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09-07-2007, 05:46 PM
I have been detailing for a living for over a year now and think its time to put up a site. I am just looking for some info on what to do. I don`t know anything about having a site or making one so any info is greatly apprecitated. If there is a link to where this has already been discussed that would be fine. I just don`t feel like searching right now, long busy day. Thanks. Oh and about how much a month will this cost?

imported_Tex Star Detail
09-07-2007, 06:35 PM
I go through

1&1 Internet Inc. - Web Hosting Services and Domain Name Registration (http://www.1and1.com)

I pay less than $50 every 6 months

09-07-2007, 06:58 PM
I use godaddy.com

I think I pay around $50/year


09-07-2007, 07:00 PM
its no expensive to maintain a website. its expenive to make one.

I trade a detail for my site.. but here it is Calgary Detail (http://www.calgarydetailer.com) th guy who did it is » About LRTC (http://www.lrtcdesign.com/) i thnk he said it would be 800ish to get it done elsewhere...

09-07-2007, 07:01 PM
I learned html code and made my own. :D


09-07-2007, 07:04 PM
I learned html code and made my own. :D


well theres always that option

09-07-2007, 07:18 PM
Lunarpages is less than $7 / month and is reliable.

09-07-2007, 08:08 PM
Just go to a website like citymax or bravenet and follow directions. They have templates available where you pick the layout, the style, the pictures, etc. to make your own website. Personally, I always found citymax to be very easy to use. They were the first company that I ever used, with zero experience, and it went pretty smoothly and easily. The directions will tell you how to pick your hosting package (monthly fee for them to keep you up on the web), help you get your domain name (www.yourname.com), set up email accounts with your website, etc. You can have a website for about $20 a month including everything.

Myself, I used sitecube, and I love the results. Click on my name to the left and click to visit my homepage. They were good to use as well, and have been my favorite company to work with, although maybe not the best for your first website.

Hope this helps.............I`ve had many websites for many businesses through the years, and I`m not an expert by any means.

09-08-2007, 12:24 AM
cool, thanks a lot guys. I really appreciate it. I used to know HTML back in high school.....that was a good while ago and I forgot everything about it. I will probably check some of these sites you all have posted up and go from there. Thanks again.

imported_Shaun Carollo
09-08-2007, 08:36 AM
What I did was buy a template($40) and added the info and pictures as I wanted to. This way I could get a professional looking website without the cost. After fooling around with the program a little bit and taking a college web design class I learned a little more and tweaked the pages more and more. Most of my customers tell me that they found my website to have much more information on it than any of my competitors and thats whats made them chose me. Also, I pay like $65/year from godaddy.com and it`s a breeze. I highly recommend them.

09-08-2007, 10:19 AM
J. my bro in law did mine and he has his own web design co. I think it looks great and he`s not even finished with it yet, still have to fancy up the pages. When finished they will look like a cross between my main page with pics and all and my pricing page with just a graphic interactive layout.

Check it out. OttmannDetailing.com or click on my homepage in my profile.

You can click on his icon at the lower right corner and contact him if you want a quote or whatever, just let him know how involved and interactive you want it, or just a main page with a gallery and info.....


09-12-2007, 07:13 PM
I would not use bravenet, they are holding up transferring my domain name as we speak, and I felt there builder was confusing for someone with A.D.D. and no website experience, I just re-did mine with Yahoo and am very happy with the results

09-12-2007, 11:49 PM
If you`re not too keen on html, I`d highly recommend looking into creating your own with Joomla. -->Joomla! (http://www.joomla.org/)

Many professional sites are actually Joomla templates (more than you`d expect).

My bud just launched his own drum mfg. company and created the site himself using Joomla in less than a day. Here`s his new site (still under construction but you get the idea): Advanced Acoustic Engineering (http://www.aaedrums.com/)

Our site is professionally designed and maintained and we pay a pretty penny for it.

09-13-2007, 05:29 PM
joomla looks great. i just wish i knew how to install it. MySQL, apache, php... confusing but I`m trying to learn it

09-13-2007, 05:52 PM
joomla looks great. i just wish i knew how to install it. MySQL, apache, php... confusing but I`m trying to learn it

Indeed. I installed Joomla and it just too much tinkering after you installed it just to get it to work. I use 1and1 but I do not have an active web site but 1and1 has a built in web page generated (get like 12 pages and they charge for more) for the $5/mo package. They are rock solid in reliability and they are not a reseller of another service like many are so they are the company. Many programs can create web pages that you can upload (even MS Word!!) fairly easy. Joomla is a cms (content mgmt system) and this is only needed if you want access control and fairly canned looked.