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10-04-2007, 05:36 PM
My BHBs are all kinda old, and I was ordering from TOL anyhow, so I decided to treat myself to a new pair of the TOL BHBs. I unpacked them today and decided to CD test my various BHBs (always a good idea to periodically test wash/dry media). VERY long-winded review follows..

Test procedure:

BHB prep- all BHBs were soaked for a few minutes in a bucket of shampoo mix (Griot`s Car Wash).

Test material- data sides of some freebie CDs. CDs were dunked in the wash solution prior to testing and blown dry prior to inspection. I used the same CD for the first round of tests, and the sequence of no, no, yes/light, yes/significant marring results was fortunate as all BHBs were initially tested with the same CD. (I then did more testing with additional CDs which might have varied in susceptibility to marring.)

Inspection conditions: incandescent lighting in an otherwise dimly illuminated shop, 5X magnified optical visor.

BHBs tested:

1) wooden handled BHB from BHMA, about 20 years old

2) Plastic handled BHBs (two) from Griot`s, about six years old

3) Plastic handled BHBs (two) from AutoGeek (their regular, rectangular model), about three years old

4) wooden handled BHB (only tested one of two) from TOL, brand new


1) BHMA: YES light occasional marring. This marring was consistent and repeatable.

I attribute it to the bristles being permanently bent over to one side. I suspect that the sides of the bristles contact the CD (as opposed to the bristle tips). When I grabbed some bristles, held them straight, and retested, there was no marring. Guess it`s time to retire my long-time favorite :(

2) Griot`s: NO marring from either BHB when used carefully, very light marring when used with more pressure than I prefer (again, I suspect it came from the sides of the bristles). This marring was sporadic and not uniformly repeatable.

These are my new go-to BHBs (but see caveat below in SUMMARY).

3) AutoGeek: NO marring from either BHB when used carefully, very light marring when used with excessive pressure as per above (but see caveat in SUMMARY). Again, this marring was sporadic and not uniformly repeatable when the BHBs were used carefully.

4) TOL: YES significant, consistent repeatable marring even when used carefully.

Upon inspection under magnification, I noticed that (at least) two bristle tips were not flagged, but rather had hard, rounded tips that looked almost melted. I attribute the marring to these bristles. None of the other BHBs tested had this sort of bristle tips, at least not that I noticed.

I did not test my other new TOL BHB as I plan to return both of them and I figure there`s no need to break open the packaging of a product I intend to return anyhow.


BHMA: My old BHMA BHB would probably still be OK if its bristles hadn`t become permanently bent over. I suspect this bending came from many years of use but it pays to dry BHBs in a manner that the bristles are not bent to the side but rather allowed to be straight. I used to drill a small hole in each end of the handle and then hang the BHB from a wire coat hanger (cut a section out of the base of the hanger`s triangle, leaving just enough of the base on each side of the corners to fit into the holes in the handle). I might go back to drying my BHBs this way.

Note that I did get an awful lot of use out of this thing, I only noticed the bent-over bristles recently so it was good for well over a dozen years of hard use. I suspect that this explains the recent mystery-marring on the S8 that I had to polish out.

GRIOT`S: My Griot`s BHBs are obviously worn, they`ve been used a lot. I was concerned that wear to the flagging on the tips of the bristles might have rendered them unsafe, but this does not appear to be the case. Despite their disconcerting appearance, they appear to be safe and I haven`t noticed any marring when they`re used with the foamgun and very light pressure. It`s not too difficult to use these BHBs with light pressure, but it`s not as easy as with the AutoGeek ones.

Of the BHBs tested, this one gets my strongest recommendation and I plan to get another pair of them sometime (which I will also test).

CAVEAT: These BHBs were sent in exchange for a pair that I returned to Griot`s. The returned ones had bristles contaminated with the adhesive used to mount them in the handle. Always inspect, or better yet CD-test your wash/dry media! Griot`s customer service rep was helpful and friendly, and even said that he would personally inspect the replacement BHBs prior to sending them.

AUTOGEEK: These BHBs are safe if used properly, but then they might be too gentle to clean the vehicle. The long bristles deflect so easily that they can`t dislodge many types of contamination. This leads to a more important caveat: it`s easy *and tempting* to apply too much pressure in an effort to affect better cleaning. This causes the sides of the bristles to contact the surface being washed resulting in potential marring. I attribute the random light marring I observed to this. If you use these BHBs very carefully, to clean a surface that does not require any significant mechanical agitation, then they should perform OK and it`s pretty easy to use them in this very gentle manner. But when used on a normally dirty vehicle I find that they leave too much dirt behind when used gently and that it`s just too easy and tempting to apply too much pressure in an attempt to make them clean more effectively.

Clarification- it`s easy to use the AG BHBs *both* too aggressively and, conversely, too gently! This isn`t really a contradiction because different techniques are employed in each case. Holding the BHB so that the long bristles are barely touching the paint isn`t very difficult, but you do have to *consciously work at* doing it that way. I somehow find it takes more concentrated effort than I need to employ with BHBs having shorter bristles.

I can`t really recommend these BHBs over the Griot`s ones, but they could still be perfect for somebody else.

TOL: The marring from the TOL BHB made it unacceptable to me, even though it was very light. I`m certain that the (very few) unusual bristle tips described above were responsible and it could very well be that they were utterly anomalous; the second BHB, which I did not test, might have been fine and every other TOL BHB might be fine.

Still, this appeared to be a very basic quality control issue related to the bristles themselves, which I viewed as different from the adhesive contamination I saw on the earlier set of Griot`s brushes. IMO bristles are being used that area simply not acceptable.

Could I have cut out the bad bristles and had a good BHB? Probably. Could all other TOL BHBs be perfectly OK? Sure. The rest of the bristles seemed fine and the brush appeared to be of overall very high quality.

I contacted TOL about returning the two BHBs for a refund and, as expected, there will be no problem. I really hate to badmouth *ANY* product from TOL as I`ve long enjoyed doing business with Irene and her employees. I will certainly continue to give them my business whenever possible, but I won`t be using their BHBs.

I would welcome any differing observations, as I believe that seemingly identical individual BHBs can vary greatly. The above is merely a single snapshot of what happened today, with those particular BHBs.


Been meaning to do this for a while...

CMA/Proper Autocare BHB: IIRC these are made by Braun, a big maker of BHBs. These BHBs passed the CD-test with flying colors, and I thought I`d found my new favorites. The bristles were just the right length and stiff/soft-ness and I even liked the feel of the wood handle. Perfection, at least at first blush....

But, sigh, there ended up being a problem related to excess adhesive. Said adhesive (used to mount the bristles in the handle) had contaminated the bases of the bristles. I spotted it during my initial inspection, but hey, "no problem" I thought, as I don`t let that part of the bristles touch the paint anyhow; trouble was, the adhesive started to flake off as the bristles were gently flexed (over and over) during use. (This took a good many washes, during which they BHBs performed perfectly.) Eventually, the tiny bits of hard adhesive started working their way down the bristles and I started to worry about the chance that they`d cause marring. Again, I figured "no problem, I`ll just clean the stuff off/out of the bristles"...but that just didn`t work out. There was too much of it and it would be firmly adhered to the bristles right up until it flaked off. Man was I unhappy, other than that issue I *REALLY* liked these BHBs!

I contacted Terry and Jan at CMA and explained what happened. Jan and I spoke at length about it over the phone and she understood why I couldn`t continue to use these BHBs. I sent them back for a look-see and had high hopes that they could replace them with identical BHBs that didn`t have the excess adhesive problem. No such luck; Jan got back to me and said that (to her disappointment), all their BHBs were the same way. We agreed that it might not be a problem for other people, but that it was certainly a major (potential) problem for *me*, so she refunded my money with no hard feelings on either side.

FWIW, we also discussed BHBs in general, and she said that there are currently only a few companies making them. So, IMO if you find a BHB that meets all your criteria, perhaps you oughta buy a few of them while they`re available. I might look into some new ones from Griot`s, and if I do (and/or if I try some other ones) I`ll report back with another update. Until then I`ll continue to use my old Griot`s ones and, sometimes, my almost-too-soft AutoGeek ones, and I`ll continue to CD-test them from time to time to avoid nasty surprises.

10-04-2007, 05:50 PM
nice review :bow

10-04-2007, 06:48 PM
Whew! Yep, nice review indeed :) Thanks.

10-04-2007, 06:54 PM
Clarification- it`s easy to use the AG BHBs *both* too aggressively and, conversely, too gently!

Thanks for the review Accumulator. I don`t have any experience with boar hair`s brushes, but I have to agree with your comment that a wash media can be TOO gentle. I have similar experiences with natural sea sponges and on just dusty vehicles, they were fine but on areas with contaminates like like pollen or bird droppings, I found myself applying a LOT more pressure than I wanted to to "scrub" them off.

10-04-2007, 07:52 PM
Awesome info, Accumulator, thank you! Hope to see you add the Autogeek BHB that we talked about in another thread to your test soon.

I tested mine when I got it. Didn`t put a single mark on the CD. But as you stated, the very long bristles make this brush extremely gentle.

Harry Houdini
10-05-2007, 12:33 AM
Nice review bro, but what works for you is for sure not working for me.

I stopped using mine, which are from TOL and Autogeek as will.

I always used them on the lower parts of my car skirts ext,

but few months ago when I was going to polish my car that only area was

scratches really bad that I though they r too deep for the polish and buffer to take them


I have been using the foam gun to pre soak the BHB and then on full foam settings

with the foam gun while gently moving the brush in a up and down straight line movement while dumping the brush the whole time so that there will be no straight

scratches, and also rinsing the whole time with a grit guard in 2 buckets.

I don`t even use them on my wheels anymore, I use the sheepskin mitts 3 of them

one for upper panels, one for lower panels and one for the wheels...

10-05-2007, 12:10 PM
..I have to agree with your comment that a wash media can be TOO gentle. I have similar experiences with natural sea sponges and on just dusty vehicles, they were fine but on areas with contaminates like like pollen or bird droppings, I found myself applying a LOT more pressure than I wanted to to "scrub" them off.

The too-gentle thing happens a lot for me, guess it goes with the territory given my wash techniques. When I run into that I assume that *some* kind of (more) aggressive action is required, but how to avoid marring?!? My solution is to leave the tenaciously-adhered stuff there and remove it with Sonus green clay. Very very gently and carefully, of course (as in- one tiny stroke, lift and knead, repeat). Then I rewash with the too-gentle medium. Sometimes I`ll do the more aggressive washing with a mitt, but that always makes me nervous.

Hope to see you add the Autogeek BHB that we talked about in another thread to your test soon.

You mean the ProperAutocare/CMA BHB, right ;) Yeah, I`ll post my findings whenever I try a new BHB.

I suspect the CMA ones will also be too gentle for some/most jobs and will usually be sitting around keeping my AG ones company. I *oughta* just get a new set of Griot`s ones and I probably will.

Heh heh, for all this BHB money I could be ordering Vintage :chuckle:

Harry Houdini- If what you`re doing now works for you, then who cares about BHBs :D But just for the sake of discussion:

Test the BHB, sounds to me like it`s the culprit. I was shocked when I saw marring on the A8 when using new Griot`s BHBs...then I inspected them and saw that adhesive contamination! And the TOL one, with just *TWO* bad bristles, woulda messed up a car but good! For that matter, now I know how my S8 got marred up. So maybe it`s just that particular BHB.

Otherwise, I`m just :confused: that your BHB mars but your mitts don`t :nixweiss Same dirt, so the only variable that`s different is the wash media...well, and how you use it :think: Doesn`t sound like you were pressing hard enough with the BHB to bend the bristles over though. Guess this might remain a mystery, but I would be interested in how that BHB CD-tests. Could be another case of individual variation..with all the bristles in every BHB, there are a lot of tiny things that can go wrong with these brushes.

10-05-2007, 02:49 PM
Good point. I should be doing the CD test often with my brush... I haven`t done it since it was new right out of the box.

Harry Houdini
10-05-2007, 08:52 PM
The too-gentle thing happens a lot for me, guess it goes with the territory given my wash techniques. When I run into that I assume that *some* kind of (more) aggressive action is required, but how to avoid marring?!? My solution is to leave the tenaciously-adhered stuff there and remove it with Sonus green clay. Very very gently and carefully, of course (as in- one tiny stroke, lift and knead, repeat). Then I rewash with the too-gentle medium. Sometimes I`ll do the more aggressive washing with a mitt, but that always makes me nervous.

You mean the ProperAutocare/CMA BHB, right ;) Yeah, I`ll post my findings whenever I try a new BHB.

I suspect the CMA ones will also be too gentle for some/most jobs and will usually be sitting around keeping my AG ones company. I *oughta* just get a new set of Griot`s ones and I probably will.

Heh heh, for all this BHB money I could be ordering Vintage :chuckle:

Harry Houdini- If what you`re doing now works for you, then who cares about BHBs :D But just for the sake of discussion:

Test the BHB, sounds to me like it`s the culprit. I was shocked when I saw marring on the A8 when using new Griot`s BHBs...then I inspected them and saw that adhesive contamination! And the TOL one, with just *TWO* bad bristles, woulda messed up a car but good! For that matter, now I know how my S8 got marred up. So maybe it`s just that particular BHB.

Otherwise, I`m just :confused: that your BHB mars but your mitts don`t :nixweiss Same dirt, so the only variable that`s different is the wash media...well, and how you use it :think: Doesn`t sound like you were pressing hard enough with the BHB to bend the bristles over though. Guess this might remain a mystery, but I would be interested in how that BHB CD-tests. Could be another case of individual variation..with all the bristles in every BHB, there are a lot of tiny things that can go wrong with these brushes.

you are exactly right, any little thing and everything will go south!

I know that you an expert and know what to look for in the BHB and that’s why

you been successful with it, I have mine now and keeping it for my other SUV roof

which also has a handle in it "helps allot" Superbee you might want to get the extension

cord the same one I have, it is rounded and you can untie it and stretch it out up to 3 meters! its from autogeek.

The mitts are doing the job safe enough for me, after washing the car, I just rinse them

and rinse them again in doors and let them dry inside the house and in a Ziploc bag they go. Wash media is really no joke and must be treated with respect in order not to

damage your car.

10-06-2007, 09:46 AM
The mitts are doing the job safe enough for me, after washing the car, I just rinse them

and rinse them again in doors and let them dry inside the house and in a Ziploc bag they go. Wash media is really no joke and must be treated with respect in order not to

damage your car.

Just FYI, and you probably already know, but you can wash these in the washing machine. Personally I find greasy types of dirt don`t want to rinse out of my sheepskins. I wash them on hot in the washing machine, turn them inside out, and toss `em in the dryer. Once the skin is pretty much dry, I turn them back right-side out and fluff them.

It doesn`t seem to adversely affect the life too badly, I think drying them fast does more for keeping them together. I probably get about 5-10 washes out of a mitt, I have a bunch of them so I can do a wash of 5-6 mitts at a time.

Accum, so your review piqued my curiosity about the brushes. But you only use them as an initial cleaning step, is that right? Or you clean the whole car with one and the foam gun and are ready to dry?

10-06-2007, 10:05 AM
Nice review Accum. I use my BHB from CMA (no longer available) 90% of the time and will confer that it is very easy to use too much pressure with the BHB if one is not careful...but even when I do eventually get light marring, I`m always able to polish it out with just 2 or 3 rotary passes...so it`s never deep.

I`d sure like to see some long-term tests done comparing the BHB to a lambs wool mitt...if I owned a black car I`d conduct the test myslef.

10-06-2007, 11:51 AM
..it is very easy to use too much pressure with the BHB if one is not careful...but even when I do eventually get light marring, I`m always able to polish it out with just 2 or 3 rotary passes...so it`s never deep....

Yeah, the marring *can* be very light. The only time I`ve ever had marring that was *only* in the LSP it was from using a BHB on mutliple layers of KSG.

I`d sure like to see some long-term tests done comparing the BHB to a lambs wool mitt...if I owned a black car I`d conduct the test myslef


Accum, so your review piqued my curiosity about the brushes. But you only use them as an initial cleaning step, is that right? Or you clean the whole car with one and the foam gun and are ready to dry?

I usually use the BHBs first, to get the "big particles of stuff" off (I figure it`s most likely to get caught in the wash media and cause marring). The free-rinsing nature of the BHBs lets me flush the [stuff] away with the foamgun instead of dragging it across the paint (rinse buckets stay clean). Then I use the mitts for the second/subsequent passes with the assumption that *that* dirt is more firmly adhered (but less abrasive) "filmy" stuff.

If a vehicle does *NOT* have firmly-adhered dirt, I`ll just use the BHB, but I do worry that it won`t get things 100% clean and will then mar it during the drying.

Sorta-crappy BHB/mitt comparo#1: I washed my wife`s A8 with sheepskin mitts and my S8 with BHB *then* MF mitts. The A8 got some wash-induced marring long before the S8 did. I`ve pretty much switched to washing the A8 with the BHB/mitt combo now too, and it`s not getting marred up as much.

Comparo#2- when I switched from BHB *ONLY* to BHB-then-mitts I was able to reduce wash-induced marring on the MPV. When I tried *mitts only* I got the worst marring of all the combos. The MPV`s paint is sorta soft so it was easy to tell when I got things just right (now I polish it every few years, and it gets used *hard* in all kinds of weather). It was on this vehicle that I had the LSP-only marring, when I used the BHBs by themselves.

So it seems IME that using the BHB first and then the mitts gives the overall best balance of cleaning and marring in *my* experience and in *my* situation. Note that I often let vehicles get awfully dirty before I wash them.

..I know that you an expert and know what to look for in the BHB and that’s why you been successful with it..

Heh heh, well, consider that I have over 25 years of experience with the BHBs and was marring up the paint but good for the vast majority of that time :o

03-11-2008, 06:29 PM

Updated to include CMA`s BHB.

03-19-2011, 01:59 PM

Some bad news for this latest update :(

It`s been about 3.5 years since I got my last set of BHBs, and my go-to pair from Griot`s have been looking kinda worn. Note that this happened faster than I`d expected, but I`m gonna err on the side of caution this time and replace them *before* it really needs doing rather than waiting until after they fail the CD-test or mar some paint. SO...I ordered up a new pair from Griot`s.

I unpacked them the other day and they never even made it to CD-testing. Here`s an excerpt from the relevant part of my product-return letter to Griot`s:

[start copy]

I recently decided to replace my Griot’s BHBs with a new pair, the pair I am herewith returning to you. The new brushes were surprisingly inferior to my older ones, for reasons listed below:

- Both new brushes had excess adhesive at the base of some bristles. I realize that this sometimes happens (I once before had to return BHBs to you because of this and the replacements, which did not exhibit the problem, were fine) but I cannot run the risk of any of the hard adhesive contacting my paint. I attempted to remove most of this excess adhesive, so I won’t be surprised if the problem is no longer evident.

- Both new brushes have bristles that are significantly shorter than my older Griot’s BHBs. A side-by-side comparison comes out clearly in favor of my older (and quite worn) Griot’s BHBs.

- Most disturbingly, both of the new brushes have a large percentage of short, stiff bristles close to the handle. This results in not only stiff, unflagged, bristles that would seriously mar automotive paint, but also a reduced number of full-length bristles and thus fewer flagged bristle tips to actually contact and clean the paint. Perhaps these short, unflagged bristles are the folded over ends of the “regular” bristles, but whatever the explanation, they are unacceptable. Again, compared with my older BHBs these new ones are decidedly inferior even though they are brand new. It’s almost like they are “already worn out”.

All-in-all, the brushes I am returning are simply not as good as my (very used) older Griot’s BHBs and would be a step in the wrong direction.

[end copy]

I went on to express my hope that Griot`s would look into this and once again offer the quality of BHBs I had previously obtained from them. We`ll see if they respond, and if so what they say.

With any luck Griot`s will get things back on track and I will once again be able to recommend their BHBs. But for now...[sigh]....I might have to find some other BHBs :rolleyes:

03-19-2011, 09:28 PM
That`s a real bummer. I hate when your "source" for a particular product changes like that. It reminds me of my experiences with some MF towels (surprise and disappointment when I noticed the quality and characteristics had changed). Speaking of which, Im really happy with my Pak Shak towels you recommend to me a while back (thanks). ....and thank you for this write up. Good info.