View Full Version : New members, can`t see your post? Look in here!

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09-21-2007, 09:30 AM
First off, welcome to Autopia! If you`re reading this post, there`s a good chance it`s because you`re having trouble submitting posts of your own. Here`s what`s going on: For the first 10 posts for a new member, any post that starts a new thread, or contains a picture or URL will NOT be posted immediately. Instead your post goes to a moderation queue, where one of the moderators will approve it before it`s posted into the forum.

Why all the hassle? Before we instituted this policy, Autopia was flooded with "hit-n-run" spammers. These are people that create a new account, post an advertisement or three, then disappear never to be heard from again. We (the moderators) would delete the spam and ban the spammers, but soon it became like playing a losing game of whack-a-mole. We finally added a vBulletin enhancement that forces new posts (or posts with links/pictures) into the moderation queue, where a moderator examines them before allowing them into the main forum. It`s an unfortunate inconvenience for new members, many who joined specifically to create a new thread with a question, or to post pictures of their own detailing efforts in the Click & Brag forum; however, it has effectively solved the hit-n-run spam problem.

New members, please bear with us. If you create a new thread, or try to post pictures or URLs in any of your first 10 posts, there will be a delay before your post appears in the forums. Please be patient, though . . . it may be as little as a few minutes, or could take as long as a day before your post is addressed.

If a day has passed and you haven`t seen your post, please PM me (TortoiseAWD) or e-mail me at tortoisewrx@yahoo.com, and I`ll look into it as soon as I can.




10-08-2007, 03:40 PM
Sorry. Should have read this post the first time. Please ignore/delete my subsequent attempts at posting the same message.

03-06-2008, 10:07 PM
lolz.. nice one about the whack-a-mole game. hey, how bout new members like me just PM guys like you to post a thread for us? hehehe.. i mean for those questions we really want answered asap. :D

03-24-2008, 05:02 PM
hmmm...is there anything wrong with the forums right now? I`m certainly not a new member and have created new posts just a week ago and when I try to create a new post today it just falls into a neverending loading sequence and eventually into a `page cannot be displayed` message. However, I can reply to threads just fine. Any ideas? : /

03-24-2008, 05:21 PM
You`ve run into a forum bug that seems to be related to the title chosen for the new post. Some combinations of special characters don`t seem to make it through the posting process, and we`re not quite sure why. Try posting again, but choose a simple title with no dashes, semicolons, question marks, etc. That`s worked for some people in the past. Please let me know if it works for you.

BTW, there`s a forum software upgrade on the horizon (as in, tomorrow!) . . . I hope the bug, whatever it is, gets squashed with the new version of vB.



03-24-2008, 05:27 PM
thanks much! I changed the title and it worked, now I just need to go back and edit the title to make it a bit more informative lol

03-26-2008, 09:32 PM
Why i can`t see my thread while i am waiting for few days already? I do post the same thread for several times already but no one is successful even after the new update of autopia. Can you tell me what is going wrong?

03-27-2008, 02:31 PM
Why i can`t see my thread while i am waiting for few days already? I do post the same thread for several times already but no one is successful even after the new update of autopia. Can you tell me what is going wrong?I don`t recall seeing your post in the moderation queue, and I approve pretty much everything that isn`t blatant spam. If you haven`t seen your post, it may have been lost in the database.

Please try again; I`ll keep an eye out for your post in the queue.


04-19-2008, 11:19 PM
Tort, after a few try to open a new thread, i am still fail to do so. May i know the proper step to open a new thread. I click on the "new thread" and then write the title and its content then i press "summit new thread". When i check back i can`t see the thread that i post up. What is the problem ? Thanks in advance for your help.

04-21-2008, 10:09 AM
Tort, after a few try to open a new thread, i am still fail to do so. May i know the proper step to open a new thread. I click on the "new thread" and then write the title and its content then i press "summit new thread". When i check back i can`t see the thread that i post up. What is the problem ? Thanks in advance for your help.There`s a forum bug related to special characters used in thread titles; maybe that`s why your posts aren`t showing up. Try posting again, and use a very simple thread title (no special characters or punctuation).


04-13-2009, 06:23 PM
I`m still waiting for my post as well... I need the suggestions from people immediately as I need to buy products soon.

Please help....

04-14-2009, 01:05 PM
TortoiseAWD, where`s my new post???? I really need it to be posted pleaseee

04-15-2009, 02:29 AM
Mr. Moderator... Where is my post???? I have more than 10 posts and still cannot make my own post yet? I need help so badly here...

04-16-2009, 06:47 AM
I posted essentially the same message twice now to the thread about stores in the Washington DC area in the Products forum (one yesterday and one this morning before seeing this thread).

Kindly approve one of them as soon as you can and delete the other.

Curiously, I was able to start that thread without going through the moderator cue (it`s a good thing, too, because it was a time sensitive issue).


04-20-2009, 08:31 AM
Five days later...my reply in my own thread (to thank those who offered help) still hasn`t been posted.

Thanks for nothing.