View Full Version : Ultima Paint Guard Plus or Klasse High Gloss ??

10-17-2007, 11:05 PM
You will have to excuse me for asking what appears to be a dumb question but I am totally new to these two products and have no idea. I have done some searching and while I have found some threads none directly answer the following question.

Is the protection provided by Ultima Paint Guard Plus worth three time the cost of Klasse High Gloss Glaze, and if so why?

I am looking to try something new and these two are towards the top of the list. I presently use NXT toped with #26 with a UQD wipe down after every wash.

Your thoughts please!

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My ride topless


10-17-2007, 11:07 PM
Considering the results that I am getting witn Meguiar`s NXT and #26 should I change at all? Just a thought.

10-17-2007, 11:28 PM
If you`re happy with what ya got then keep rolling with it. If not then I`d choose PGP if for nothing else but ease of use.

10-18-2007, 12:48 AM
I feel that topping UPGP and topping it with a wax is not allowing you to get your value`s worth. The only justification, in fact, that I can see for that intense price is that it replaces my entire zaino regiment (z5, zcs, z8) with just one product... or at least that how I`m expecting it to perform. If your going to top with a wax, thats going to defeat the purpose of the UPGP look thats obtained so easily as a WOWA product. And as for the durability, Klasse has descent durability if I`m not mistaken. If durability is REALLY an issue, you could always go with Zaino z5 or CS for a lot less.

All in all, from what I`ve seen of UGPG I don`t think it needs a topper but thats just my preference. I`d like to know that when I`m spending that much, its going to look good as is. If that look is not something that pleases you, to the point where your going to pretty much replace the look with the oily wax look, why pay that much?

10-18-2007, 08:27 AM
If you like what you`re doing, why change?

I agree, I would NOT top UPGP with a wax. It looks great on its own, an is unbelievably easy to use. I wouldn`t compromise it`s advantages with a carnuba product. If you want to do something, just add another layer of UPGP.

If you want to change to something easier to use that lasts longer, then go with Ultima. If you are doing it expecting a huge improvement in look, since that is so subjective, you may not find the difference noticable.

10-18-2007, 10:12 AM
Honest feedback, I love it and thank you one and all.

As far as toping UPGP, the only thing that I would top it with is a second or third coat of the same product.

As always if you like what you are seeing then why change. and I totally agree so if NXT topped with #26 looks good then why change, right?

10-18-2007, 08:09 PM
I have three cars and enjoyed Klasse products on all, I have been very satifsfied, just applied this past weekend the UPGP to my oldest car 04 TL and UPGP provided a deeper wet look then Klasse. Easier to use so durablity will now be the issue. Car look great!!

10-18-2007, 10:31 PM
Ultima Paint Guard Plus really isn`t as expensive as it looks. That 70 dollar price tag gets you about 50 applications of sealant. And it is really, really good stuff.

I do wish they`d offer it in a six ounce container for 35 bucks, though.

10-18-2007, 11:41 PM
Ultima Paint Guard Plus really isn`t as expensive as it looks. That 70 dollar price tag gets you about 50 applications of sealant. And it is really, really good stuff.

I do wish they`d offer it in a six ounce container for 35 bucks, though.Have you used Klasse at all or are you just a UPGP kind of guy. One other way to look at it is $70 that much to spend on somethng that coat almost 30K out the door, I dont think so.

10-18-2007, 11:55 PM
Ultima Paint Guard Plus really isn`t as expensive as it looks. That 70 dollar price tag gets you about 50 applications of sealant. And it is really, really good stuff.

I do wish they`d offer it in a six ounce container for 35 bucks, though.

Ditto, I wish David offered it in a six ounce container for 35 also! Pricing isnt really a concern, its just my temptation to try different/new products. It will take me FOREVER to finish up the 12oz bottle.

10-18-2007, 11:58 PM
Have you used Klasse at all or are you just a UPGP kind of guy. One other way to look at it is $70 that much to spend on somethng that coat almost 30K out the door, I dont think so.

Honestly, I haven`t ever used Klasse. I`ve been doing a product test/evaluation on UPGP for just over a week now. I`m not usually much of a sealant kinda guy, but I must say that UPGP is impressive stuff.

10-19-2007, 08:57 AM
For me the price of UPGP is too high to even consider, but I am not a professional. There are just so many good products for half the price I cannot justify it.

10-19-2007, 09:07 AM
for me I do wish david would offer a 6oz size but like was already mentioned 70$ for right about 50 coats of product is a good deal :)

I have tried the klasse twins and I do like there AIO as far as a paint cleaner, its decent, there are better, there sealant to me is good/above average at best. its durability is good to great but I find that there are better looking combinations of products to use. IMHO I dont like the look of KSG on a car, it is a dull, lifeless look with no warmth or "excitment" that UPGP seems to put into a car! :)