View Full Version : Week Old Paint & Bug Droppings = HELP

09-22-2007, 09:23 PM
Hi everyone,

I had my black car parked under a nice big tree for the day, in the sun. When I returned, my car was covered in what looked like paint splatters, but it was small bug droppings from the tree above. I`d say it was sitting under the sun with this stuff on it, for around 7-8 hours. Problem is the paint on my hood fresh, only a week old.

I came home and washed the car, the rest of the body seems ok. It was dark out by the time I was done. But the hood, where the paint is fresh with no wax, you can see the stains from the droppings. I washed it again and nothing. I tried a little wax on a spot and it did nothing. Any tips or suggestions on removing this stuff? Keep in mind it`s fresh paint.



09-22-2007, 11:02 PM
Fresh paint is fine to polish/clean. You just don`t want to have a sealant/wax on the paint until ~90 days.

I would try a paint cleaner. If that don`t work you may need to do a light polish. I recommend FPII or a more expensive but nicer version would be 106ff. Both are by Menzerna.

Good Luck!

- Andrew

09-22-2007, 11:14 PM
with a white pad too.

09-23-2007, 12:43 PM
Yeah, try the least abrasive paint cleaner you can get (and get that wax cleaned off of it too). You might try gently claying first.

And I recommend that you don`t park fresh repaints under trees ;) Coulda been worse (bird bomb).

09-23-2007, 08:34 PM
Thanks all for the replies and messages. I know I won`t be parking under any trees AT ALL. So call me nuts, but up until this morning when I left the underground parking garage I could still see the spots. I went to Canadian Tire to check out car products. Went to my parents place so I could wash the car again and try to polish out the spots......................nice and sunny out......... the spots are no where to be found!! I thought maybe because its sunny!???! who knows...........so I didn`t do a thing to it. ... came home tonite, checked it under the same light in the underground and it looks fine....

What the heck?? i hope it`s gone, disappeared, and I hope I won`t have to post about it anytime soon. I still don`t get it though. lol. People must think I`m on drugs or seeing things..

Thanks though for the help.

Edit... I tried adding a new post three times but it won`t work...... but here is a pic from last night so you don`t think I`m crazy, lol. This is what it looked like last nite and this morning when I left home. It`s the bigger spots, the smaller ones to the bottom left are just from a bad drying job.


Cleaning Fool
09-23-2007, 08:58 PM
The detailing gods must have heard your prayer

09-23-2007, 09:09 PM
`Lol, tell me about it...\r\n\r\nHere\`s a pic from last nite..\r\nhttp://farm2.static.flickr.com/1226/1429969483_5f8076a152_b.jpg (\"http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1226/1429969483_5f8076a152_b.jpg\")`

09-23-2007, 09:38 PM
:bow .

Shane Camp
09-24-2007, 09:11 AM
trees = bad

they have leaves, sticks, sap, bugs, birds, rogue cats, occasional beaver and black bear or koala if you`re in Australia.