View Full Version : What Glaze Should I use??

09-07-2007, 11:50 PM
Hi. I`ve been steadily learning about things on here for a few months. I`ve had a PC and am fairly good with it. My car, even though it has about 5 coatings of opti-seal has picked up some water mark etchings. So I figure I will re-polish it soon. It has some deep scratches and and the paint is kinda beat up in the front of the hood and on the trunk.

Now, am I right that glazes fill in these minor imperfections, and make the paint look smoother than it really is? If so , then a glaze would be good for my car, yes?

Now, I figure its best to put the glaze down right on the paint, and then put whatever other products over it, like opti-seal (or collinite 476, or #26) in my case? Is this right?

But then I wonder if the LSP will bond to the glaze like it would to freshly polished paint...would it?

What really is the best order to apply things ? Glaze then wax/sealant, or sealant/wax then glaze?

Now, again, which Glaze would work best for me. I want something that I can sorta put on there to smooth things out, but something that I can layer up the wax/opti-seal over and have it last a few months.

I`ve heard about Danase wet glaze, sounds good, but doesnt seem like they give you very much for the price. And also heard about Menzerna glaze...sounds good to me, will it work for what I`m asking about?

Anyways, sorry for all the confusion. someone please lay it down striaght for me


09-08-2007, 12:08 AM
So are you going for more FILLING ability than appearance?

Also, if you are trying to fill DEEP or rock chips with a glaze. Good luck, ain`t gonna happen. They are intended to fill minute scratches.

If you`re going for filling, I have used and have also heard good reviews on Menz FTG.

For looks I would go with RMG or DWG. <-- Haven`t tried neither. Just going by others experience

Certain glazes are compatible of having waxes/sealants applied under or beneath them. DWG is a awesome candidate in that department.:bigups

I would Polish, Glaze, Seal and then wax.

If you do Polish, Glaze, wax and then seal. Most likely the sealant won`t bond to the wax.

DWG = 15.95 for 16oz

RMG = ~15.95 for 16oz

FTG = ~15.95 for 16oz

All three are priced very close together for 16oz. It all depends what vendor you buy the glazes from.

09-08-2007, 12:27 AM
Hm OK. I know it wont fill in rock chips and stuff like that. But in the hood and other places if you look real close there are just these tiny pits and stuff. And all sorts of really deep water etchings, and fine scratches. DWG sounds good, but I dont know if it will fill in enough.

What are some other options, at least ones that will work with opti-seal as my LSP

09-08-2007, 10:27 PM
hey guys .

09-08-2007, 11:24 PM
No glaze will fill in pits. Most glazes will help hide and/or minimize minor swirls and scratches; Danase Wet Glaze is not one of these. It`s a great product but it is merely a gloss enhancer.

09-09-2007, 10:19 AM
yeah, ok. So which glaze out there has the best filling properties,but is still compatible with sealants, like opti-seal ?????????????

imported_Dave KG
09-09-2007, 10:40 AM
Not a glaze per se, but if its filling you want, two product spring immediately to my mind and that`s Autoglym Super Resin Polish and 1Z Waxpolish Soft. Both of these are packed to the gunnels with fillers, and are amongst the most effective filling products I`ve used and they also leave a nice finish too... You could then top terse with a pure glaze for added wettness, and my choice for this would be Meguiars #7 Show Car Glaze...

A glaze I found effective at filling was Clearkore Red Moose Machine Glaze (RMG), and this also leaves a nice wet looking shine.

Opti-Seal I have found to work well over many products, and certainly SRP which itself leaves a layer of sealent protection and a great base for further LSPs.

09-09-2007, 05:38 PM

Thank you. I am looking at the Red moose glaze, and ill look into the two you mentioned.

09-09-2007, 08:12 PM
Well, I just ordered the RMG because they had it for sale at excel detail, and I couldnt really find the other stuff.

Can I put it on over opti-seal, and then put opti-seal over it again? because my car is a;ready covered in layers of opti-seal so..

09-10-2007, 07:53 AM
sounds like to me the order would be RMG (will remove prior opti-seal), wax or sealant, then opti-seal.