View Full Version : What is the latest on "LOST"?

12-30-2007, 04:25 AM
I`d like to catch up on the TV show "LOST", I wasn`t able to keep up with it the last season, and I see that it will be coming back soon.

I`ve seen some websites and forums, so I can catch up on what happened each episode.

What I`d really like to know is, what is the prevailing theory on what is REALLY going on. Is it Purgatory, a dream, an experiment? What`s the "big picture"? Why are all these people connected, who are The Other`s and why were they living in that normal little village?

If explaining this to me is too much, does anyone know where I can find some answers? About a year and half ago, I remember the magazine "Entertainment Weekly" tried to explain everything up to that point, along with the current theories by each of their writers, that helped alot at the time, but much has happened since then.

Thanks for any help!

12-31-2007, 12:04 PM
I don`t think people care at this point. The show has been losing viewers since after the first season. We still watch it. My wife likes it. I got fed up with it awhile ago. It`s like they make cr#p up as they go along. I think there are 2-3 small seasons remaining, then it`s over for good. I think 2010 is the last season?

12-31-2007, 08:25 PM
I guess that`s me too, kinda "lost" interest.....but with the writer`s strike continuing, even the half way decent new shows are going to be at premium. A crappy LOST episode is sadly still better than most others. Although now due to the strike, I`m looking around for other good shows that have been around a while and are worth catching up on...my latest find is "Boston Legal", man, have I been missing out, that is some funny stuff!!!

12-31-2007, 08:53 PM
I think most people who watch Lost are still "lost". Your best bet is to rent the latest season on DVD or if you don`t mind downloading illegally, try to download it on torrent.

IIRC, the writers of the show confirmed that they are not in purgatory like many were speculating. Also, last season for the first time we got a "flash forward" instead of the usual flashback that we see as side-stories. It`s been awhile since I watched the show, but I can tell you that they eventually get rescued and back at home, but Jack wants to go back to the island for some reason.

While I prefer to watch shows on Nat Geo, Science Channel, or Discovery, I have to admit that some of the shows released within the past few years have had phenomenal story writing. Lost is confusing at times, but I especially love how they are able to weave the all the little side-stories together. You can watch one episode and it doesn`t make sense, but then at the end of the season everything finally ties together. Also, there are a lot of hidden details in the show that most people don`t catch until we`re told about it.

Another really good show with excellent storylines is Heroes. It reminds me of Lost because of the vast amount of characters, but it`s not as confusing. Heroes is a million times better than any big blockbuster X-men movie will ever be. Better special effects, better acting, and a better storyline. I`ve quit paying to see Xmen at the theaters because they always suck after the opening scene.