View Full Version : 05 Taurus - window trim help

10-08-2007, 02:28 PM
I recently acquired an `05 Taurus that has been well maintained, to be detailed in the near future.

Question: I have noticed these odd spots on the rubber trim around the windows. I`m sure ya`ll have come across this on Fords as I noticed it on a late model Excursion while driving on the highway.

I have seen this on numerous vehicles so I`m sure someone knows what I am refering too. This odd spots are usually circular in nature and in varying sizes. I have a photo at home but not with me.

Anyone know how to remove/elliminate this oddness?

10-08-2007, 09:08 PM

How to remove these spots.... ?

10-08-2007, 09:40 PM
On my window trim I like to use Klasse AIO. Cleans it up real well.

10-09-2007, 04:34 AM
I feel ya...I have a 97 Taurus and it has the same problem on the trim.

My trim dressing covers it up (or mutes it at least) but I`d like to get rid of it if I can as well.

Figures, AIO is the one thing I don`t have.

10-09-2007, 07:42 AM
Believe it or not I use 50/50 bleach/water and a tooth brush then dressing on my Saturn. But I`m also not an Autopian. so YMMV:blush:

10-09-2007, 10:39 AM
I have similar oxidization on my VW. I use vanilla moose to clean it up. Any oxidization remover (paint cleaner) should work though.

10-09-2007, 10:46 AM
I`ll try some AIO tonight and see how she fairs....

06-02-2008, 09:30 PM
Tried the Klasse AIO on a rag. On very light areas it appears to have cleared it up some. The intensely spotted areas are no match. Gave me a good time to try out Black Wow.

The Black Wow masked over the spots, still visible but the trim is more uniformly shiny.

Any other suggestions to remove those strange spots on the trim?

06-02-2008, 10:21 PM
I dyed the trim on my Mom`s Taurus. I did it before the spots showed up, but you should be able to remove them with a Magic Eraser (sort of wrecking the gloss of the trim) and then dye it back to a good finish.

06-02-2008, 10:48 PM
8 months later still a problem? Yeah I`ve got a solution. Go to a Body shop supply store. If you don`t have one of those nearby, try a Napa Auto Parts. Buy yourself an aerosol can of black trim paint. Sem is one good brand but there are others. Mask off all needed areas with at least 6` masking paper or newspaper. Remove all Black Wow with alcohol or something fairly strong. Then rough up area to be painted with a scrub pad dipped in water. Wipe off the excess with damp rags. Then spray to your heart`s content.

You don`t have to spray every black trim piece, only the problem ones. Tthe whole process can be done in less than two hours. The cost of materials is relatively cheap. And the result is a permanent solution. Whatever you do, though, don`t buy a cheap brand of paint or any that are high gloss

06-03-2008, 07:37 AM
8 months later still a problem? Yeah I`ve got a solution. Go to a Body shop supply store. If you don`t have one of those nearby, try a Napa Auto Parts. Buy yourself an aerosol can of black trim paint. Sem is one good brand but there are others. Mask off all needed areas with at least 6` masking paper or newspaper. Remove all Black Wow with alcohol or something fairly strong. Then rough up area to be painted with a scrub pad dipped in water. Wipe off the excess with damp rags. Then spray to your heart`s content.

You don`t have to spray every black trim piece, only the problem ones. Tthe whole process can be done in less than two hours. The cost of materials is relatively cheap. And the result is a permanent solution. Whatever you do, though, don`t buy a cheap brand of paint or any that are high gloss

I`ve never put in a good effort the last time I posted and finally tried.... Appears that I will have to paint the trim... Of all the surfaces on the car that`s the only problem area. Weather is getting warmer/nicer and it`s tough to look at it every time I walk up to it.