View Full Version : When I thought the Pajero is huge ... Honda Elysion

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11-27-2007, 03:31 AM
When I last did the Mit Pajero I said to myself what can be bigger and worse that that, BUT I was so wrong. This car was referred to me by a very good customer and I felt that I should not turn the referral down, so than came the HUGE Honda Elysion and worst of all it was a very badly swirled and scratched BLACK car.

This car is about 1 year plus, “groomed†for once or twice and subsequently washed by either the maid or the petrol station car wash. So you can imagine the kind of damages was done to the car, especially on a Honda paint work.

I will skip all the defects pictures on the car and come straight to the before and after of the defects removal photos. After washing and claying the car, I proceed with the steps as below,

IP/RMG mix + green wool pad + rotary @ 1800 rpm on the more serious area

IP/RMG mix + light cutting pad + DA @ speed 5, 2 pass on most of the area

Here’s what I got after the 2 steps mentioned above, you can actually see the huge difference in the 50/50 shots.

Without the halogen light,


With the halogen light on,


And here we come to the before and after shots,





















After most of the defects were removed, than I followed with a polishing step with,

Pink Moose (RMG/VM mix) + polishing pad + DA @ speed 4, and after that I finisheded it off using the Clearkote Carnauba Moose Wax (CMW) by hand using a foam applicator. As usual CMW has never failed in bring out the excellent depth on a dark color car.









For some close-up shots,





For those who noticed it, there is actually a long scratch mark on the front passenger door that went down to the prime coat, so basically nothing much can be done on that. As for the rest, I must say I am pretty happy with the result after spending almost 12 hours on this black giant. Thank you for reading through and I hope you guys like it as much as I did.

11-27-2007, 04:19 AM
Wow, I have never heard of that Honda Elysion. Looks like a lot of time though. Great work.

11-27-2007, 04:50 AM
Awesome correction and great reflection shots.

11-27-2007, 04:54 AM
wow awesome job did the pinkmoose remove any hazing left by the prior polishing steps?

great job again, excellent pics

11-27-2007, 05:40 AM
That`s a cool looking van! What a good turnaround. Sucks for that scratch though :(

11-27-2007, 06:26 AM
Couldn`t find the scratch until I remembered which side the driver sat on. Incredible job, you sure have black vehicles figured out. You also have that beautiful, exotic locale for pictures. Thanks for posting another perfect detail job. :wow: Surprised you didn`t hit this one with CJ like you have some of the others. :bow

11-27-2007, 06:51 AM
Very nice pics, Very nice job!

Did you say the car is over a year old? looks like it was in pretty bad shape for 1 yr or so!

Very sporty mini van! I love Honda!

a.k.a. Patrick
11-27-2007, 08:33 AM
Hey nice recovery!

Wait until you do a Suburban or Escalade XL, then were talkin HUGE......

Thomas Dekany
11-27-2007, 09:28 AM
Beautiful as always!!!!! :bow

How long did it take you?

11-27-2007, 10:09 AM
Now that`s a minivan I would actually drive :D I take it they don`t sell that here in the states. I`ve never heard of one. Awesome turn around. Your skills will definatly speak volumes and get you more of thes big beast ;)

11-27-2007, 10:22 AM
Hello guys, thanks for all the knid compliments.

...did the pinkmoose remove any hazing left by the prior polishing steps?

In fact after the rotary and DA with the IP/RMG mix, there isn`t much hazing on the paint work but rather there are quite a fair bit of polish residue that cannot be totally wiped off. However, the Pink Moose did an excellent job in cleaning up the paint work, making it looked clear and deep.

Surprised you didn`t hit this one with CJ like you have some of the others.

I very much wanted to hit it with CJ but somehow on Honda paint, CMW looks much clearer (especially when you check with a halogen) than any other wax or sealant I have used.

Wait until you do a Suburban or Escalade XL, then were talkin HUGE......

Luckily those 2 cars you mentioned are not sold locally :p

How long did it take you?

It took me almost 12 hours to complete this job.

11-27-2007, 10:27 AM
Now that`s a minivan I would actually drive :D I take it they don`t sell that here in the states. I`ve never heard of one. Awesome turn around. Your skills will definatly speak volumes and get you more of thes big beast ;)

Thanks for your kind words. This car is actually pretty comfortable to drive in and after the mod the owner done to the car, it looks aggressive too. As for more of these big beast, actually I would prefer those normal saloon car or those super performance car :p .

11-27-2007, 12:12 PM
Terrific recovery on that nice looking van . You did a fantastic job getting the balck back to life . Congratulations .

Cheers , Jean Paul

11-27-2007, 01:11 PM
Thats a wicked looking fan :cool: It looks customized, i`m sure the regular version doesn`t look that sharp :)

Corrections on black always impress me, nice work! :)

11-27-2007, 01:22 PM
thats the sickest front end on a van ive ever seen. the rear is a little to xB if you know what im saying.

it looks great, they shouldnt let people drive that on the roads. the reflections to much of a distraction lol