View Full Version : Swissvax advice on a Porsche

12-10-2007, 04:19 AM
I currently have a jar of Swissvax Concorso and Mystery, and will be doing a Porsche in the coming month. My question for all the Swissvax users is, should I get a jar of Zuffenhausen instead of Concorso or Mystery because its made for Porsche paints? Or is Mystery better?

Thanks in advance.

12-10-2007, 04:42 AM
I think that is all marketing, you should go with Mystery seeing as it has a higher nuba count.

12-10-2007, 06:43 AM

The premium waxes that claim to be suited better to different cars are often modifications to what colour paints are more common or what type of looks suit them more.

I was lead to believe Ital was was for Italian cars mostly Ferarris but in a similar way alot of Itialian cars like Alphas and Fiats often come in sport bright, solid colours. Not always, but more often the not. So the benefits of the contents should enhance solid bright colours better, i think its the white nuba that is better for solids?

In a similar way the Glasur was suppose to enhance the curves and shapes the that are so common the Porsches by giving a wetter looking finish. I think Glasur contains more of certain oils.

Anyway, Zymol do not seem to push it like the above anymore, probably b/c you get every car in every colour. If your that mad about your car you will probably get it set up the way you like and they may involve custom paint jobs or resprays on damaged parts etc.

But im led to believe that is the theory.


12-10-2007, 08:38 AM
My suggestion is to use Mystery. The last time I bought a new car I called Zymol to see if they recommended that I buy Japon (it was a Japanese car). I told them I already had Concours, Atlantique, Destiny, and Vintage. They told me not to bother with Japon because the waxes I had would produce a higher level of shine.

12-10-2007, 09:53 AM
My suggestion is to use Mystery. The last time I bought a new car I called Zymol to see if they recommended that I buy Japon (it was a Japanese car). I told them I already had Concours, Atlantique, Destiny, and Vintage. They told me not to bother with Japon because the waxes I had would produce a higher level of shine.

So true! Im not saying you saying you should step down your waxes for one made or intended or marketed towards your car. Go with the "best" one and in the Zymol range that probably relates to the most expensive. LOL.

I have Destiny and its great, 2 applications 3 months out of outstanding looking protection. I acutally got Japon kit from ebay yesterday for half price, a different league to what we have mentioned but it will be fun to try!


12-10-2007, 09:59 AM
Go with the mystery. All of phils click and brags with porsches look incredible.