View Full Version : Menzerna 106ff or SIP??

11-26-2007, 07:36 PM
I am buying a polish to remove the swirl marks and minor marring for my vehicles (and future Audi). I hear some people using BOTH the Menzerna SIP and then using the 106ff afterwards. Is this really needed and would this produce better results than using the 106ff alone as most people do?

11-26-2007, 07:41 PM
depends...SIP can cut pretty deep pretty quick...106 will be fine for light swirls...or cobwebs as I like to call them.

11-26-2007, 07:52 PM
If you`re getting an Audi you`ll be better off getting both. At some point you *will* need them both. What kind of machine are you going to be working with?

11-27-2007, 07:40 PM
I was orginally going to buy a UDM, but a friend of mine is giving me his old Porter Cable.

11-27-2007, 08:21 PM
I`m probably gonna get slammed for this but here goes. SIP is an awesome polish. I have 3.02 that I had shipped from overseas. However, it does work best via rotory and high speeds. Even with the rotory and using very little polish it still takes some time to fully break down. I can`t imaging using it with an orbital. In fact, if I stop using my rotory before the polish is fully broken down it holograms like crazy. That`s where the 106 would come in to clean up those holograms. Some polishes work best via rotory and SIP is definately one of them. If it`s correction your looking for I wouldn`t get too excited about your new free P/C. If you don`t want to go the rotory route, then I would give some serious thought towards the Flex.


11-27-2007, 08:29 PM
I second the Flex idea.

11-27-2007, 08:54 PM
You do not think that I will get correction from the PC? I thought that you could get correct almost just as good, but it required more time. With all of the other stuff I am getting for christmas, free vs over $250 sounds like a no brainer espeically if it will still do the job.

11-27-2007, 09:04 PM
If you`re sticking with the PC, you can choose to use 4" pads. This will create more heat and since it`s a smaller surface, the PC will have an easier time spinning it. You`ll be able to correct much quicker than with the large 6" pads.

Having said that... here is a website where the detailer uses a PC with 6" pads, together with SIP & 106ff. So it can work. The website has some great other info as well.

How to polish your paint with Menzerna super intense polish and PO106FF using the Porter Cable 7424 (http://www.paintcare-n-detailing.com/menzerna.html)

11-27-2007, 09:55 PM
There`s no harm in trying the P/C especially since it`s free. However, if it doesn`t work to your satisfaction than I have given you another option. Even the video did not break down the SIP like a rotory would. With a rotory, the SIP would go COMPLETELY clear and there would be no cloudiness like there was in the video. Only then will I stop polishing SIP. One more observation. At that rate the guy will finish that SUV sometime around Christmas 2008. Please understand, I`m not trying to be confrontational, I`m just suggesting that there`s a quicker way that will yield better results.

11-27-2007, 10:00 PM
SIP with a PC, yikes...it takes long enough to break down with a rotary and 6" pads :|

11-27-2007, 10:07 PM
I understand completely what you are proposing. The thing is I am a complete newbie and I think it`d be very poor judgement on my part if I bought a rotary and went to town on the vehicle. I could only imagine the holograms and burnt paint that I could cause on the paint!

11-27-2007, 10:09 PM
By the way, would the 106ff be easier to break down than the SIP?

11-27-2007, 10:25 PM
buy both.....

11-28-2007, 08:15 AM
To answer your question, YES, the 106 is far easier to work with and break down than SIP. SIP is a great polish but it has quite the learning curve. It can also get finicky with high humidity. You could polish with SIP on Monday and have great results. Then try it again on Tuesday and it skips all over the place and just won`t behave like it did the day before. I would work with the 106 a bit before I picked up the SIP. If you can get the results you want with 106 then stay with that. It`s easier to work with. Especially when starting out. That said, I wouldn`t buy SIP if I were using a P/C. If money is an issue then buy a cheap Chicago Electric rotory for 30 bucks. Once you try a rotory, all these terms like polish breakdown and diminishing abrasives will happen right before your eyes and finally it will all come together for you. You won`t burn anything with a rotory if you just go slow. I`m not sure you understand just how slow a rotory is capable of going. I learned how to use a rotory on my fifty three thousand dollar black corvette. Was I nervous? Absolutely. But I learned more about polishing in 30 minutes with a rotory than in 2 years of P/C. Today, a friend of mine asked me to detail his Tundra. It was loaded with minor scratches and paint transfers. What tool do you think I reached for Rotory or P/C???????
