View Full Version : Paintwork Haze...

10-17-2007, 03:19 PM

this is my first post after a lot of reading so be kind with me.

i have an mazda rx8,black colour,2005 model

first of all i would like to mention that everything i tred to do has done by my hands so no machine extra help yet.

after a body cleaning the paint seems to haze:angry .i know that i shouldn`t concern by now but..

i used the AUTOGLYM ULTRA DEEP SHINE after the cleaning with good results but the paint doesn`t have the high gloss i expected to:cry: .

tried to use a carnauba wax after all this detailing but no more shining in the paintwork.

is there any mistake i did or my polish isn`t too strong?

any advise should be welcomed!!!

thanks in advance,

pictures are coming...

have in your mind that this is my first try in detailing...

10-18-2007, 05:49 AM
hello again,

nobody is able to solve my problem?

10-18-2007, 06:09 AM
From what it sounds like your looking for as far as results sounds like you need to invest in a machine .Then with a little patience you can achieve remarkable results.

Eliot Ness
10-18-2007, 06:25 AM
hello again,

nobody is able to solve my problem?It`s pretty hard to know what`s going on without the pictures you said you were going to post.

I`m not familiar with the AUTOGLYM ULTRA DEEP SHINE. What did you use to do the "body cleaning"? Does the paint look better, worse, or about the same before you started?

10-18-2007, 07:54 AM
My only thoughts are you`re putting on the waxes too thick and or not letting them dry long enough?

Since you don`t have a machine, go out and buy a claybar and redue it all. Should only take you like 3 hours tops to wash, clay and rewax it.

I think that will do the trick.


10-18-2007, 09:39 AM
It\`s pretty hard to know what\`s going on without the pictures you said you were going to post.\r\n\r\nI\`m not familiar with the AUTOGLYM ULTRA DEEP SHINE. What did you use to do the \"body cleaning\"? Does the paint look better, worse, or about the same before you started?

thanks for the replies.

as far as i don`t live in usa i tried to do the job with products i can find in local stores without buying the recommended i have read here from internet.i used a tar remover for the cleaning and a light rubbing compound called"SCRATCH OUT FORMULA 1"

the paintwork now looks cleaner as far as all the contamination has left but it looks a little haze and not so gloss as i expected.

if you touch the paint without see it you think that is a new car.

is there something i can do with my hands or did i lose the game?`

10-18-2007, 09:49 AM
Oh it`s the scratch out formula that did it - worked in by hand, most rubbing compounds will leave a haze. Machine polishing is the best way to fix that, but if you`ve got arms of steel, 1Z MP might do it by hand.