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09-27-2007, 02:02 AM
......NOT! Taken with a camera phone and they`re even visible out of direct sunlight. True first class buffing.....:chuckle: :grinno: :clap: Not just this car either. There were several with trails all over the place but NONE were as artfully designed as this one.




09-27-2007, 02:12 AM
amazing... http://clicksmilies.com/s1106/lachen/laughing-smiley-014.gif

09-27-2007, 02:19 AM
Doesn`t anyone there see anything wrong with the buffing jobs?

09-27-2007, 02:47 AM
Wow. Just wow. To think I worry about messing up a paint job using my UDM.

09-27-2007, 02:52 AM
terrific hey. The worst I get with buffing is the absolute finest of holograms that you can barely see in any light, which of course I fix

09-27-2007, 03:37 AM

09-27-2007, 06:19 AM
That looks about like my first Mazda 6 (before they replaced it with another one) that they brought back from the body shop who tried to get tree sap out of the clear. I took one look at the paint and thought to myself "thank God they`re giving me a different one or I`d be super pissed."

09-27-2007, 07:11 AM

That is too funny!

I really don`t think I`d buy another car from Carmax. I`ve heard too many horror stories and the last car I bought from them had over $12k worth of repairs done - fortunately only $400 out of my pocket since I purchased the extended warranty. Their prices aren`t really that great. I think the op`s pics show the quality of Carmax work. Sorry if I offended anyone with a car from Carmax. Just my $0.02.

09-27-2007, 07:48 AM
Doesn`t anyone there see anything wrong with the buffing jobs?

I think the problem is that they do...they just don`t know how to fix it. And if they tried, it might look even worse.

Carmax buffer 1: Look at the hood! What do I do now?

Carmax buffer 2: I`m not sure...buff it longer and see what happens.


09-27-2007, 08:04 AM
Wouldnt you think though after hacking up a few cars that they are making them look worse than what they where and ultimately making them stop doing that?

09-27-2007, 08:09 AM
Are they in MA as well?


Setec Astronomy
09-27-2007, 08:13 AM
Wouldnt you think though after hacking up a few cars that they are making them look worse than what they where and ultimately making them stop doing that?

I think it is more going through the motions, and no one really knowing what they are doing (what a surprise!). The supervisor tells them to buff it, they buff it. If it comes out like crap "hey, I buffed the car, like you told me". The supervisor has never buffed a car, so he says "ok". The manager asks the supervisor if all the cars on the lot are getting buffed like he specified, and the supervisor says "yup". And so it goes. Like the story of the Autopian complaining about swirls/holograms on a black car they were looking at and being told that`s just the way black cars are.

09-27-2007, 08:16 AM
I think it is more going through the motions, and no one really knowing what they are doing (what a surprise!). The supervisor tells them to buff it, they buff it. If it comes out like crap "hey, I buffed the car, like you told me". The supervisor has never buffed a car, so he says "ok". The manager asks the supervisor if all the cars on the lot are getting buffed like he specified, and the supervisor says "yup". And so it goes. Like the story of the Autopian complaining about swirls/holograms on a black car they were looking at and being told that`s just the way black cars are.

Thats kinda what i mean. Wouldnt you think that after the supervisor seen the damage he would make everyone stop doing that?

Setec Astronomy
09-27-2007, 08:25 AM
Not if the supervisor has never polished a car, and doesn`t know how to instruct the hack how to do it right.

09-27-2007, 08:25 AM
Thats kinda what i mean. Wouldnt you think that after the supervisor seen the damage he would make everyone stop doing that?

The super probably thinks it looks great and had them do his car too!