View Full Version : AquaWax durability is bad for me.

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11-03-2007, 10:13 AM
I don`t know if it is because it is old since I bought it from CarQuest where some of the products are turning brown from being old, but Aquawax has durability of about a week. I put more on every time I wash. Is this normal durability for Aquawax? I wash with NXT so I don`t know if that is stripping it off or not. I just now switched to Duragloss car wash, 901.

Setec Astronomy
11-03-2007, 10:23 AM
I find that all of the spray sealants...they are of course better if you put them on top of a healthy LSP instead of bare paint. I know I am going to get flak from the "AW as LSP" crowd for saying this, but I`m not surprised that it only lasts a week if it`s your LSP...depending. Have you been shaking it up? Since it has a big label on it which says to shake before using I presume it`s sensitive to that (like OCW and some others). The first time I used Meg`s UQD I thought it was really awful, then I realized I was supposed to shake it first, so the next time I used it it was just mediocre instead of really awful :p I should note that I was using the UQD on end-of-life LSP, and I have been really happy with AW on some fresher LSP. The AW is cheap and quick enough to use every week, so why not?

11-03-2007, 11:14 AM
I don`t know if it is because it is old since I bought it from CarQuest where some of the products are turning brown from being old, but Aquawax has durability of about a week. I put more on every time I wash. Is this normal durability for Aquawax?

some carquests are known to have old dusty stock, so this may be your case as the products should not be turning brown (i wish DG would put seals on their products). AW definitely last longer than a week for me, but it shouldn`t be used in replace of a normal lsp...

a.k.a. Patrick
11-03-2007, 11:21 AM
AW isnt really a "LSP" as we know it IMO.....But it is great for weekly washings. I like to use it after drying for better strength........

11-03-2007, 11:38 AM
over an existing LSP you can expect about 4 weeks durability before it fades off

11-03-2007, 11:52 AM
I use AW after every single weekly wash, so I cannot comment on durability. But what I have noticed is that AW takes on, or strenghtens the beading pattern of the existing layer of LSP.

For example, I have Pete`s `53 as LSP on my truck and AW will take on that beading. My wife`s SUV has P21S, and again, AW takes on that beading.

Odd, yet interesting.

11-03-2007, 12:38 PM
I was using P21S as my LSP but people were saying AW is really good stuff to use and I was expecting it to last more then a week but from what I have heard hear it really is just a quick that lasts about week.

11-03-2007, 12:59 PM
I haven`t had my AW take on the beading characteristics of the preceding "SLSP" (second to last) which is usually 476S. I`ve found that AW just covers it and beads like itself by itself.

I also bought a pretty dusty bottle of AW from Carquest with a faded" Shake well" sticker on it. Shaking the bottle very rigorously each time, I usually get a full month of worthwhile protection on my garaged car so I wonder if you call DG they might take care of this?

11-03-2007, 01:37 PM
I don`t know if it is because it is old since I bought it from CarQuest where some of the products are turning brown from being old, but Aquawax has durability of about a week. I put more on every time I wash. Is this normal durability for Aquawax? I wash with NXT so I don`t know if that is stripping it off or not. I just now switched to Duragloss car wash, 901.

Yep, don`t expect much out of any spray wax... contrary to some of the "hype" you might hear or read. Pick a good LSP that you like, and then pick a spray wax that you like (or don`t use one if you wish), and maintain the LSP with the spray wax (or another coat of LSP :D ).

To be honest, I`m still amazed at how many people are able to judge the durability/protection longevity of any product.

I guess if you prep the paint, do an ISO wipe, and apply products under the same exact conditions, and then expose them to the same exact conditions, you can then come up with some type of measurement. :think:

In the end, if you are not sure you like a product, try a similar one, and see if you like it better.

11-03-2007, 02:07 PM
Is the SprayWax Poorboys have any good because I am really not liking Aquawax that much. It seems to run when it rains really hard.

11-03-2007, 02:23 PM
Is the SprayWax Poorboys have any good because I am really not liking Aquawax that much. It seems to run when it rains really hard.

Nope, not worth much. Why not try OCW? However, ignore the hype... it won`t last 5 months. Unless you park in the garage for 5 months. :D

11-03-2007, 02:26 PM
I haven`t had my AW take on the beading characteristics of the preceding "SLSP" (second to last) which is usually 476S. I`ve found that AW just covers it and beads like itself by itself.

I also bought a pretty dusty bottle of AW from Carquest with a faded" Shake well" sticker on it. Shaking the bottle very rigorously each time, I usually get a full month of worthwhile protection on my garaged car so I wonder if you call DG they might take care of this?

Yeah you can give them a call and they will mail out a new bottle, as long as you send the other one back.

11-03-2007, 02:27 PM
I found AW to be pretty durable, I don`t know how long though.

11-03-2007, 02:39 PM
I have used 1/3 of the bottle already. I think I am going PoorBoys spray wax a try.

11-03-2007, 03:00 PM
I have used 1/3 of the bottle already. I think I am going PoorBoys spray wax a try.

Help yourself, but I think you are wasting your money. PB`s spray wax is a PITA to use, and won`t give you much more than you apparently got with the AW. I have tried OCW, and consider it one of the best spray waxes... if that means much.