View Full Version : How much would you charge for this RAT infested detail?

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10-09-2007, 08:15 PM
Hey guys, got a call regarding this older Porsche. Its been sitting around for years, and even had a rats nest inside. Thats been removed, but the car still looks like crap. Here are my concerns:

1) Is it single stage paint? The car is a Porsche 928 from the early 80`s

2) Rust - as you can see in some of the pics. Can I do anything about that?

3) Lint - in one of the interior shots you`ll see the fabric has some lint and other crap stuck in it

EDIT: please be advised, I do NOT intend on doing a full polish (ie: 9 hours of compounding and finishing polish... )


Heres the interior


I assume some leather cleaner and leather brush + PC would deal with this:


This is one of my main concerns. How do I get this stuff out of the fussy upholstery?


Heres a shot of the rear, pretty much representing what every part of the exterior looks like:





So what do you suppose would be a fair price? (I do NOT intend on doing a complete polish)

10-09-2007, 08:22 PM
Wanna tag team it? lol

Without thoroughly looking at it in person I would guess at least 400 bucks. The interior sounds pretty hagard and the outside, I would guess is SS paint. As per the rust, nothing much you can do about that.


hXc drummer23
10-09-2007, 08:31 PM
Regarding the lint, a lint brush, duct tape, etc. should work.

10-09-2007, 08:31 PM
Wanna tag team it? lol

Without thoroughly looking at it in person I would guess at least 400 bucks. The interior sounds pretty hagard and the outside, I would guess is SS paint. As per the rust, nothing much you can do about that.


If its SS I may have to pass on this. I`ve never worked with SS plus I have few pads and you need multiple white/orange/etc. to deal with all the paint thats coming off - right?

10-09-2007, 08:40 PM
It isn`t that hard to remove the oxidation. The problem as you mentioned is that it basically ruins your pads.


10-10-2007, 05:50 AM
Order up some new pads and have at it.

10-10-2007, 09:56 AM
If its SS I may have to pass on this. I`ve never worked with SS plus I have few pads and you need multiple white/orange/etc. to deal with all the paint thats coming off - right?

SS paint is usually a joy to work on!

I would be more worred about the mold on the seats

10-10-2007, 10:41 AM
SS paint is actually quite easy to work with, it just ruins your pads, like others have mentioned. Try it out, you`ll be amazed at how quickly it transforms.

Just for reference, here`s a car I did with SS paint. The pictures suck but I can just tell you that it had a bunch of spider webbing and marring that basically were completely gone without as much effort as is usually needed with a clearcoat car.

Just finished detailing a `86 El Camino - LS1TECH (http://www.ls1tech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=493425)

10-10-2007, 11:02 AM
I think after I heard it actually had a rats nest in it; I would`ve passed on the deal. :grinno:

What do you plan on doing to it? Do you plan on doing 1 step polishing? Are you deep cleaning the carpets?

I would get a hard bristle dog brush for the hair in the carpet. Spray it down with a woolite/water mixture and then brush it away.

the other pc
10-10-2007, 11:14 AM
As already mentioned, SS paint is usually easier to work than 2-stage.

I disagree that it harms your pads. Yes, it will stain them. So if you worry how your pads look then I guess you can say they’re ruined. I care how they work. And they work perfectly well after buffing SS paint. (Since the car’s white it’s even less of a problem.)

The great thing about a car that’s that bad is that it’s easy to make massive improvements. It doesn’t need to be perfect when you give it back to the customer. If it just looks pretty good they’ll probably be absolutely thrilled.


10-10-2007, 12:16 PM
I think after I heard it actually had a rats nest in it; I would`ve passed on the deal. :grinno:

What do you plan on doing to it? Do you plan on doing 1 step polishing? Are you deep cleaning the carpets?

I would get a hard bristle dog brush for the hair in the carpet. Spray it down with a woolite/water mixture and then brush it away.

At the max I`d do a finishing polish. I`d rather just go with a chemical cleanser of course.

So either ZPC, or zAIO/kAIO. I assume that BF SRC FP is too strong since its meant to deal with ceramic clear coats??

10-10-2007, 12:31 PM
I certainly don`t mean to be rude, but if you aren`t going to do a real polish, why bother? I would love to see what someone willing to do a 2 step polish could do with that car.

jimmie jam
10-10-2007, 12:41 PM
are you kidding???? PASS:wow: :LOLOL :nervous2:

10-10-2007, 01:10 PM
I would charge 400-450 but I would probably hit the exterior with a 2 or 3 step buff - starting with a heavy cut wool pad and going down through the line, SS white tends to be very hard stuff. You could try just a paint cleaner or FP but don`t be surprised if it takes multiple passes to get all the oxidation out.

10-10-2007, 01:36 PM
I`ve ran into situations like this in the past. I prefer to detail clean cars, not dirty SOB`s. :P So this lady called me up and said she had a very old car (80`s) that had been sitting for YEARS. *BARF* and it was in need of a "very good cleaning". I told a white lie and said I was booked up until I left for college again in two weeks. :P I would never want to do such a crappy car because it basically ruins anything you touch with to it (pads, MFs, ANYTHING) and the poeple usually don`t want to pay the price that it would cost to get it done right.