View Full Version : Who knew?

09-22-2007, 12:44 PM
Who knew that the way we care for MF had a whole nother following in alternative medicine?

Read entire article:

Alternative Medicine—The hidden hazards of synthetic fragrances (http://www.alternativemedicine.com/common/news/store_news.asp?StoreNewsID=13404&storeID=02AD61F001A74B5887D3BD11F6C28169)

Paulie Walnuts
09-22-2007, 12:52 PM
Not really sure what you mean here. I dont use fabric softener but I still wash with liquid tide and I do not always rinse with vinegar.

Either way that is a great article. It truly is scary how many chemicals are out there and how many we consume through all parts of our bodies.

09-22-2007, 01:13 PM
And they dont even have to tell the FDA about their trade secret fragrance. Whatever it is, it probably causes cancer. And all this so someone can get rich. Ohh happy day!

09-23-2007, 06:35 PM
We take in soooo many different chemicals daily...it almost doesn`t matter to remove some from our enviroment.

I wonder if removing a few air freshners is really going to make a difference when you take in more chemicals thru the fumes from idling cars you inhale waiting to pick someone up at the mall, or the mushroom cloud of smoke you have to walk through to get to the door of some businesses.

Great article, thanks. But lately it seems to overwhelming to care. You`d almost have to remove yourself from our chemical society completely to protect yourself.

09-23-2007, 07:22 PM
We take in soooo many different chemicals daily...it almost doesn`t matter to remove some from our enviroment.

I wonder if removing a few air freshners is really going to make a difference when you take in more chemicals thru the fumes from idling cars you inhale waiting to pick someone up at the mall, or the mushroom cloud of smoke you have to walk through to get to the door of some businesses.

Great article, thanks. But lately it seems to overwhelming to care. You`d almost have to remove yourself from our chemical society completely to protect yourself.

If I am going to get chemical Pnuemonia, I atleast want to smell good

09-23-2007, 07:59 PM



09-24-2007, 04:13 PM
If I am going to get chemical Pnuemonia, I atleast want to smell goodIm with you on that...Ive got a nice collection of cologne.