View Full Version : DG 111 overlooked ???

11-24-2007, 12:40 PM
Since talking to Bill at DG I`ve been doing the 105 which has the most cleaning ability followed by the 111 . I have a 2 coats on (per Bill ) off 111 on top the 105 , and I think it looks nicer than the 105 as a stand alone .

I think the 105 is more of an AIO stand alone .

I`m not sure about detergent resistance and durability claims from 105 compared to 111.

As I posted before Bill`s info ( scale of 1-10 )

111 = pure sealant rated 1 on cleaning ability

101 = rated about 4-5 on cleaning ability

105 = rated about 9-10 on cleaning ability

11-24-2007, 01:00 PM
Since talking to Bill at DG I`ve been doing the 105 which has the most cleaning ability followed by the 111 . I have a 2 coats on (per Bill ) off 111 on top the 105 , and I think it looks nicer than the 105 as a stand alone .

I think the 105 is more of an AIO stand alone .

I`m not sure about detergent resistance and durability claims from 105 compared to 111.

As I posted before Bill`s info ( scale of 1-10 )

111 = pure sealant rated 1 on cleaning ability

101 = rated about 4-5 on cleaning ability

105 = rated about 9-10 on cleaning ability

I think it`s just a matter of preference in appearance between 105 and 111.

I`m surprised in the cleaning ability ratings? 501 seems to clean better than 101 and 105. :confused:

a.k.a. Patrick
11-24-2007, 01:16 PM
As I posted before Bill`s info ( scale of 1-10 )

111 = pure sealant rated 1 on cleaning ability

101 = rated about 4-5 on cleaning ability

105 = rated about 9-10 on cleaning ability

Ive been arguing this exact point for about a year now!

11-24-2007, 01:24 PM
I`m not sure what 501 is , I`ll have to check it out .

11-24-2007, 01:33 PM
I`m not sure what 501 is , I`ll have to check it out .

It`s the Marine cleaner/polish. It`s cleaning power is incredible. It seems to be holding up well too.

11-24-2007, 03:29 PM
When I got my new Prius recently I was still a caveman and didn`t know much about paint care. I got some TurtleWax and Meguiar`s Gold Class Wax, washed the car with some generic car soap and coated the paint with 3 x TW, then 2 x Meg in the space of 2 days. The finish felt slick and looked glossy, and lasted about a week!

So I went surfing and came upon this website, and after getting through the info overload I narrowed down to DG. Zaino has lots of supporters but I decided it was too expensive for me, whereas DG looked like good value and also has good testimonies here. I emailed DG and Jerry got back to me quickly, recommending the 601/111 combo since my paint is new. I ordered these and DG even included samples of AquaWax and the DG car wash concentrate (thanks DG, excellent CS).

I read about claybars here too, so I got the ClayMagic and clayed the car even though it didn`t feel like there were any roughness. After washing with Palmolive to get rid of the TW and Meg, I applied the 601. It went really smoothly and dried pretty quickly. I then applied 111 and that went on and wiped off easily, leaving a really glossy finish. I waited 24 hours and applied another coat of 111, then a third after another day. The third application seems like it did less, probably because 2 coats of 111 is more than enough. The finish was glossy but not as slick as the TW/Meg combo, until I decided to try the AW. The AW made all the difference, it gave a supersmooth, slick finish and went on super-easy. All the above were applied by hand only.

The 601/111/AW combo made me a DG convert, still waiting to see about durability but so far so good, it`s been about 3 weeks. So thanks DG, and thanks Autopia for all the useful info. Good to see a website that has no bickering, just sharing of information and experience.

11-24-2007, 03:39 PM
AL-53 turned me on to the 501. Had used 101 but the 501 is outstanding. Excellent cleaner and threw the 105 over it. Then either AW or Liquid Souveran. Both have nice slickness but the LS is really something. My wife even said the door handle was almost too slick to grip. Nice.

Anyway, also found you really don`t need an extra coat of 105 or 111--unless you want to insure total coverage. I didn`t find the extra coat gave any difference in appearance.

Glad you found the DG line. Its a great product and very inexpensive for what it does.

11-24-2007, 08:01 PM
Now I`m totally confused--based on everything I`ve read on Autopia 105 was the way to go for a final coat with 101 or 501 as a first step to add some cleaning ability. Your information from Bill contradicts this--if 105 has that much cleaning ability it would remove any base coat of 101 or 501.

Any of the DG guru`s care to comment????

a.k.a. Patrick
11-24-2007, 08:22 PM
The marine line was only recently discussed in "concept" here lately. It could just very well be the auto line on steroids.

I have always felt 111 as a LSP was always the way to go (at least for me). 105 is now and always was used as a AIO for me, but quite a fine one. But as for pure protection, 111 suits the bill perfectly.

The information that Bill and/or Jerry provides was brought forthright here on Autopia about 6+ months ago. The thread was quite popular for quite some time, but obviously lost interest with the contradictory findings of other users.

To solve your dilemma, use the products and conclude with your own observations! Thats always a sure bet!

11-25-2007, 02:29 AM
I top #105 over #501 and I am impress with it. Once awhile I had #101 follow by #105. Both works for me. AW is another of their products not to be missed, I love it`s slickness.