View Full Version : Anybody know anything about Coin-Ops? (Constructing)

12-03-2007, 08:23 PM
Not sure if this is the right section or even forum, but does anybody have any experience with dealing with/constructing Coin Op/Drivethru (combo) car washes?

More specifically, one that uses reclaimed water and a recycling system.


I have a high traffic location, and just found out my zoning allows for a car wash, BUT there is no city sewer or water (zoning permits car wash with septic). So, rather than let the land sit, I`m thinking of putting a car wash there (nearest car wash is 18miles and nearest coin op is 25miles).

I`m looking for any kind of information about building the wash and maybe any tips anybody could provide.

Water for rinse/spot free/chemical cycles would come from either a tank or filtered parts of the reclaim system.

Any tips/advice are appreciated.

12-03-2007, 11:55 PM
I don`t know anything about it but it sounds like you have a great opportunity. Check out the professional detailing forum. I believe there was a thread similar to this.

12-04-2007, 08:15 AM
For a venture this big, you would be better off contacting a car wash consulting firm.

12-06-2007, 10:26 AM
Well its only 3bays + 1 auto (non-conveyer for now unless things really take off in a year or two). Main thing is the reclaim system and cost of well water or trucking the water in. The nearest muni water/sewer is about 12miles from the site so thats not an option.

I`ll CC this over to the pro detailing thread

12-06-2007, 01:52 PM
my buddy owns a coin wash. There is alot that goes into them.

I would suggest contacting a company that sells them. find out exacctly what you need and dont need.

they willbe able to help.

ohh and get a spotlessrinse, they are big sellers. I think he said it wa 80g to do 10 bays but was worth it

12-06-2007, 05:06 PM
calgary: Was that 80g just for the rinse or total cost for all the bays?? If total cost, thats MUCH lower than what I was estimating in costs. Did your buddy use a reclaim system? Any suggestions on companies in the Ottawa or Toronto area to consult with?

12-09-2007, 12:01 AM
One thing for sure is that you should look into PERVIOUS CONCRETE. It is concrete with no fines(sand) that allows the water to pass right through it. Then you could put drainage stone under it and funnel the water to a collection area. Rain water too for that matter and reuse it.

Most any ready mix concrete suppliers in your area will know about PERVIOUS concrete

12-09-2007, 05:10 PM
calgary: Was that 80g just for the rinse or total cost for all the bays?? If total cost, thats MUCH lower than what I was estimating in costs. Did your buddy use a reclaim system? Any suggestions on companies in the Ottawa or Toronto area to consult with?

that was to add the rinsless wash to the bays.. so basicly just the rinless syste and connecting it to the hoses.. he already had space on the knob and already had the est of the wash set up.. so yeah 80 for just the rinselss part.. not the whole thing