View Full Version : Web Site Building for Detailing?

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12-10-2007, 08:51 AM
I`m currently creating a website for my business and wanted to know what/who you guys used to create your sites? Some of them are very user friendly and marketable too. If you could share any programs you used, I would GREATLY appreciate it! Thanks guys!

12-10-2007, 09:11 AM
I currently use sitecube.com . However, in the past, I`ve used web.com and citymax.com in the past for this and other websites. Sitecube produces the coolest websites in my opinion, while web.com and citymax.com both produced very nice clean websites. All have templates that you can use to make your own website from, and all were easy enough for me to use, so I`m sure anyone else would be able to handle them as well. It all depends on what you want. There are cheaper hosting companies with templates, but these are the ones I liked best.

12-10-2007, 10:11 AM
Tripod.com for the website challenged LOL. It`s super simple easily customizable and dirt arse cheap. (for the pro package I pay like $8/month) Much nicer sites out there than mine but I don`t have all day to learn programming and I`m not about to pay some chucklehead $200+ a month to do it for me.

12-10-2007, 11:19 AM
Are you saying web guys are chuckleheads?

12-10-2007, 01:47 PM
Are you saying web guys are chuckleheads?

Term of endearment really ;) ie meaning... = Smarter than I at this sort of thing..

12-10-2007, 01:49 PM
thanks guys. is there anything that`s available and worthy that`s free or at a one time cost?

12-10-2007, 01:56 PM
thanks guys. is there anything that`s available and worthy that`s free or at a one time cost?

Not without a crap load of ad on banners and stuff that really take away from your overall site. Free sites just aren`t worth the hassel from everything I`ve personally seen.

12-10-2007, 06:06 PM
err... try Lowesthosting.com.... you have to build your own site, but you may find that a one time fee to a "chucklehead" and then this place is less expensive then an all in one service..

12-10-2007, 06:56 PM
since we`re on the topic of web site hosting and building...I`m using iWeb to attempt to build a site for my detailing services. Does anyone know of any hosts that can host my iWeb-built site? If I host on .Mac, they have a really long URL which obviously is not effective for marketing purposes.

12-12-2007, 06:47 PM
Hostgator is a good host. I host probably 5-6 sites with them, mainly forums. They should be fine for you, its around $7.50 to 10 a month, depending on the package and term you choose.

PM me if you want my referral link and coupon code to get $9.94 off the price.

12-18-2007, 10:25 PM
There are a few good hosting services for you to choose, just be advised that a few dollars saved may mean the difference of [good] customer support or not. Check out their contact or support page to see how you can contact them and any documentation they may provide.




+1 hostgator.com


Good luck.

imported_Tex Star Detail
12-18-2007, 11:13 PM
I use 1&1.com and like it. I`m not too computer smart, but I managed to pull together my site by myself. I recently upgraded my package, switched from Linux to MS Hosting and lost everything. Had to, still am, re-doing the site.

I have called customer service MANY, MANY times. The wait time was minimal and the support was awesome.

Just my experience.

12-19-2007, 12:01 AM
For free web hosting and design one you could try Freewebz.com, the same site as, i think, Freewebs.com. The only thing they ask, is to include a very small link to their site. You have to pay to remove the link and update the services.

For a small site it might be worth it.

But hosting is cheap nowadays, so it might be worth the cost if you plan on saying around for awhile. Web-Hosting-Reviews.ca (http://www.web-hosting-reviews.ca/iindex.shtml)

12-19-2007, 12:20 AM
just to update. I found an excellent host that I am going with right now: blackboxhq.ca

they do web development as well for those of you who are interested. Maybe when I have more $$$ I will get them to build me a site. For now iWeb will do me just fine :p

Edit: I do NOT recommend this company. Story here: ***BEWARE of BlackBox HQ!*** - what happened to my site - TorontoMazda3 (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=29645)

12-19-2007, 02:16 AM
I`m a chucklehead and this is what I would consider when building a detailer`s site:

Traffic Generation: What`s going to drive visitors to the site? Banner ads? Direct mail? Flyers? Word of mouth? How about email blasts to previous/current customers with special pricing/events?

Design for your market: Are you going to cater to the high-income, full-detail crowd or the larger wash & wax crowd? Knowing this will help you determine the right look & feel and language to use. Don`t assume you can`t change your market over time either. Plan to do at least a minor redesign in 2 to 3 years regardless.

Features: Are you going to offer anything for your existing customers, or is it just an informational site for potential customers? Some features to consider for your customers is the ability to schedule their appointment online. You could even go so far as to allow them to see their history with you including the date of their last appointment, the services rendered and products used. How about the ability to schedule a reminder email so they`re automatically notified when it`s time to make an appointment?

As math teachers are apt to say, "you gotta show your work": Put only your best details up. Impressive turnarounds and exotic cars are probably going to give you the most mileage. Don`t go crazy with the number of pics and make sure the gallery is easy to navigate.

Okay... I`m done.