View Full Version : Need OTC product advice fast!

09-27-2007, 08:44 AM
Hey folks,

Long time reader, first time poster ;). I have to clean up some minor swirl marks (they`re really not swirls but verticle) and some haze on my hood and fenders which I think is from improper claying.

I need to do this TODAY (car get`s clear bra installed tomorrow), so I need some advice on OTC products I can use. I do have Meg`s ScrathX (the new one that`s hand and DA capable), but it`s not doing much by hand, so I`m looking for a buffer. I know, I know PC/UDW, but I just don`t have to luxuary to wait for these to ship to me.

Any help is appreciated.

09-27-2007, 08:59 AM
Your screwed then, harsh but true

09-27-2007, 09:09 AM
Unless you can find a PC locally, I think your only option would be a rotary of some kind.

Have you thought about just paying a local pro to detail the car for today?

09-27-2007, 09:16 AM
You could try the rotary from harbor frieght, but there are a lot of scary things about that proposition. Espescially if you have never used a rotary...

Invest in the local detail, chances are they will teach you some tricks while they work, and you will be better prepared to make some purchases in the future.

If you just need something really soon and not neccecarily today. Danase.com gets to most of the midwest in a day, and autopia-carcare.com will get to the west coast in a day. Both are great and reputable suppliers.

09-27-2007, 09:28 AM
Post your location, maybe someone local can chime in...

09-27-2007, 10:05 AM
Sorry to find yourself in such a pinch....

If you can`t find any products or anyone locally, maybe you could try ScratchX again. I know that you have to really work that product in and possibly do a few passes for any results to be seen. If you don`t have to do the entire car at it seems, even better.

Good luck

09-27-2007, 10:54 AM
You could try the rotary from harbor frieght, but there are a lot of scary things about that proposition. Espescially if you have never used a rotary....Yes, I would be quite apprehensive about using a Rotary.

Post your location, maybe someone local can chime in...That`s a very good point, I`m in the metro Boston area (Medford specifically).

Sorry to find yourself in such a pinch....

If you can`t find any products or anyone locally, maybe you could try ScratchX again. I know that you have to really work that product in and possibly do a few passes for any results to be seen. If you don`t have to do the entire car at it seems, even better.

Good luckThanks for the sympathy, I knew if I didn`t pick a deadline for the clear bra, I`d never get around to doing it. Too bad I didn`t realize I had the swirl marks when I made the appt :rolleyes: . Re: ScratchX, I agree, and I`ve started tackling this again. It looks like it will work, but it does need a lot of passion.:buffing: (that`s me w/o the buffer :chuckle:)

Thanks folks!

09-27-2007, 11:06 AM
since this is a clear bra- get it done professionally. i say this only becuase if youre like me, once the clear bra is on, you`ll me mad about every single scratch and mark under there:wall

GL though

jimmie jam
09-27-2007, 11:42 AM
it depends on the color of your car. both my vette and avalanche are white. the vette had 20 miles on it before the clear, no buffing/wax. the avey was about 3 years old when i did it and did a full buff and wax. my CTS was just done a few weeks ago. it is white diamond and i buffed/waxed the hood up about 12". when the installer pulled the hood piece out it went 30" up the hood :mad: . well, i said just put it on (this is my DD). interestingly, you can`t tell the the area under the material that was perfect and the rest that was not:chuckle: . 3M has a clear coat on it so it is pertty glossy on its own. just do some scratch-x and wax and don`t worry about it. IMHO.

White lexus 23
09-27-2007, 10:09 PM
Just have a pro do it and save yourself.