View Full Version : Is RMG pointless after Klasse AIO?

12-03-2007, 09:51 PM
Since AIO protects and seals the pores of the paint would it be pointless for me to follow it with RMG? On my next detail, I would like to start fresh and try some more combos. I was finally going to try the RMG + Souveran combo that many have had success with. Anyways, I was going to use AIO to prep the surface. However, I have seen conflicting opinions on using an oily glaze like RMG on top of a sealed surface.

Can anyone provide clarification on this? Do I need to buy a different cleaner, perhaps P21S Cleansing Lotion? I also have JW Prime but think this falls in the same class as AIO since it leaves some protection. Thanks everyone!

12-03-2007, 10:16 PM
Since AIO protects and seals the pores of the paint would it be pointless for me to follow it with RMG? On my next detail, I would like to start fresh and try some more combos. I was finally going to try the RMG + Souveran combo that many have had success with. Anyways, I was going to use AIO to prep the surface. However, I have seen conflicting opinions on using an oily glaze like RMG on top of a sealed surface.

Can anyone provide clarification on this? Do I need to buy a different cleaner, perhaps P21S Cleansing Lotion? I also have JW Prime but think this falls in the same class as AIO since it leaves some protection. Thanks everyone!

Prime and AIO both have sealing abilities. Not enough to mention I think. But honestly, since RMG has some cleaners/abrasives. I believe RMG will remove any AIO or PRIME layer...

12-03-2007, 10:42 PM
If RMG has enough cleaners to remove AIO or Prime, then couldn`t I just use that to strip off what I have now? If I can, then I will probably just do that because time may not allow me to do the AIO step.

12-04-2007, 01:30 AM
If RMG has enough cleaners to remove AIO or Prime, then couldn`t I just use that to strip off what I have now? If I can, then I will probably just do that because time may not allow me to do the AIO step.

Technically, yes, you are 100% correct.

However, I still share a bit of your confusion, even after all this time. Reason being that RMG does inarguably have abrasives, but how much? Does it really get rid of EVERYTHING there like a good AIO would?

While I don`t doubt RMG would take off wax with ease, what about a very durable sealant? Or an especially durable wax like Collinite?

I guess the question is, does RMG use chemical or physical abrasives

12-04-2007, 02:30 AM
What is RMG? (thanks)

12-04-2007, 02:35 AM
What is RMG? (thanks)


12-04-2007, 12:53 PM
where did you get your information that rmg has abrasives? iirc it doesn`t have any??

12-04-2007, 01:13 PM
where did you get your information that rmg has abrasives? iirc it doesn`t have any??

Read the bottom of his post, he`s calling chemical cleaners abrasives as well. I don`t believe RMG has any abrasives or cutting ability, but it does have some chemicals that slightly clean the paint.

12-04-2007, 01:19 PM
where did you get your information that rmg has abrasives? iirc it doesn`t have any??

from Everett @ Clearkote:


you can see from my comments how I feel about it though

12-04-2007, 03:31 PM
OK, back to the original question. Would you ever use RMG and Klasse AIO together? With AIO either before or after RMG? Thanks!

12-04-2007, 03:39 PM
If you use AIO, use it before RMG...

If the surface is polished, I would just go with RMG...

12-04-2007, 04:13 PM
Placing any oil based glaze over sealed paintwork is a waste of product IMO, i have said it before and i will say it again.

RMG might be a chemical abrasive, it might indeed clean, but you would need to amp your pad to get any cleaning action out of it.

By hand you would have little to know cleaning ability and could not be conidered a replacement for a dedicated cleaner product. Even by PC you would be hard pushed to correct anything.
