View Full Version : Drying with ONR mixed QD

10-20-2007, 11:52 PM
I am having some difficulty with the results of ONR/QD.

I have been following the `perfect drying technique`. and have read the quick detailing how-to on Autopia.

Description of my problem:

When conventional washing (rinse & wash) after sheet rinsing and blot drying with my WW, or when ONR washing and after my blot dry pass, I have some water drops and dried waterspots. Next, I do my dragging pass with a fresh WW and my QD. The first time trying this technique I misted only the towel which worked great on the water drops, but did nothing to remove the dried waterspots. I than sprayed the QD directly on the paint, which somewhat removed the waterspots (I couldn`t simply drag the WW, I more or less used it as if buffing a wax off), but left streaking.

My questions:

- Which is the preffered method when using a QD for your final drying pass, on the paint, or on the towel? I figured it would be on the towel as this is how it`s done in the final step of the QD how-to.

- From my description, what am I doing wrong in my technique?

- Is ONR not very good used as a QD? I`d like to continue using it as it saves me from buying another product.

Eliot Ness
10-21-2007, 07:26 AM
You might need something stronger than a QD for dried on water spots.

When I QD I lightly mist a small area of paint, do an initial pass with a MF, then a buff with the other (dry) side of the MF. Another option is to use a separate MF for the final buff. The initial pass spreads and absorbs most of the QD and the final buff brings out the shine and removes any streaking.

I don`t really use ONR as a QD but many others have and don`t seem to have any problems with it.

10-21-2007, 10:07 AM
ONR rules as a QD

You need to only ONR one panel at a time and then immediately fully dry that panel before moving on.

10-21-2007, 11:12 AM
You might need something stronger than a QD for dried on water spots.

When I QD I lightly mist a small area of paint, do an initial pass with a MF, then a buff with the other (dry) side of the MF. Another option is to use a separate MF for the final buff. The initial pass spreads and absorbs most of the QD and the final buff brings out the shine and removes any streaking.


Any product suggestions for something stronger than QD, or is it simply a matter of washing the car again and using moderate pressure on the spots?

Is your initial pass merely with the weight of the towel, or using some pressure? Are you using a WW or a plushy MF? Also, keep in mind I am not QD`ing the car per se, just using some QD for my final dry pass after regular washing. I will try the wipe, flip towel, and buff next time :)

You need to only ONR one panel at a time and then immediately fully dry that panel before moving on.

Yes I only do one section at a time with an ONR wash. This is more a problem with conventional rinse & carsoap washes, but I do still get a few dried spots when ONR washing. It`s fairly windy around here in the fall, and I`m thinking the cars could be drying so fast that they are trapping dust particles in the air, causing water spots.

Eliot Ness
10-21-2007, 12:22 PM
Any product suggestions for something stronger than QD, or is it simply a matter of washing the car again and using moderate pressure on the spots?.....It depends on the spots. Something like a fairly mild AIO type of cleaner like Klasse AIO, Zaino Z-AIO, or even a cleaner type of wax. You could also try letting the QD soak on the spot for a minute or two, but if you need to use a lot of pressure to get the spot off you risk marring that area.

........Is your initial pass merely with the weight of the towel, or using some pressure? Are you using a WW or a plushy MF?.........If I`m drying a car then I`ll spray some QD on the panel, do the first pass with a WW then follow with a plusher MF for the final buff. If I`m QDing only then I`ll just use plusher MF`s, and I try not to use any pressure.

10-21-2007, 12:36 PM
Thanks for the response. My streaking must be from using the wet side of the WW. I will do the final buff pass with a dry side. cheers...

10-21-2007, 02:05 PM
Actually just thought of something relating to what `sacrifice` said. When doing a conventional wash I try to apply my soap to the entire car, so I don`t have to rinse inbetween, then go straight to the flood step. Perhaps the water spots are being caused by soap sitting too long on the paint??? Those of you performing `the perfect dry` do any rinsing of the soap inbetween your soaping, before doing the flood step? I`m thinking of dividing the car into 1/3rds and rinsing the two thirds of soap off (each third separately), and finishing off the last third and entire car with the flood method.

P.S. I rinse out my wash mitt after each panel, not simply dipping my mitt into the soap bucket once for the whole car.

Eliot Ness
10-21-2007, 02:16 PM
............do any rinsing of the soap inbetween your soaping, before doing the flood step? ............I always rinse each section to keep soap from drying on the car. I also go back and keep those sections wet if it seems to be drying to prevent spotting.

I wouldn`t save enough time by doing the whole car at once to justify the time spent dealing with soap and/or water spots later. I guess it depends on the temperature outside, if part of the car is in the sun or not, and the size of the vehicle, but that`s the habit I`ve gotten into over the years.

10-21-2007, 02:21 PM
I always rinse each section to keep soap from drying on the car. I also go back and keep those sections wet if it seems to be drying to prevent spotting.

I wouldn`t save enough time by doing the whole car at once to justify the time spent dealing with soap and/or water spots later. I guess it depends on the temperature outside, if part of the car is in the sun or not, and the size of the vehicle, but that`s the habit I`ve gotten into over the years.

Good wisdom :werd:! Didn`t think of it like that before, as yes, I will be spending more time now to correct the spotting. It`s high 40s/low 50s around here now, but windy. I usually wash my cars out of sunlight (morning/evening/overcast) so should get away with out rinsing each individual panel. Will have to try more rinsing next time with a conventional wash.