it. I love Zaino and I love Duragloss.

As far as writing Sal, I am not so sure that he would give me a honest answer about it. Not that he is in any way dishonest, but if it is trade secret information, then it really would be "non of my business". I know personally that if I had a relabeled product, I would try to keep it secret, if I could. That to me is just good business sense.

:eek: Setec has to go get Tort a new keyboard.:) I never meant for things to get this out of hand. :laugh: