View Full Version : Tips to remove water spots without doing a full detail?

09-05-2007, 07:18 AM
I`m starting to hate when it rains. Especially for 10 minutes! After a quick thunderstorm, the sun shines and everything dries in a matter of minutes. I have my TL in the best condition ever thanks to my PC, and Zaino, but with little rain showers and sun is just killing me!!

Over the summer I had to polish via PC my hood TWICE to remove water spots caused by rain, that can`t be removed with a QD, or a simple wash. I hate to bust out my PC and start the process over, but what ever product I use will strip any existing wax, and this will start the process over. Maybe I`m being to anal about it, but these waterspots are very, very very small! You can`t really see them until the light is at a certain angle.

Are there any methods to remove waterspots without busting out the PC and polish? Thanks everyone.

09-05-2007, 09:41 AM
Water spots are a real pain... I know how you feel living down here. Vinegar will do it, and there are a few commercially available water spot removers out there. However, they will reduce/remove your LSP. It`s just not possible to remove QD-resistant spots without some degradation of LSP - I`d reccomend Z7 wash, vinegar with a mitt, quick Z7 wash and then ZCS - the whole shebang shouldn`t add more than 15 minutes to a wash.

09-05-2007, 10:46 AM
This might be a little too much but if and when I have to remove stubborn water spots because of my sprinkler system, I reach for my Metabo SXE400 with a 4" orange pad and put a few dabs of Optimum Hyper Compound and within a few minutes, most of the area is cleaned up.

The Metabo is small, lightweight, powerful and quick enough to take out most of "my" water spots (depending on how hard your water is) and then I just apply my base & then my LSP of choice.
