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10-04-2007, 04:05 PM
OK, you guys know me... I can`t shut up. In the spirit of my big mouth comes my next product experience/evaluation/critique in absolutely *painful* detail. :) I plan on such an extensive evaluation of David`s new Ultima sampler kit that no part will go unscathed. If there`s so much as a typo in the instructions, it`ll be here in glaring detail. :) I expect this thread will be ongoing until at least next spring.

So to start... Last night at around 12:00 or so, I placed my order for the Ultima Sampler Kit. I received a confirmation email almost immediately. At noon today, I received another email stating that my order had shipped 2-3 day delivery, and included tracking information. So far, so good: great communication and fast order shipping. The web site`s description, instructions, and FAQ`s regarding each product were concise, easy to follow, and without too much product hype and fluff. The FAQ`s were very well done. It looks like they have taken the most often encountered problems and questions and answered them for each product. The only thing I can think of that could have been done better was including the tracking number as an actual clickable link. (Yeah, I`m gonna be *that* picky.) ;)

Edit: There is a way to click to find your tracking info. The shipping confirmation email they send includes a clickable link to your order`s status information web store page. On that page is a clickable tracking link.

Another Edit: Today I received an email from David. I don`t normally post the contents of *any* emails in a public forum, and I really hope David doesn`t mind me doing this, but... it`s just such a tremendous example of how serious David is taking his new product line. He is obviously listening intently to his customer`s feedback on the product`s performance, and even it`s packaging! His product has yet to hit the paint of my car, but I am already impressed with his operation. I`m really hoping that the product lives up to the expectations I have for it.

Begin paste of email:

Dear SuperBee364 (my edit),

Thank you again for your recent purchase of Ultima Paint Guard Plus.

I`m writing to check in with you in case you have any questions or feedback about our new product. Your experience with Ultima is very important to us.

We received feedback from a few of our customers regarding the Ultima Paint Guard Plus sprayer (12 oz. size). We are working on this issue and will have a resolution by the end of the month. I will email you again at that time to let you know how you can receive a new bottle and sprayer, should it be necessary for you.

As we are now coming into the fall and winter months, if you live in an area with a harsh winter climate, now would be a good time to hit your car with a final coat of Ultima Paint Guard Plus before it gets too cold. You can apply the product when the ambient temperature is as low as 40 degrees f. Below 48 degrees, the product will take longer to dry.

To maintain your vehicle`s finish during the winter months, I recommend using Ultima Detail Spray (http://marketing.myorders.biz/12all/lt/t_go.php?i=110&e=MzkxMDI0&l=http://www.autopia-carcare.com/ult-2022.html) as a waterless wash. We designed the product with premium lubricants to reduce the scratching and marring that can be caused by surface dirt.

Yours in Better Car Care,

David Bynon

Ultima Brand Manager

End paste.

Now *that* is customer care and service. Very impressive, DavidB, and once again, i really hope you don`t mind me posting that email. I`ll certainly be happy to remove it if it breaks the rules.

I did edit out the very last line of his email, as it included a discount code for additional purchases of the Ultima line, good through Oct. 15, but I think it`s only meant to be used by people that have already purchased Ultima products. That being the case, I didn`t include it here. (And no, I won`t PM you with the code, sorry.) If a mod reads this and says it`s ok to post the code, I will.

10/6/07 Edit:

Well, it arrived today. Wow, that`s fast shipping. Now I`m really thinking... I was planning on getting my Charger all polished and Vintaged before the Ultima got here, so I could use the Sequoia as the Ultima test bed. Well, the Charger is still in the garage, under the halogens waiting for it`s final polishing step with 106ff. So you know what I`m thinking, right? I mean, the Charger *is* a perfect test subject. I drive it daily when I`m home, I wash it constantly, and when I`m not driving it, it`s sitting in the airport parking lot getting yucky. It would be much easier to compare this stuff to Vintage if I did it on my car.

So, it looks like it`s going to go on the Charger.

I`m reading the Ultima instructions. Specifically, page 13, where it states "...Vehicle Preperation... If swirl marks, water spots, or other paint defects exist, polish your paint with Ultima Paint Prep Plus before sealing." Well, the car has just been polished with HTEC, SIP, and 106FF. It has no swirls, no water spots, and is just darn near defect free. I`m thinking it isn`t necessary to precede the UPGP with the UPPP. I`m just going to do a quick IPA wipedown after the 106ff to remove any lubricants left behind by the polish, then I`ll apply the UPGP.

An interesting statement on page 12 regarding UPGP: "It will offer full protection for 9 to 12 months, but it is so easy to apply that we recommend use 3 to 4 times per year." Wow, that`s a pretty bold statement to be making. Think I`ll save enough of the UPGP to put on the Sequoia and see if it really can last that long.

I`m off to the garage for a late night polishing session. I`ll be sure and post pictures after the Ultima is applied. Bleh.. more pictures of my Charger.... I`m sure you guys are getting sick of seeing that car. It wouldn`t be a good test without pics, though. :nixweiss

10/7/7 Edit:

Just noticed that the bottles in the Ultima Sampler Kit say that they were manufactured by Four Star Products. Four Star Product`s web site has their usual product line up, but the product names and descriptions are *very* similar to Ultima`s. I hate to be a conspiracy theorist, but do we have another Chemical Guy`s/Adams situation going here, or are the Ultima products truly a different formulation than Four Star`s regular line up? Think I`ll pick up a couple bottles of Four Star`s similar products for comparison.

10-04-2007, 04:06 PM
Process was:

HTEC, Yellow Edge Wool on horizontal surfaces

SIP, Purple Foamed Wool

106FF, Edge 2000 White Finishing Wool

Zaino Glass Polish on exterior glass

50/50 IPA wipedown of entire vehicle, including glass

one coat of Ultima Paint Guard Plus

Here`s the pictures...Please excuse the wheels. They didn`t get any love at all this go around.

To start, here`s how much UPGP it took to do my entire car. The whole exterior except the wheels.


Next up are halogen shots of all the doors and the hood. These are taken after the UPGP has been applied.

passenger side hood:


driver side hood:


left rear door:


left front door:


right front door:


right rear door:


some outdoor shots:



Some old bald guy in the background: See how the siding on my house looks distorted? That`s from the heavy orange peel so typical of Dodge`s crappy paint jobs. Love the car, hate the paint job.


Reflection shot:


Hood sun shot. Notice what look to be like tiny holograms? It`s MF lint left behind by the UPGP applicator. You can see it in all the following sun reflection shots.







10-04-2007, 04:07 PM
So... what I think so far...

UPGP looks better than any sealant I`ve used to date. Granted, that`s not alot, but it does look fantastic. It does look like a *sealant*, however. You won`t mistake it`s look for a carnauba, for sure.

It was *very* easy to apply. Took maybe ten minutes. Easiest LSP I`ve ever applied. As I mentioned in another post, the included applicator is just right. The only complaint is that it does tend to leave MF lint behind.

Edit: there`s a re-think of the Application on page 6. Not as happy with the applicaiton process now as I was then.

10-04-2007, 04:08 PM
Score card:

Web site and order fulfillment: 9.5

Ease of Application: 8.0 A non-linting applicator would help. See post #64 (page 6) for additional info on this score.

Appearance: 10

Instructions: 10

Durability: ??

Ease of Cleaning: 7 See post #134 on page 12

Environmental Protection: 8.5

10-04-2007, 10:31 PM
keep ranting mate.

10-04-2007, 10:40 PM

10-04-2007, 10:42 PM
Reserved for future reply to future rant

10-04-2007, 11:47 PM
Reserved for why are you still buying LSPs when you have Vintage?

lol just messin with ya

10-04-2007, 11:55 PM
Reserved for why are you still buying LSPs when you have Vintage?

lol just messin with ya

Actually, there`s a good reason for that... Except that I can`t think of what it is right now. :)

No, really... I`m looking for something that`s a bit quicker and more durable for my wife`s suv for use during the winter. I want to be able to spend the bulk of my detailing time this winter keeping up on the Charger`s Vintage applications, instead of working on the suv.

I`m also very curious to see if this new sealant can match Vintage`s level of environmental protection and ease of cleaning. Vintage is like armor for your paint. It won`t let anything through, and nothing sticks to it. I`m anxious to see if I can find a sealant with those same abilities.

10-05-2007, 08:12 AM
TTT - want feedback on this product, please

10-05-2007, 08:15 AM
Bring it on, fellow airman!

10-05-2007, 11:05 AM
rannnttt awaayyyyy! :)

10-05-2007, 11:43 AM
Thanks, guys, the rant begins "real soon now". Tracking info shows "package info received". USPS is really slow to update tracking status compared to UPS and FedEx.

If the stuff doesn`t show up tomorrow, it`s going to have to wait til late next week due to work constraints.

Really anxious to get ahold of this stuff.

10-05-2007, 12:08 PM
Lol, I wouldn`t want to be at your house tomorrow.

"Either the wax goes or I go!"

"Okay, have a nice life honey"

10-05-2007, 01:15 PM
"If there`s so much as a typo in the instructions, it`ll be here in glaring detail."

When I was reading the instructions I found a Title/Header that looks like it should be bolded in red like the rest of the Title/Headers :grinno:
