View Full Version : hello! another newb to detail city

07-13-2005, 12:34 AM
hello everyone,

Im pretty new to the whole detailing scene. Ive got white 94 mustang with decent paint but it does have swirl marks which are really apparent under any sort of direct light. Currently i use gold class shampoo, mothers clay, nu finish polish, gold class wax. and for the swirls i use scratchx. I ve been lookng around on teh site and many if not all the products people use are totally new to me. Im not looking to spend a ton of money but i will buy a pc 7424 later on this summer. I want to take out all of the swirl marks and blemishes in the paint. Basically i just want to be steered into the right direction, so any suggestions would be appreciated.

07-13-2005, 01:56 AM
Hi there! I`m sure that you will get great advice from everyone here at Detail City. Welcome! :welcome