View Full Version : Annoying computer issue

09-24-2007, 08:20 AM
I have a Dell desktop with XP, and I have been tolerating an annoying problem for so long I can`t remember when exactly it started. I have DSL through AT&T and it seems to "fall asleep" if I leave the computer for about an hour or more. When I return to the computer and try to load a webpage (Firefox or IE) it just sits there and acts as if it lost the connection. If I reboot the system it is always fine when I try it again. Any ideas?

tom p.
09-24-2007, 08:58 AM
I would check your power options inside Control Panel. It could be going to Standby or Hibernate. An idle connection is sometimes disconnected after extended periods of inactivity.

09-24-2007, 09:31 AM
Thanks for your suggestion. I checked the power settings, all options were disabled except shutting the monitor off. I leave running Weatherbug and usually AIM which both seem unaffected by inactivity but IE and Firefox always are.

09-24-2007, 09:47 AM
Here is a nice article on losing DSL connections. It is simple enough for us non-geeks to understand. Hope it helps.

Smart Computing Article - Lost DSL Connections (http://www.smartcomputing.com/editorial/article.asp?article=articles/archive/l0806/54l06/54l06.asp&guid)

tom p.
09-24-2007, 10:03 AM
I know my router has time out settings. Do you want to check those?

09-24-2007, 10:35 PM
I have a several Dell systems, and two of them do the exact same thing. Dell has no idea why they do that, and has yet to come up with anything that has helped. I`ve checked every possible setting there is, and always come up short.

The end result is to not let them go into standby, sleep, or hibernate at all. When I am finished with these two computers for the day, I just shut them down.

If you find an answer, please post back and let me know, and I will do the same for you.

09-25-2007, 12:55 AM
I have a Dell desktop with XP, and I have been tolerating an annoying problem for so long I can`t remember when exactly it started. I have DSL through AT&T and it seems to "fall asleep" if I leave the computer for about an hour or more. When I return to the computer and try to load a webpage (Firefox or IE) it just sits there and acts as if it lost the connection. If I reboot the system it is always fine when I try it again. Any ideas?

If you are connected to the DSL modem by ethernet, try unplugging and plugging the ethernet cable to see if the connection reboots. Check the lights on the modem, if it is the same as mine, there are three lights that are lit. One of them is for internet, another is for ethernet. See if one or both of those lights are out. If you are losing the ethernet connection, then the problem is likely with the computer ethernet card/chipset and playing with the ethernet cable should reset the connection. If the internet light is out, the problem is with the modem or your DSL (assuming it is the modem that is logging into DSL, on my system, my wireless router logs in - the DSL modem is only a bridge).

If both lights are lit, then the issue is internal to the computer. Access the window that shows the status of the connection and see if you can reset, refresh or repair the connection from that window.


09-27-2007, 08:23 AM
If you are connected to the DSL modem by ethernet, try unplugging and plugging the ethernet cable to see if the connection reboots. Check the lights on the modem, if it is the same as mine, there are three lights that are lit. One of them is for internet, another is for ethernet. See if one or both of those lights are out. If you are losing the ethernet connection, then the problem is likely with the computer ethernet card/chipset and playing with the ethernet cable should reset the connection. If the internet light is out, the problem is with the modem or your DSL (assuming it is the modem that is logging into DSL, on my system, my wireless router logs in - the DSL modem is only a bridge).

If both lights are lit, then the issue is internal to the computer. Access the window that shows the status of the connection and see if you can reset, refresh or repair the connection from that window.


My modem has lights for: power, ethernet, DSL, Internet, and activity. If I try going to network connections and right click- repair, it attempts to renew the IP address, clear DNS cache, and a couple other things. It never makes it to renewing the IP address at this point though. The only light on the modem that quits flashing or illuminating is the activity one. I`ve tried turning it off and back on, allowing it to reconnect and it always does but my PC never resumes transmitting and receiving without rebooting.

09-27-2007, 10:10 AM
Some suggestions...

1. I would check Dell`s website for an updated BIOS for your computer. BIOS plays a big role in power management.

2. If that doesn`t work, then I would check for updated drivers for your network interface.

3. If all else fails, make sure your Windows is updated. Meaning service packs and things like that. But this can be scary because there are tons of critical updates and patches available, and some of them would make matters worst.

edit - This is a long shot... but updating the firmware on your router can fix a lot of connection issues. But this sounds more like power management or issues with your BIOS and/or NIC.

09-27-2007, 10:19 AM
I know my router has time out settings. Do you want to check those?

This is worth checking also. I believe setting the idle time out value to 0 means that the internet is "always on".

09-29-2007, 02:14 PM
I also have Bellsouth (AT&T) DSL and there is an option to configure the type of connection your modem maintains. The options are Manual, On Demand and Always On. I do believe the default is On Demand which would make sense that it times out after a period of idle time but the connection should come back fairly quickly once you try and access the internet again, it shouldn`t really be noticable. Have you checked the settings on the modem`s web configuration page? It sounds like it could be combination of your modem and router settings that are preventing the connection from coming back after it goes to sleep after a period of inactivity.

Here is a screen capture of my connection settings on my Westell DSL modem.


One thing to try next time this happens and before you reboot is to open a DOS window and try to ping your router and if you receive a reply then ping the modem. You need to determine where the connection is being dropped, at the machine, the router or the modem. I think at this point all most of us can do is guess ;)

10-01-2007, 05:23 PM
Ok I updated my BIOS from Dell`s site. There are no power management options selected on my system now except screen saver. I talked to the "On-line support" person from my DSL provider and "Mark" states it sounds like a hardware configuration issue. He said he tested the strength of my DSL connection and it came back very strong.

I`m on a desktop system connected via Ethernet cable to the modem. The connection is not shared.

How do I check to see how my modem is connected- On Demand, Always On, or Manual?