View Full Version : Prime Strong and dusting?

11-11-2007, 11:05 PM
Today I got a chance to try out Prime Strong on my wifes car. So I started with a blue CCS 5`` pad at speed 4 I believe using UDM, I tried it on a dry pad first as it made no mention if the pad need to be damp or dry. So I did a small spot and found out quickly it needs to be damp, if not it dust something awful. So I primed the pad with some XMT I had and gave it a couple of shots and it cured the dusting. Now when the pad would start to dry it would dust up really bad and really fast. Is this a common problem with Strong or user error? I`ve never read anything of this nature so I`m sure it was me. Besides starting dry what did I do wrong? I`m using it mainly as a chemical cleaner so polishing is not a big concern for me (106ff does that for me). I could do it by hand but would like to do it by machine for speed. Is speed 4 too much? I used maybe 2 to 3 pea size drops and spread until almost clear.

11-11-2007, 11:24 PM
Today I got a chance to try out Prime Strong on my wifes car. So I started with a blue CCS 5`` pad at speed 4 I believe using UDM, I tried it on a dry pad first as it made no mention if the pad need to be damp or dry. So I did a small spot and found out quickly it needs to be damp, if not it dust something awful. So I primed the pad with some XMT I had and gave it a couple of shots and it cured the dusting. Now when the pad would start to dry it would dust up really bad and really fast. Is this a common problem with Strong or user error? I`ve never read anything of this nature so I`m sure it was me. Besides starting dry what did I do wrong? I`m using it mainly as a chemical cleaner so polishing is not a big concern for me (106ff does that for me). I could do it by hand but would like to do it by machine for speed. Is speed 4 too much? I used maybe 2 to 3 pea size drops and spread until almost clear.

In a conversation I had with Jeff Brandt (President of JW) he told me if it is dusting, you are using too much Prime Strong. He said when he apply Prime or Prime Strong, he mists the pad with water which is fine since both products are water based. The odd thing was, he stated he makes a quick/thin star pattern on the pad and that seems to be an addequate amount. I seems like your 2-3 pea sized drops would be fine then? Weird. Keep experimenting and let us know please.

11-11-2007, 11:37 PM
A star pattern huh thats more then what I was using. I does work great on cleaning gold I know that much a lot better the KAIO did. It was just a mess when the pad would dry and it started a sand storm on my uh her car. Maybe just a quick spray after half a panel should keep that in check.

11-12-2007, 02:17 AM
except for the dusting what were your results? would a white pad allowed for more correction ability? what did you use before and what will you use after? i`m debating if i need a product like this, if it can`t remove swirls and i`m using another sealant anyway i don`t think a aio is neccesary. the polishes will remove the swirls. aio`s have strong cleaners but if you do a swirl removal, i would think the paint is as clean as it`s ever going to be.


11-12-2007, 01:22 PM
I used it as a chemical paint cleaner to strip the previous LSP to try out Op opti-seal. I`ve used KAIO but gave it to my brother to use. I was happy with it and it did what it`s designed to do. I just wanted to try something different. I am happy with the results as far as cleaning the paint surface.