View Full Version : Getting Streaks when waxing

11-27-2007, 09:33 PM
I tried waxing with zymol and get a lot of streaks after I take the wax off with a microfiber towel. How do i get rid of the the streaks. Do i need a buffer? I also am spraying a bit of water when I wax off.

11-27-2007, 09:52 PM
I doubt the water would do that...but i dont know....are you using the finger swipe test to make sure that it is ready to be removed? Maybe it hasnt completely bonded yet before you take it of...just a thought

11-27-2007, 10:11 PM
This has happened to me in the past with Zymol. Usually it was when I was applying it too thick. It also would happen when my buffing towel would get clogged with wax (also related to applying too thick). Try applying the wax thinner and switching to a clean buffing towel more often.

11-27-2007, 10:32 PM
Are you speaking of the Zymol cleaner wax? If so, you are likely applying too much product as previously mentioned. In fact you bring back bad memories for me of "waxing" our vehicles with my father. Removal of this stuff can be a bear when applied too thick.

You could try buffing off with a good QD or hitting it again with the zymol (applied thin) to clean up any streaks.