View Full Version : Will AIO undo Meguiar`s #9?

11-08-2007, 07:06 PM
As far as I understand, #9 is a non-abrasive polish, which means it fills in the micromarring and does not remove any clearcoat. Am I correct?

If I were to use Klasse AIO on top, would it remove the #9? Should I skip straight to the HGSG after #9?

Thanks for any help!

11-08-2007, 07:08 PM
it will remove it.

11-08-2007, 08:13 PM
Will HGSG bond with #9?

If I understand correctly, Meg`s products are pretty oily,

which may hinder bonding with a sealant.

11-08-2007, 08:27 PM
Is there any truth to that? If so, it`s more than a little problem.

11-08-2007, 09:19 PM
As far as I understand, #9 is a non-abrasive polish, which means it fills in the micromarring and does not remove any clearcoat. Am I correct?

Wrong. Meguiar`s #9 is a very light polish, listed as a 3/10 on the abrasive scale. So while it is very light, and will only remove minor defects, it does contain diminishing abrasives in it. I find it works very well at removing the minor micromarring I get on black paint with the more aggressive swirl removers. Plus #9 has a lot of polishing oils in it, so it brings up the shine nicely too. I want to try out Meguiar`s #82 to replace #9 though, it`s also a 3/10 on the abrasive scale, but I`m hoping it`s easier to buff out, as #9 can be a bit of a bear to remove sometimes.

11-08-2007, 09:22 PM
Will HGSG bond with #9?

If I understand correctly, Meg`s products are pretty oily,

which may hinder bonding with a sealant.

I would not apply KSG directly over #9, it will interfere with the bonding.

KAIO`s chemical cleaners will remove any oils/fillers left by the #9.

I would suggest KAIO followed by KSG. Those steps should come after any paint correction (compound/polish) steps.

11-08-2007, 09:58 PM
Thanks for the info. I will use #9, AIO, and HGSG, in that order.

Patman, I can tell from your Corvette that you`re the same Patman I`ve seen on BITOG. I tip my hat to you, for being a fellow car-obsessed internet forum-ite!

11-09-2007, 12:39 PM
Thanks for the info. I will use #9, AIO, and HGSG, in that order.

Patman, I can tell from your Corvette that you`re the same Patman I`ve seen on BITOG. I tip my hat to you, for being a fellow car-obsessed internet forum-ite!

Yep, that`s me, I`m everywhere! :) I`m obsessed with oil, I`m obsessed with Corvettes, I`m obsessed with detailing, you name it! :dance