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11-18-2007, 10:58 AM
I wish they made it in a liquid , so I could do cars faster .....lol. Still some of the best stuff I`ve used .

Am I correct a liquid with the chemicals need to break it down would also give a different result than a solid paste ???

11-18-2007, 12:29 PM
You really like the 1000 stuff?

Ever try Ultima PGP?

11-18-2007, 01:16 PM
I`m not sure if they could get more solvents into it(legally) to make it a liquid. I believe it has a high solvent content as is.

11-18-2007, 01:19 PM
I also love 1000P, it goes on easy and wipes off easy, lasts a long time and looks great. I think you are right that liquid versions give up durability due to higher solvent ratio. For example, Collinite IW845 vs 476. These may not be exactly the same originating formulation, but 476 definitely has the upper hand in durability.

Utlima PGP seems nice...but 1000P is much cheaper and nothing beats the rock bottom shipping prices from FK1. My wife would never let me buy anything in the Ultima line.

11-18-2007, 01:33 PM
I already have some Ultima PGP.

11-18-2007, 04:18 PM
I already have some Ultima PGP.

And what is your take?

I had tried the FK first, (3 coats) and was just not impressed. It did not come off super easy (Wolfgang) nor was it really hard to get off (now there is a list). It came off better after each coat. But removal still worked up a sweat. 6/10

Shine and gloss was lowish at maybe a 5/10.

Depth was nice at 8/10.

Durability was better than Wolfgang (ain`t saying much) but nothing to write home about. 7.5/10

Slickness was that of an average carnuba, but not that of a Meguiars 26. 7/10


To me the application of the UPGP was stunningly easy. Wipe on, walk away, repeat in twelve hours, repeat in twelve hours. Three coats on my big butt car in a total of 30 minutes. Wow! 10/10

Shine and gloss is amazing looks like candy apple coating (my car is pearl white). 10/10

Depth to me seems lacking from perfection. You certainly get depth, but not a really nice carnauba depth. 8/10

Durability very good. 9/10 I may revise this in another month. I have seen little wear over the two months it has been on.

Slickness is amazing! Just amazing. Close to Zaino, but a very different feel. Hard to describe. Very very velvety. Kind of makes you afraid to lean on it for fear of slipping off and ending up on the ground. This still gets regular comments and compliments from people who ride in the car. Everyone wants to pet the finish. Kind of odd. 11/10

Your turn!!! :D

11-18-2007, 04:53 PM
1000P doesn`t contain carnauba...

From the beading point of view, 1000P kills my UPGP and the durability of UPGP is nothing sensational yet.

11-18-2007, 04:59 PM
I didn`t say it did contain carnauba. I just used it as a comparison.

Odd our durability is so different.

Beading was better in the 1000 very early on. But it dropped off fast compared to the UPGP.

Other points?

11-18-2007, 08:20 PM
Okay, it wasn`t completely clear with the carnauba... Yes, it feels heavier than most liquid synthetics.

I`m testing my products on older, more permeable finishes which show the wear much sooner.

UPGP didn`t have impressive beading even newly applied (2 layers), because the beads were already irregular. Now, they are even less impressive; small, sticky, and irregular. When I open the trunk, the beads won`t roll off, just stay put. Slickness was gone in a few days.

I applied it on one of my little toy cars and it holds up significantly better.

When I put it (×2) side by side with 1Z Glanz (old) topped with #21, the #21 side was much slicker.

1000P is one of the rare products which beads very impressively and hold its look for a loong time, and is able to bead through a healthy layer of dirt. I don`t like it on some darker colors, but on light metallics it is exceptional, and durable.

11-18-2007, 08:24 PM

What is odd, is that I was really hoping that I would like the FK1000P. I am starting to wonder what happened in my case.

Anyhow. I needed three solid coats of UPGP before the magic happened for me. Still great ofter about two months or PA fall dreary weather.

Thanks for the comparison! Check out three coats of the UPGP sometime.


11-18-2007, 09:24 PM
1000P rocks. At 15 bucks its tough to beat.

As far as UGPG, I`m not impressed, at all. 2 coats with PPP prep didnt fare so well in the last two months, I stripped it and applied 1000P. UGPG is great for about a month IME, then its time for another coat. The beading leaves alot to be desired, even after initial application UGPG doesnt touch a coat of Z2 at the 2 month mark (in terms of beading angle and consistency). 1000P on the other hand I go at least 3 months between coats.

1000P, :getdown .

Thomas Dekany
11-18-2007, 09:32 PM
Fallguy - Apply it with the pc. Super easy and fast.

11-18-2007, 10:40 PM
I like 1000P so far. I am testing it on a metallic silver Versa engine hood with Poli-Seal and AJ underneath and it seems to give an illusion of a thicker clearcoat. I have applied 1 layer so far and I am looking forward to applying 2 more on the engine hood.

It`s the monsoon season for us here and it rains everyday. I like the beading results from it and it is still slick.

I can`t say much about durability yet because I have it about 5 days only.

I think at the rate I am using the product, it would probably take me 3 years to finish it. Apply thin layers of it, almost like you are applying nothing and there`s very little hazing and product residue left to buff off. It is a bit hard to judge if you are really applying enough product on lighter colored cars though, but looking at how the beads are slightly different from other panels without 1000P, I will say that there`s sufficient product applied :lol

11-19-2007, 07:34 AM
I have used 1000P on the last two details I have performed and really like the stuff. Both vehicles were black and came out incredible. As long as you put it on thin, it comes off fairly easy. I will be posting up some pictures if I ever get a spare minute.

11-19-2007, 08:20 AM
I just applied 1000p last night in low 40`s temp and found it to go on and off pretty easy. I even applied it thick on the hood, which was warm and it still came off pretty easy. It was dark out so no comments on looks yet. It did provide some swirl hiding on a NBP Accord.