View Full Version : Please help with smelly apt.

07-11-2005, 12:29 PM
Ok dont laugh, but, Ive been seeing a girl for awhile now that I really like. BUT, her apt that she lives in used to be occupied by her mom. My girl works all the time, so dosnt seem to be able to get her place cleaned up. Im O/C about cleanness and everytime I go over there thats all I can think about. LOL. The smell is a mixture of pet odor and cigerette smoke. I dont want to get rid of her over the smelly house. She must know that there is the problem, but, I dont think she knows how to get rid of it. What steps would you guys take to attempt to remove the smell from a home? Tips ranging from vaccuming with a deodorizer to ripping up the carpet and repainting the walls? All ideas will be appreciated. I know someone on here has battled this problem before. Help me so I can go over there and hook this place up. Thanks!!!

07-11-2005, 12:36 PM
I had a smilair problem with a house that I rented.........Remove the drapes and have them dry cleaned.........I brought a room defogger that neturalize the smell you can get one on line........Repianting would be the real solution, but you can clean the walls with a mild APC...even the ceiling........Then have the carpets cleaned and that should do it....it did for me....Good Luck

07-11-2005, 03:05 PM
Yup, what beemer said. Try not to mask any odors, but remove them by a good cleaning. The more plush the carpet/drapes are, the harder it is to get the smell out. If a cat or dog pissed on the carpet, replace it if you can. Sometimes the smell will never come all the way out. I used a product once called Atmosklear that somehow added an atom to the air molecule and changed the chemical structure of it so the smell was still there, but you just could not detect it. It worked wonders in chiken factorys by fogging the air periodically. The chikens could no longer smell the amonia in the air and produced about 50% more eggs. It worked well when I used, but it didn`t fix everything. Also, make sure to dust everything and pick up any clutter. Fresh air is a good thing too :bigups


07-11-2005, 11:37 PM
I have an odor fogger from Top of the Line and it works great. It comes with everything you need to remove all odors. There`s actually a technique to removing house odors compaired to car odors. It`s a little pricey but not enough that it`s worth losing a girl over.

07-12-2005, 12:16 AM
Chances are that the carpet and padding is heavily contaminated with smoke, animal waste, and plenty of dander. Order foggers, bombs, and ozone generators will make a pretty good difference, but nothing short of pulling the carpet/padding will completely rid the apt of the left-over smell. I`d try my best to remove as much as I could, but in the end you just have to realize that you can only do so much.

07-12-2005, 12:48 PM
I never thought to clean the ceiling. Ill probably end up using GP with my wool mitt on an extension pole. LOL. I have lots of car cleaning supplys, but, limited house cleaning supplys( I use wheel acid to clean my oven). LOL. I havent bought an extractor yet, so I would more than likely, have a pro carpet cleaner come over, or rent a carpet cleaner. Are the rental cleaners a waste of money? I can most likely get my friends dad to give me a good price on the pro cleaning truck treatment( he does it professionally). How do they quote their prices, by the SQ ft. I assume. Thanks for the sarcasm free responses.LOL