View Full Version : 476s frozen beading

10-20-2007, 04:28 PM
Last night we had lots of heavy rain, followed by dropping temperatures. When I went out to my car this morning, it was covered with perfectly frozen collinite 476s beads. I apologize that the best I could do was record them with my camera phone but I hope you get the idea. It cracked me up and I wanted to share it.



I applied three coats of 476s towards the end of August. (I had to do my winter prep early because of travel obligations.) Then during September & the first week of October, while it was still in the 40s out, I applied 4*UPPS after each of three ONR washes.

I am real pleased by how the products are performing.

Paulie Walnuts
10-20-2007, 05:04 PM
I read frozen and my thoughts went to "Damnit!!! Its too early!!" then I noticed that you are from Alaska. Ahh a few more weeks of above freezing temperatures here, damnit I gotta get out of here.

10-20-2007, 05:38 PM
Those beads look really cool. How cold does it get in Anchorage?? I`ve herad temps get seriously down during winter in the very northern regions of AK...

Paulie Walnuts
10-20-2007, 06:44 PM
Those beads look really cool. How cold does it get in Anchorage?? I`ve herad temps get seriously down during winter in the very northern regions of AK...It does but there are weeks where it is colder in MN than in AK. I remember just last year that it was 35 degrees in AK and it was minus 5 here in the Twin Cities.

10-20-2007, 07:50 PM
The thing about Anchorage winters is they are long, rather than cold. We leave that to Fairbanks and other part of the interior and northern areas. I almost made the point that you, WilliamH, did about it being colder in minnesota, but I didn`t want to depress you. Glad you know the truth already. I have friends here from Minn or Montana who joke that they came here for the temperate weather.

So how cold does it get? In Anchorage we`ll usually have a few week-or-so cold snaps that are sub zero, but it usually doesn`t drop below ten below in my part of town. Plus it is usually not windy, which makes a huge difference.

Now Fairbanks is another story. they get serious cold for long stretches, I`m talking 20 to 40 below. I`m too big a wimp for that, but the folks I know who live there, love it. I htink i`ve seen posts from a Fairbanks-ian autopian. Maybe he`ll weigh in with the scary or not truth of the matter.

Apart from winter being long, which is best addressed by a vacation to hawaii, I really like it here. Most winter days are in the teens or twenties. the single digit or sub zero days are the more unusual. As long as you`re dressed for it, it`s fine and it`s a great place to do outdoor sports. My only regret is that I don`t have a garage and can`t keep my car as nice as i`d like for much of the year. I`m pulling for my 476s to see me through to April.

Paulie Walnuts
10-20-2007, 08:14 PM
The thing about Anchorage winters is they are long, rather than cold. We leave that to Fairbanks and other part of the interior and northern areas. I almost made the point that you, WilliamH, did about it being colder in minnesota, but I didn`t want to depress you. Glad you know the truth already. I have friends here from Minn or Montana who joke that they came here for the temperate weather.

So how cold does it get? In Anchorage we`ll usually have a few week-or-so cold snaps that are sub zero, but it usually doesn`t drop below ten below in my part of town. Plus it is usually not windy, which makes a huge difference.

Now Fairbanks is another story. they get serious cold for long stretches, I`m talking 20 to 40 below. I`m too big a wimp for that, but the folks I know who live there, love it. I htink i`ve seen posts from a Fairbanks-ian autopian. Maybe he`ll weigh in with the scary or not truth of the matter.

Apart from winter being long, which is best addressed by a vacation to hawaii, I really like it here. Most winter days are in the teens or twenties. the single digit or sub zero days are the more unusual. As long as you`re dressed for it, it`s fine and it`s a great place to do outdoor sports. My only regret is that I don`t have a garage and can`t keep my car as nice as i`d like for much of the year. I`m pulling for my 476s to see me through to April.Lol Im already depressed, not sure it can get much worse. How do you handle the long stretches of light and darkness?

10-20-2007, 08:21 PM
I guess it helps you are near a body of water in Anchorage with regards to the temps. I know how your friends feel with the -40 below weather though. Probably another few weeks and my 476 will probably be doing the same thing heh.

10-20-2007, 09:16 PM
Lol Im already depressed, not sure it can get much worse. How do you handle the long stretches of light and darkness?

The way I see it, it`s better to be depressed about the weather rather than something more integral to you or your life. I`m happy to blame the weather for any sour or finicky mood I have for the next several months.

As for the light and dark, it is a trip. summer is nothing short of manic. I like to say we have two-for-one days. You can work all day, and then still have a whole day left to go play, whether that be hiking or fishing or whatever. But it is disorienting. I keep forgettting to have dinner, becasue you always think it must be about seven, but in truth, it`s eleven. It`s great, but tiring.

by the end of summer, I`m so worn out, winter and hibernating starts to sound kind of good. I`m ready to slow things down.

The dark definately makes me want to sleep more, and not get up in the morning, but eventually it gets easier and your body adjusts (like it does to sleeping in the light.) The dark ends up being not that much different than outside. When I lived in Boston, it was dark when i went to work and dark when i came home. Once we get some snow on the ground, it will all feel better too. The ambient city lights and moon shine reflect off the snow and really make a difference. Plus we have lots of lighted ski trails in the city. i`m a horrible skiier but i do like to get out and run outdoors all winter. I think that helps me too in not letting the conditions get me down. I just don`t let it stop me from doing things, even if it means wearing a headlamp for some runs. (they look dorky but do work.)

We`re also lucky in that we tend to have clear skies. And since it is hard not to be up for both dawn and sunset, you get more than a fair share of gorgeous colors to watch. It`s pretty spectacular.

I also play mind games and remind myself that by Christmas, we start gaining light. Eventually we`re getting more than a half hour a week. Knowing it will change makes it easier. And of couse the other way to deal, i mentioned in my earlier e-mail: Hawaii.

10-20-2007, 09:21 PM
I guess it helps you are near a body of water in Anchorage with regards to the temps. I know how your friends feel with the -40 below weather though. Probably another few weeks and my 476 will probably be doing the same thing heh.


Yep, i`m lucky. there`s a saying up here that Anchorage is great, it`s real close to Alaska." We really have it easy.

Good luck with your upcoming mercury drop. I like Alaska in part because its natural wonders keep me from getting too self absorbed or taking myself too seriously, but your weather requires some serious respect.

10-20-2007, 09:36 PM
Freezing temperatures and it`s not even Halloween.... get OUTTA there man :grinno:

10-20-2007, 09:42 PM
Freezing temperatures and it`s not even Halloween.... get OUTTA there man :grinno:

It`s gets even more absurd on Halloween as we usually have snow by then. Nothing makes a costume like a pair of sorels & a down coat. :2thumbs: Trick or treat.

10-21-2007, 01:00 AM
I cant wait for it to get cold in NY. I`m super jealous of your cold temps.

That has to awesome to go out to your car and find it perfectly beaded AND frozen like that. HAHA. I think I would have to rub my hand over all the frozen beads just to feel it. Its not like that happens very often.

10-21-2007, 02:04 AM
nice! I had those before!