View Full Version : Edge Pads vs LC Pads???

06-20-2005, 04:22 PM
Anyone compared the two as in ease of use, swirl removal, scratch removal? I have the edge quick connect system and just can`t seem to get much done with them. Has anyone tried both of these pads and had better luck with one or the other?

06-20-2005, 06:19 PM
I have compared Edge2000 6" DA (quick connect system), Edge Classic 6" DA (velcro system), Lake Country 7.5" Curved Edge, and Lake Country 6" Variable Contact pads. The each have their own sets of pros and cons. All of the pads can be effective if used properly and paired with a compatible compound/polish/sealant/wax. Here are some of my personal (subjective) observations -

E2K DA -
-excellent durafoam materials (very durable foam available in a variety of textures)
-rounded edges allow for fairly smooth transitions over curves and edges
-two usable sides per pad; sides can be manufactured with two different textures of foam
-thick size of pad limits the ability to reach into tight spaces
-solid center plate prohibits wringing out of pad, leads to longer drying times after washing
-quick connect system ensures perfect centering
-no velcro parts to wear out, although there have been reported problems with some of the earlier connector assemblies
-flat face allows for complete contact with surface

Edge Classic DA -
-as with the E2K model, this has the excellent durafoam materials (very durable foam available in a variety of textures.
-velcro backing makes this compatible with other velcro pad systems
-blunt cut edges do not allow for smooth transitions over curves and edges
-blunt cut edges limit the ability to reach into tight spaces
-flat face allows for complete contact with surface

LC Curved Edge -
-contoured surface with beveled edge allows for effortless transition between virtually all body panels
-center depression limits product splatter
-large variety of foam textures available, although the material does not seem to be as durable as the Edge counterparts
-7.5" size allows pads to be easily exchanged between rotary and DA buffers, although a 5" PC counterweight should be replaced with a 6" version for best results
-molded velcro backing is durable and safely encases edge of backing plate
-curved face allows for precise placement angles, but also limits the amount of foam in contact with the surface at any particular time

LC Variable Contact -
-center depression limits product splatter, but also limits the amount of foam in contact with the surface at any particular time
-large variety of foam textures available, although the material does not seem to be as durable as the Edge counterparts
-design is very user friendly for a PC newbie

P.S. I have stated many times that my ideal PC pad would have Edge`s durafoam materials combined with the design of the Lake Country 7.5" Curved Edge pad.

06-21-2005, 06:34 AM
Thanks alot for that great write up awd330. Out of the pads you listed, which one would you say is the most :newbie friendly? The edge pads seem so rigid with almost no flexibilty, so most of my time is making sure that the machine is perfectly level at all angles.

06-21-2005, 08:29 AM
The Lake Country 6" Variable Contact style of pad is probably the most newbie friendly. It`s less prone to vibration than the others I mentioned, and the concave center will limit splatter. The first time you accidentally lift the PC without turning it off first, you will quickly learn what people mean by splatter. :D The concave centers will help you contain splatter until you learn to fine tune your control of the machine. The drawback with this style of pad is that the dip in the center means that you actually have less foam in contact with the surface at any one time. This is likely to require slightly longer polishing times than other pad styles for the same results.

Ultimately, the choice of pads is a subjective one. My best advice would be to purchase one or two pads in different styles, then decide for yourself which you like best. As your skill with the machine progresses, you may find yourself beginning to appreciate different attributes in each pad style. I personally have all four of these styles on hand. I reach for some more often than others, but the each one has its uses.