View Full Version : Damaged MF Towl

11-18-2007, 11:18 PM
Hey guys, I recently picked up an "Amazing Dryer", it`s a super plush MF towl that I used to dry my car several times with. Usually after drying I would just rinse and throw it in the dryer on light heat and it would turn out great, just like the first time I used it. Well one day it got caught in the normal mixture of clothes :wall and my dad dried it with his work clothes! It was washed by it`s self though, it just got mixed in after I washed it. Well, needless to say it got some lint in it and now it doesn`t dry for crap, also it isn`t nearly as soft as before. I tried washing it with a couple of cap fulls of vinegar and a tiny bit of laundry soap. Nothing I`ve tried has gotten it back to normal. :down

I`m kind of afraid to boil it because I tried this on a couple of MF towls from a while back and it didn`t do anything at all. Plus I don`t have a pot big enough for the massive towel.

So, what can I do to bring it back to "like new" and what do you guys recommend for normal care for my MF towels?

Sorry, if this is in the wrong section, I`m pretty new here. If it`s in the wrong section will one of you guys educate me on where it goes.


Setec Astronomy
11-19-2007, 12:06 AM
Say no to boiling! One member here just had a really bad experience with that. Why don`t you try washing it with a lot of detergent instead of just a little? And then get it rinsed out really well, until no suds come out. Dry it in the dryer and you`ll be good to go...or at least as good as you`ll be able to get it. No fabric softener or dryer sheets.

a.k.a. Patrick
11-19-2007, 12:10 AM
I have heard of amazing dryer balls, but not a WW called such. Where did you get it? Whats it made of?

11-19-2007, 12:11 AM
I was afraid to use a lot of detergent cuz I was under the impression that detergent can make it hard. I just use the off brand liquid soap. Do you guys recommend any certain kind? I know they make special kinds just for MF towels, but I never could find any and I like to keep my online business to a minimum.

Thanks for the reply!

11-19-2007, 12:20 AM
I have heard of amazing dryer balls, but not a WW called such. Where did you get it? Whats it made of?

I got it from walmart, it`s just a blue MF towl, pretty big, around 4 feet

It`s not an "amazing dryer" like from Obsessive Detail, I have a bad habit of calling all MF drying towels amazing dryers.

I don`t know what brand or what quality.

When it was new, it worked great, though - absorbed great and didn`t scratch/swirl.

11-19-2007, 12:23 AM
Is your issue with the lint from the clothes that is now on the towel?

11-19-2007, 12:43 AM
just by a new one and cut it up the old one into pieces and delegate it to wheels, etc...

I got it from walmart, it`s just a blue MF towl, pretty big, around 4 feet

i believe it`s the microtex mf drying towel...

11-19-2007, 01:19 AM
Say no to boiling! One member here just had a really bad experience with that.

Are you referring to the member who almost burned their house down because they fell asleep while the stove was on?

I boiled my towels recently and they came out very refreshed and fluffy. I`d recommend it. Just keep an eye on the pot obviously.

11-19-2007, 10:43 AM
What was the point in boiling them? What was it supposed to accomplish?

11-19-2007, 10:56 AM
Gets the residue and contaminants out of them from what I understand. I tried it and it worked great.


11-19-2007, 11:49 AM
What was the point in boiling them? What was it supposed to accomplish?

the heat will open up the fibers

and make it easier for them to release the dirt, wax build-up, ect...

boiling worked well for me also

11-19-2007, 12:51 PM
If it was from walmart, I believe they are only about $5, you would be better off to just buy a new one and save yourself the headaches...

11-19-2007, 01:15 PM
Why bother... Toss it in the garbage and go get another one. MF are cheap enough. No need to worry about a few of them getting trashed.

11-20-2007, 08:44 AM
Are you washing in hot or cold water?

I always wash my MF stuff with HOT water (probably only about 115* - 125* if water heater is set property to avoid scalding) and rinse 2 -3 times to remove soap residue. Always use a good quality laundry detergent with no fabric softener and no bleach.

I usually line-dry (personal preference) but I\`m sure using a dryer works as well.

11-20-2007, 09:37 AM
I use hot water and Woolite w/o softener, then fluff cycle in the dryer.