View Full Version : For The Street Fighter Fan

12-27-2007, 09:35 PM
Street Fighter IV! This brings back memories of pulling off my first handcuff freeze with Guile on the original SF2. I don`t really game anymore, but I miss the old days of waiting in line to play at the arcade on games like SF2 and MK2.

Arcades will probably never be the same, but the thought of whooping @ss at home against another "live" player gets me excited!

Here`s the story:

Street Fighter IV Unveiled news from 1UP.com (http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3164756)



SFIV Trailer (let it load or buffer as it`s higher quality than most YouTube videos):

YouTube - Street Fighter 4 Trailer - HD (http://youtube.com/watch?v=t9SsEjckMGM&feature=related)

12-28-2007, 12:14 AM
Whoa....I remember the 1st Street Fighter console game back in the year....let`s see, was it 1991, or 1992? I was 14 - 15 then!

12-28-2007, 04:24 AM
The first console version of SF2 came to the SNES in 1992. I was just 12 at the time and I remembered begging my parents to buy it for me the 1st day. At that age, I never realized how spoiled I was. IIRC, that game set them back $89.99 plus tax as I vaguely remember it costing more than $95. Games don`t even cost more than $60 now in 2007! I`m having a tough time deciding if I want a next-gen system or not as I don`t even want to pay $60 for these games, let alone almost $100.

What sucked even more was not long after I got SF2 for the SNES, our home was burglarized and my SNES, Sega Genesis, and the hundreds of dollars worth of games were all stolen and never recovered. My parents got us another Sega Genesis and eventually I asked (and got) SF2: Special Championship Edition which cost $60 plus tax.

The things that parents will sacrifice for their kids, only to never be fully appreciated until their kids are adults.

12-28-2007, 06:25 PM
The things that parents will sacrifice for their kids, only to never be fully appreciated until their kids are adults.

Nicely said!

You and I are the same age and I have the same fond memories of arcades and sleeping over at friends houses playing video games all night. I came upon that same realization a few years ago. I bought my parents a nice anniversary gift, apologized for being such a "difficult" kid, and thanked them for being great parents.

My mom said grand-kids make it all worth it. :nervous: