View Full Version : UPGP vs... it comes down to durability

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09-11-2007, 07:58 PM
I currently have more layers of zaino on my vehicle then anyone would ever need. But I love the stuff... looks great and is easy to use. However, I only found the Zaino look FULLY acceptable (ie: similar to a wax) once I added the z8. Only catch is, for and OCD person such as myself, I have to layer the preceding layers, prior to z8, multiple times to feel fulfilled and content. Thus, at the very LEAST I have this much work out for me:

Prepare ZFX

Apply 2 coats of Z5

Apply 2 coats of ZCS

Apply z8

Thats 6 steps to achieve what I want, knowing my car`s paint is armored and looks fantastic. Sal`s made his products quite easy to use, so even given all those steps its not THAT bad to do.

Then came UPGP. Doesn`t need mixing, nor multiple products. And from the looks of photos I`ve seen on here, looks like the best sealant I`ve seen. Now I can apply ZCS weekly if I wanted to... since UPGP can be applied as so, and have the same if not better results then all the other Zaino steps, the answer becomes exceedingly clear.

But alas, how does the stuff hold up? Does it have the ever praised longevity of Zaino? Will the looks and protection keep up? Etc.

Suppose only time will tell :)

Thoughts, opinions?


For comparison sake, heres all the work thats been done on my car as of now:

Polish w/BF SRC FP

7x ZFX Z5 Pro

3x ZCS

1x Z8

What would 11 layers of UPGP look like? :think2

09-11-2007, 08:12 PM
What would 11 layers of UPGP look like? :think2

That`s a good question.:idea

09-11-2007, 09:55 PM
After reviewing my post I felt I had to make something clear... when I say FULLY acceptable, that means I`ve gotten Zaino to pretty much look like a wax... a feat for any sealant. Z5 or Z2 by itself or in conjunctino with CS looks good, damn good. Being my car is silver, I prefer the wet look to anything else and Z8 delivers in that dept.

09-11-2007, 09:59 PM
I don`t know if you`ve looked at any of the pictures that I`ve posted with any favor but I will add they they are *all* a single coat of PGP.

09-11-2007, 11:32 PM
I don`t know if you`ve looked at any of the pictures that I`ve posted with any favor but I will add they they are *all* a single coat of PGP.

I don`t think there are any pics with more then 2x UGPG. So yes, I`ve taken that into account. All this being said, I know Sal reads these forums and I know Sal is in the works on at least 2 more products (or maybe it was 3 can`t quite remember). As far as the UPGP v Zaino debate, I think its something I`m going to allow to simmer for a little and see what happens.

Lastly, one thing I do not appreciate about UGPG is the sheer size and amount you get. I`d rather get half and pay a lot less then drop $70 and be stuck with a product for an immeasurable amount of time

09-11-2007, 11:38 PM
Well, you started the thread.....

09-11-2007, 11:47 PM
What would 11 layers of UPGP look like? :think2

We do not know. But we do know what 7 layers of UPGP look like (there are pictures here). Approximately same as multiple layers of Zaino.

P.S. I thought your question was on longevity, not looks?

09-11-2007, 11:48 PM
I don`t know if anyone has had UPGP long enough to really know how durable it is. I`ve only had Opti-Seal for a little more than 5 months and I got some samples prior to release. UPGP I`ve only had 3 weeks.

I can say that for me, OS holds up (decent slickness, beading and appearance) for at least 5 months but I can only say that UPGP holds up at least 3 weeks. It`ll be months (hopefully!) before I have an idea of UPGP`s durability.

Visually, UPGP is very, very wet looking. I personally thinks it looks noticably better than Z-CS and is equal to Opti-Seal (after both have cured). Your results may vary depending on what you look for in an LSP and how your eyes perceive it.

09-11-2007, 11:51 PM
I don`t know if anyone has had UPGP long enough to really know how durable it is. I`ve only had Opti-Seal for a little more than 5 months and I got some samples prior to release. UPGP I`ve only had 3 weeks.

I can say that for me, OS holds up (decent slickness, beading and appearance) for at least 5 months but I can only say that UPGP holds up at least 3 weeks. It`ll be months (hopefully!) before I have an idea of UPGP`s durability.

Visually, UPGP is very, very wet looking. I personally thinks it looks noticably better than Z-CS and is equal to Opti-Seal (after both have cured). Your results may vary depending on what you look for in an LSP and how your eyes perceive it.

Its the wetness of UPGP that stunned me... even after a single application. I like wetness (No perverted pun intended, at least not if it`ll get me in trouble ;) ) and I can get plenty of it out of z8 but then I run into the "I need to put multiple layers first before Z8 because I`m OCD" when I can get a similar wetness out of one or two layers of UPGP. With the 11 layers of Zaino on my vehicle I`m assuming it`ll last EASILY for 6 months, probably 8 and possibly 9. Thus, the issue of UPGP durability comes into play. If multiple layers of UPGP can last that long then I have no, minus the price, NOT to use it.

09-11-2007, 11:55 PM
We do not know. But we do know what 7 layers of UPGP look like (there are pictures here). Approximately same as multiple layers of Zaino.

P.S. I thought your question was on longevity, not looks?

Really, 7x? Haven`t seen it. I`ll do a search

And yes, the crux of whether or not I`d side with it depends on its durability. Just curious what 11x would do heh.

09-11-2007, 11:58 PM
There`s a red Vette with multiple layers on it.

09-12-2007, 12:03 AM
It is Polycharged as well no? (UPGP)

09-12-2007, 12:04 AM
Yes it is. The sealant products, Detail Spray and PPP have the Polycharger logo on them.

09-12-2007, 12:05 AM
There`s a red Vette with multiple layers on it.

Yup, that`s the one I was talking about.

09-12-2007, 12:06 AM