View Full Version : Interesting read re: TW history

01-17-2008, 03:21 AM
Turtle Wax, Inc. - Company Profile, Information, Business Description, History, Background Information on Turtle Wax, Inc. (http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/history2/15/Turtle-Wax-Inc.html)

01-17-2008, 06:38 AM
It`s an old article, but a pretty interesting read.

imported_Detailing Technology
01-17-2008, 07:44 AM
The entire story reads like the typical, I am going to blow my own horn because the SEC and the Fed arent up my a$$ for the truth because I am privately held, story.

This in particular seemed to me that it would appeal to Autopia:

"The company teamed up with Chuck Bennett, maker of Zymol Natural Liquid Auto Polish, to offer the pricey polish ($20 a bottle) to the mass market. The polish contained coconut and banana oils, almond paste and aloe, and a touch of vitamin E."


The JSATEK Story:

My father, a bookie back in 1969, found a loser of a degerate gambler that owned a Cadillac / Oldsmobile dealership in NY state. The kind man he was, my father would front the cash for many of this losers bets so the losers family would not find out the was losing nearly 6 figures per year on bad baseball and football bets. After a few spikes of ups and downs, everyone in our immediate and secondary family had a brand new Cadillac as good faith payments on the bad debt. Finally, the poor partner of the dealership had to tell his partner brother and wife that he gambled away the entire store. The papers were signed and a new era began. My father retired his lead pipe and 4 televisions and became a franchise owner. In 2000, the year the store was sold, the annual revenue was $50 million dollars and steadily employed 60 people. Since that sale, the store has changed hands two times. No one can make a profit at the location any longer. The American dream was lived out. Today, after a stroke at 51 and continual debilitating heart problems, my father sits back in his Connecticut home with his third family.