View Full Version : A bunch of RANDOM Questions...

10-11-2007, 04:50 PM

I think I`m spending alittle too much personal time with the search button and not getting the answers I need.

Here are some random questions I have...hopefully you can help me out here...

1. I have been detailing cars at my personal residance for about 4 months now. Couldn`t feel anymore at home...but I usually pick the persons car up, and drive it back to my home, do my thing, then drive it back. Now, how many of you do this?? I know there are tons of mobile guys out there, feel free to chime in.

2. Advertising: I haven`t seen to many posts on this subject. I know, in every business, especially sales, "word of mouth" advertising is the best. I have business cards, post cards, and "info" sheets, explaining the pros & cons of detailing. What are other people using?? If anything?? I know Mobile people have trailers or vans wrapped.

3. I work at a country club as my day job, speak with a bunch of members and so on, so I get about 80% of my business through the country club. I used to do a nice little detail, with just over the counter stuff, from AutoZone ect. I couldn`t believe I used half the stuff I did...now I found Autopia and did research! So my question is...I need to create a detail, that takes no more than 4 hours( Average time for a round of golf) but does a faily good job. I know detailing takes time to yeild great results, but something basic. Oh and with an average price tag of 80-140.

4. Winter is coming, and I just thought of a good idea for my area...ONR washes for $20?? :idea Good idea or am I talking out of my a** again?? Who doesnt love a clean car in winter? And for $20, or even $10, you would make a killing, should take no lobger than an hour.

Sorry its long, but just things I would love to know!

Thanks in advanced!:2thumbs:

One Seventeen
10-11-2007, 05:28 PM
What are the cons to detailing? lol

10-11-2007, 05:33 PM
ok, maybe i worded it wrong, but proffessional detail vs. DIY or the good old car wash up the street...there arent any cons really, except im sure there are some customers out there that complain about price!

One Seventeen
10-11-2007, 06:11 PM
ONR is pretty expensive, so 10 dollars a wash sounds really cheap. Have you considered charging 15-20 for cars, 20+ for SUV`s and trucks? just a thought.

When you say you pick up the customers cars, does that mean you leave your personal vehicle at their house? I`d rather them come to you, and you can give them a ride where they need to be with your own vehicle. I would never leave my truck at someone else`s house, but that`s just me.

BTW, i was just kidding about the con`s question, I knew what you meant

10-11-2007, 06:30 PM

I think I`m spending alittle too much personal time with the search button and not getting the answers I need.

Here are some random questions I have...hopefully you can help me out here...

1. I have been detailing cars at my personal residance for about 4 months now. Couldn`t feel anymore at home...but I usually pick the persons car up, and drive it back to my home, do my thing, then drive it back. Now, how many of you do this?? I know there are tons of mobile guys out there, feel free to chime in.

2. Advertising: I haven`t seen to many posts on this subject. I know, in every business, especially sales, "word of mouth" advertising is the best. I have business cards, post cards, and "info" sheets, explaining the pros & cons of detailing. What are other people using?? If anything?? I know Mobile people have trailers or vans wrapped.

1. I do the same thing, probably 90% of the cars i clean i pick up either from their work or home. Its kind of nice being trusted to drive $70k cars at the age of 17.:) On occasion i will do them at their house if there are multiple ones to do in one day.

2) Word of mouth has kept me busy so far but i also have buisness cards and info sheets.

10-11-2007, 06:34 PM
Well, no, usually the customer is already at the country club, they leave the keys for me, they go golf, and i take it from there...they have no idea what I drive, but there have been a few times where I have left my personal vehicle. It was a nice area, so, i felt more than comfortable.

Speaking of that, i left my car once, took thiers, made it look pretty, then came back to get my car and drop it off, well, i left my keys to my car, at home...so basically i looked like a complete idiot walking down the road calling everyone i knew it the area to come pick me up! Ahh, those were the days!

10-11-2007, 06:39 PM
Well, no, usually the customer is already at the country club, they leave the keys for me, they go golf, and i take it from there...they have no idea what I drive, but there have been a few times where I have left my personal vehicle. It was a nice area, so, i felt more than comfortable.

well i usually have my partner drop me off at their house and then we both drive to either my house or his so i dont have to leave my car

10-11-2007, 06:40 PM
Not to shoot picking up cars and taking them back, I can see where most people say its a liability issue, but I see as, you more than likely have car insurance, so, if, for instance something does happen (always pray is doesnt) you are covered.

Another question: Insurance...what does everyone have? General Liability or somethign more indept?

10-12-2007, 10:08 AM
Another question: Insurance...what does everyone have? General Liability or somethign more indept?

General Business Liability Insurance should be OK but you may want to add Worker`s Comp insurance too. I won`t hire a contractor without both.

10-12-2007, 10:27 AM
1. I have been detailing cars at my personal residance for about 4 months now. Couldn`t feel anymore at home...but I usually pick the persons car up, and drive it back to my home, do my thing, then drive it back. Now, how many of you do this?? I know there are tons of mobile guys out there, feel free to chime in.

While I am not a pro detailer, if it works for you and your customers are comfortable with you driving their cars and like the convenience, stick with it.

2. Advertising: I haven`t seen to many posts on this subject. I know, in every business, especially sales, "word of mouth" advertising is the best. I have business cards, post cards, and "info" sheets, explaining the pros & cons of detailing. What are other people using?? If anything?? I know Mobile people have trailers or vans wrapped.

Do you have a website?

3. I work at a country club as my day job, speak with a bunch of members and so on, so I get about 80% of my business through the country club. I used to do a nice little detail, with just over the counter stuff, from AutoZone ect. I couldn`t believe I used half the stuff I did...now I found Autopia and did research! So my question is...I need to create a detail, that takes no more than 4 hours( Average time for a round of golf) but does a faily good job. I know detailing takes time to yeild great results, but something basic. Oh and with an average price tag of 80-140.

I can`t help you here, I am a very SLOW detailer. But since I only do my own car, no big deal. The Country Club you work at doesn`t mind you doing details on their property?

4. Winter is coming, and I just thought of a good idea for my area...ONR washes for $20?? :idea Good idea or am I talking out of my a** again?? Who doesnt love a clean car in winter? And for $20, or even $10, you would make a killing, should take no lobger than an hour.

A gallon of ONR costs about $35-$40. Add shipping and you are looking at about $50 for a gallon of ONR. Scottwax states he can wash 80-100 cars with a gallon. Let`s be conservative and say 80. So if you figure the cost of ONR plus tire dressing (should you chose to do so) plus new MF towels periodically as you wear out old ones, you are looking at a cost of a few dollars per car. If you can work it out where you are doing 4 cars or so a day at the country club you work at that would be $40 - $80 of revenue (depending on whether you charge $10 or $20) for about $10 - $15 in cost.

10-12-2007, 11:42 AM
Thanks for the input Bert! I don`t have a website, might be something I will consider down the line, but not in the budget right now. How effective do you think they will be?? Granted they are great fpr explaining to customers some things about paint restoration and detailing, but I feel if I get face to face with a person, I have a better chance of selling...

The Country Club doesn`t mind at all...they actually support it cause most Upscale country clubs offer the service to the member, well we are upscale here, but dont offer the service! Also, I am a Manager at the club...so it works out nice!

ONR isn`t too expensive, you figure 4 washes, pays for itself. Also 80 x $10=$800(barley any work involved!) Not to bad, IMO

10-12-2007, 02:55 PM
Thanks for the input Bert! .

No problem. Maybe you can repay your ole buddy Bert by letting him sneak on the course to play 18 holes the next time he is in the area.:D

I don`t have a website, might be something I will consider down the line, but not in the budget right now. How effective do you think they will be?? Granted they are great fpr explaining to customers some things about paint restoration and detailing, but I feel if I get face to face with a person, I have a better chance of selling...

How effective a website would be kinda depends on how you want to market your service. Do you believe face to face encounters with members at the Country Club who see other members cars you have detailed would provide you with enough business? If so, I doubt a website would give you much return on your investment. If face to face does not give you enough business, then a website may be beneficial. After you fininsh a members car, maybe include a thank you note and say something along the lines of:

"If you like the way your car looks, please visit my website to see any other services I can offer."

Those services being: 2/3 stage polishing (assuming you own a DA/rotary), carpet shampooing (assuming you own a wet/vac), engine bay cleanings or other things that you may not have time to do in a 4 hour stint while they are on the course. Of course your site would have pics of cars before and after your services. Also, if a neighbor or co-worker mentions to one of your customers about the appearance of their car, that customer can mention your website or just give them the thank you note which has your website on it.

The Country Club doesn`t mind at all...they actually support it cause most Upscale country clubs offer the service to the member, well we are upscale here, but dont offer the service! Also, I am a Manager at the club...so it works out nice!

I am surprised that the country club does not want a percentage of your take. I would assume most country clubs who offer that service and have a detailer come on site does take a percentage.

ONR isn`t too expensive, you figure 4 washes, pays for itself. Also 80 x $10=$800(barley any work involved!) Not to bad, IMO

If you could work it out that you are washing several cars a day on Sat and Sun and a few on weekdays, that could be some pretty lucrative part time work so long as you are charging $20 a pop. I would atleast charge $15, preferrably $20. Think about it, to set up at a customers car, wash a car`s paint, clean the tires wheels, apply a dressing on the tires, along with tear down, I would assume one car will take you an hour. If you only charge $10 and back out product costs, you will only be making about $8 an hour. I would bet many of your employees at the club make more than that. However, if you are doing this because you enjoy detailing BMW`s, Mercedes, and other nice cars and money is not a huge conern, never mind then.

10-12-2007, 03:48 PM
Bert, You are always welcome on my coarse! Not going to lie, it pretty hard...but in return, you have to teach me some detailing tricks!!

I will consider a website eventually...but all that information is very true...

As of right now, the country club doesn`t want anything, the only thing I am doing is advertising there...i don`t detail on site...BUT...i may do that with the ONR. I think $20 is a good amount...if I dont get a good response, then I may not do it...and yes, the country club is full of BMW, Porsche, Benz, and Audi...

10-15-2007, 10:41 AM
Bert, You are always welcome on my coarse!

Sweet, where are you by the way?

...but in return, you have to teach me some detailing tricks!!

Everything I have learned has come from reading this thread about an hour a day and asking questions on the site for the past 3 1/2 months and watching videos mentioned on the site. Before I came on this site, I had no idea what detailer`s clay was.

As of right now, the country club doesn`t want anything, the only thing I am doing is advertising there...i don`t detail on site...BUT...i may do that with the ONR.

Is the club owned by the members? If so, I can see how you get away with not paying the club a percentage.

I think $20 is a good amount...if I dont get a good response, then I may not do it...and yes, the country club is full of BMW, Porsche, Benz, and Audi...

If this is part time work and not what pay`s the rent/mortgage, no big deal if you don`t get a good response immediately.