View Full Version : `98 Taurus - Moms car

09-03-2007, 12:22 PM
Lets get right down to it. Its Gold or "Champaign" in color It hasn`t been truly waxed ever since they bought it from carmax. This car had a TERRIBLE over spray problem. Almost like it was near a car that was being painted. It almost felt like sand paper on the car. When the tires were cleaned brown gunk kept coming off of the rubber like embedded or invisible dirt! boy were they a pain to clean! The trim on this car is faded beyond my repair, I offered to dye it but dad said maybe later. I offered to do the engine of this 24v DOHC car and dad said "no" so just exterior paint shots here... :(

Wash: ONR (3oz to 2 gal mix) sorta hard water here. Dried with MF towels of course.

Tires: cleaned with Red Max and Grim Reaper with my trusty green brush! and dressed with grape dressing. The wheel wells got the same treatment.

Polish: Seeing as though it had such a horrid over spray issue I went right with the Yellow CCS Pad and Heavy Cut Polish (HT-357 Magnum). 2 passes later over the whole car I was finished with that, a few slight problems remain like some rough spots near the windows where I couldn`t get my buffer to go! :)

Wax: Glazed with Merzerna Finishing touch and sealed with Opti-Seal

I didn`t want to use the EZ Cream Glaze on this car because I had never used my Merzerna before.

I don`t have any before pictures as it was really early and I didn`t want to wake up the old man or my mom!

and these may not look good in all of them but it was over cast and I couldn`t figure out my moms camera to save my own arse so these are all I got!












09-03-2007, 05:40 PM
I see chrome and paint...Nice reflections...

Where is the car?

09-03-2007, 06:19 PM
the overspray on this car was terrible, I dont know what carmax did if anything, but this car was terrible. My dad didn`t exactly want to wax it at all. I just wish he would`ve let me do the engine bay for him, something about "noone will ever see that in there so why clean it!?"

He said its really hot out here so thats enough work on the car for the day. I was thinking to myself I have been out here 4 hours + and you haven`t even come out until I came in to ask for the keys to do the door jambs/trunk/engine and then you say its to hot? :(

the car is at my parents house in NC

09-03-2007, 08:44 PM
I wasn`t saying where the car is geographicaly...

I was saying there are no pictures of the entire car.

You really can`t get a feel for the overall cleanliness of the car until you can stand back and look at the whole thing in one shot.

I notice a lot of people on here only show close-ups, and never take shots of the entire car.

09-04-2007, 11:43 AM
ya know I was thinking to myself "damn, i dont have a single shot of the entire car"

09-04-2007, 12:01 PM
Dude, this guy is totally picking his nose. What are the chances of capturing it. LOL!


09-04-2007, 12:13 PM
Looks very wet and glossy. :)

But yeah, I`d like to see some full car shots too.

09-05-2007, 03:43 PM
its been a few days but I will try to post a picture of it this weekend when I am over there again, doing a few other things around there house. I plan to add more OS to it the weekend :)

thanks for the compliments, I can`t believe I didn`t get a whole car shot! :(

White lexus 23
09-08-2007, 01:56 AM
cleanest taurs ive ever seen!