View Full Version : ETG for Aluminum Panels?

01-11-2008, 06:05 PM
I`ve seen threads that mentioned a number of ETGs that`ll work on ferrous/non panels. Does anybody have first-hand experience with the use of these on aluminum panels?

My next beater project is a `00 Audi A8 that is just *trashed*...and I saw the rotary (with an incredibly filthy wool pad) that inflicted the damage..it was lying on a dirty concrete floor when I went nosing around the seller`s shop and no, it wasn`t lying there face-up :rolleyes: I have a while before I`ll be starting on this, but I`m already wondering if there`s much clear left to work with :think:

I`m not gonna spend a fortune for a one-time-use deal, but if anyone has experience with this sort of thing I`d at least like to check out a nonferrous ETG that`s known to work well. Depending on the cost I just might spring for one, what with all the D2-series Audis I`m, uhm, accumulating :o

Greg Nichols
01-11-2008, 06:07 PM
You might want to look into the Phase II, I looked into the ETG2 and shocked at the price. I think the Phase II might be a better choice?



01-12-2008, 01:59 PM
Greg Nichols- Who makes those? Sorry...but if you can save me a(nother) search I`d sure appreciate it.

Yeah, the prices of the ones I looked at the last time I considered this put me off...I`ll hardly *ever* use the thing.

Greg Nichols
01-14-2008, 12:21 PM
You might want to look into the Phase II, I looked into the ETG2 and shocked at the price. I think the Phase II might be a better choice?




Try this Coating Paint Thickness Gauges (http://www.phase2plus.com/coating-thickness/ptg-3500.htm) I called the company and asked some questions they told me to buy them from a guy in Las Vegas gaging.com Coating Thickness Gages from Phase 2+ & Gaging.com (http://www.gaging.com/phase1.htm) They said he sells them the cheapest of anyone!

Hope this helps.



01-14-2008, 01:40 PM
Greg Nichols- Thanks, yeah, I`d sorta settled on the Phase II 3500 and that`s cheaper than any other price I`ve found. Now I just gotta decide how badly I *really* need the thing :think:

Greg Nichols
01-14-2008, 01:48 PM
I think I need it for three reasons:

I end up doing dealership cars that are hacked, I want the comfort of knowing how much paint is there to work with after such a hack job. I burned the paint of one with a foam pad and IP in only two passes, that cost me!

I also do very expensive cars where I use it to show the owner the amount of paint, and the condition they find this comforting to know......a level of marketing.

Lastly, I want to use it to find out which techniques (polishes/pad combos) do what to the paint.

03-11-2008, 06:31 PM
Yeah, you oughta get one. Wish I`d had mine before I went for near-perfection on the roof of the M3. Didn`t burn/cut through, but I did thin it too much...woulda been better to have the marring.

Still waiting for PhaseII to get mine back to me...