View Full Version : Jetseal Vs Collinite - 12 Week Update - Winner?

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12-23-2007, 08:29 AM
Finally got the opportunity to do a proper long term test, so I thought I`d choose to base it on durability. The 2 LSP`s I`ve chosen to test are Collinite 476s and the famed CG Jetseal.

I started it on a level playing field by machine polishing the bonnet of the ExecuVan, or Renault Kangoo as some people call it.

The bonnet was washed, clayed and then PC`d, removing all swirls and contaminants.


Thankfully the boffins at Renault graced it with a crease down the middle of the bonnet, making a comparison pretty simple to do.

Both products were applied by following the instructions very specifically for each wax/sealant.


To look at it there was no visible difference, as you`d expect really. Over the coming weeks and months I`ll keep a record of how each is progressing, probably posting an update every couple of weeks or so.

The van does around 200 miles a week so it should test both of them nicely. No TFR or harsh products will be used when cleaning the van.






I`ll keep you posted!

One more thing! All pictures were taken with the Nokia N95 Phone! Quite impressive I think!


2 Weeks On

Well after heavy rain I went out and took these pictures. The van hasn`t being touched since I started this 2 weeks ago.

There`s a little bit of a difference, the jetseal seems to have more water/beads on than the Collinite.

I`ll leave it for you to judge.




12 Weeks On

Well it`s being a while since I updated this so sorry about that one.

The vans not being washed for nearly 2 months (shame on me!) so both products have had a big job to do. Washed again with snowfoam and a mitt, nothing else.

The left side of the bonnet is Collinite and the right is Jetseal.

After cleaning I sprayed the bonnet from a few metres away with the jetwash to see what the beedings like. The beeding and water fall off is still pretty impressive for the collinite yet the jetseal seems to have reduced quite a bit. Perhaps its what the Jetseal was sat on as some have mentioned?






Collinite on the left, Jetseal on the right.

12-23-2007, 09:24 AM
Hi Arandy!

Thanks for the update. I have put 109 x2 sample over CG EZ-G after polishing with 4*SMR on one of our work Volvos. I had similar results to you. A good start, a decent mid range but little beading as the product aged in to double figures. Its a 10 week product, bathed in release hype, enough said.

I personally dident think M-Seal etc was that bad and they were under rated, this is over rated. Though i note on DW many of is early supporters are now a little less enthusiast about it.

My Carlack with CZ-G between each 2 layers is sitll repeling water efficently in week 14!


12-23-2007, 10:22 AM
No contest - Jetseal pretty much got owned by Collinite. I also noticed the Collinite

reflections were cleaner with more detail.

Thanks for taking the time to do the test.


12-23-2007, 10:24 AM
another overhyped CG product? that can`t be possible! (insert sarcasm)

12-23-2007, 10:53 AM
Nice Review! Looks like Collinite is the definitive winner in this comparison.

Because Collinite is the go-to winter protection LSP, I would like to see 476 vs 845 comparison.


12-23-2007, 12:55 PM
Collinite 476s boasts 1 full year of protection (what is the reality/hype?), while I see no claim by CG. I was also wondering if you applied 2 coats of Jetseal like they recommend? Cool Job

12-23-2007, 01:02 PM
Nice Review! Looks like Collinite is the definitive winner in this comparison.

Because Collinite is the go-to winter protection LSP, I would like to see 476 vs 845 comparison.


I used Collinite for years no wax or most sealants don`t last as long as 476S.

845 is a excellent wax but 476s is tops for durability for me.

Cleaning Fool
12-23-2007, 01:04 PM
Thx for the time to test. Goes to show you that higher price tags doesn`t always equal better. Sorry, I don`t buy the 2 application argument at all.

12-23-2007, 02:02 PM
I used two coats, helps to ensure you get everywhere too!

Black Elentra.../:LOLOL

AboveClean: Welcome to the forum, 109 was much hyped and all the back handers who got it had it out there as the best thing ever. Many proclaimed how great it was on wheels, but then again a 10 other sealants are too. Its in many way an urban legend, short of a CG claim that is being put to test buddy. But 109 is sold as a high gloss long life sealant. Not as long life as Zaino though.

A sales quote from the UK supplier: "An ultra WET-SHINE high-gloss long life sealant available exclusively through Clean and Shiny. Jetseal109â„¢ is a unique anti-corrosion sealant developed to provide the finest protection available for paint, fiberglass, aluminum, chrome, alloy metals, and other substrates. Developed exclusively for the aerospace industry, JETSEAL109â„¢ was developed to provide the ultimate protection from the harshest environmental elements".


12-23-2007, 02:06 PM
great comparison, thank you very much for your time.

JS, considering all the hype and praise, was a hugh disappointment for me.

12-23-2007, 02:17 PM
Taking everything into consideration, that is still very impressive by 476s:up

12-23-2007, 02:46 PM
Personally i would advise not getting 476s but going with FLEETWAX 885, you get more for your money and its the same stuff :up

12-23-2007, 02:48 PM
great comparison, thank you very much for your time.

JS, considering all the hype and praise, was a hugh disappointment for me.

There are some good products in the CG line up. But a side from poor labling and useless discriptions and lots of hype there are lot of so-so products where you would be better off buying stuff from other brands.

12-23-2007, 03:00 PM
Collinite 476s boasts 1 full year of protection (what is the reality/hype?), while I see no claim by CG. I was also wondering if you applied 2 coats of Jetseal like they recommend? Cool Job

Yep, 2 coats! :)

12-23-2007, 03:04 PM
Yep, 2 coats! :)

Sweet! You saved me from purchasing JetSeal because I was looking into it.