View Full Version : Leaf blower to remove snow?

11-28-2007, 06:11 PM
Has anyone else done this? I came home today to have my covevered with a few inches of fresh powder, but it wasn`t heavy stuff so instead of taking a brush to it (have avoided doing that so far this winter) I just took out the leaf blower and blew it off.

Is snow too abrasive? I know ice has a hardness of around 1.5 on Mohs Hardness scale (less than a fingernail but slightly more than talc or according to wiki, pencil lead) and I guess essentially snow is ice so I am wondering about it. I wasn`t blowing 2 inches away from the surface but would bring it close enough until the snow would start to fly off. I would take it down the highway at 60 mph if the roads were a little better tonight and let that blow it off but I would imagine it could be seen as just the same problem I am wondering about.

Also what do you guys do about ice that has frozen to your car? The other day I went and hand washed the car but after having sun during the day and then freezing (-30C) at night caused some large chunks of ice to form. I usually just use enough water at the local wand wash to until it starts to melt enough that I can pick it off with my hands but some of this stuff was on their good, and sometimes if I am not careful it flys up and lands hard on the paint, which causes me to wince.

Maybe I am worrying too much about a DD but I`d like to make a bit of an effort to prevent any further damage.

Well anyways, for those who actually read that ramble, a picture for your time, don`t mind the damage to the car, it`s from last year.


11-28-2007, 07:19 PM
Two of the three cars I have get 24 hour element exposure. So if the snow is light enough, I use the leaf blower on them all the time. In fact, if I catch the wind just right, I’ll blow off the front walk, steps, driveway and sidewalk with it, never touching the shovel. It’s incredibly fast that way.

It HAS to be better than touching it with a brush. Now with the laws requiring snow being removed from your car for safety reasons, (so it won’t fly off on someone else who’ll panic and loose control), you just can’t melt-off the windows and ‘drive-it-off’ anymore.