View Full Version : Can Zaino Marr or Swirl?

David Fermani
08-30-2007, 09:13 PM
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Before anyone gets bent out of shape and takes this post the wrong way, this is not a bash on Zaino!!! :chill:

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I have a problem with a black vehicle that was Zainoed. It appears that the finish is super sensitive to anything and everything. It`s get`s washed regularly via 2-bucket / Grit Guard / Micro Fibers / Schmitt & Sheep skin / evening and is still swirling like crazy. Is there any chance that the Zaino itself is marring and not the actual finish of the paint? The customer has never experienced this sensitive condition prior to their last Zaino treatment. I 2-step foam pad polished via a rotary a section of the vehicle with a non-Zaino product and it looked very nice, but after the 1st wash, the swirling was back. Please note that swirling is not rotary induced buffer trails.

Can & should I remove this coating to properly correct it? Could this condition be caused from the Zaino not originally curing properly? I`m not sure what to do and want to make sure that the work I do will actually correct the problem. Has anyone experienced this problem? Can Zaino be removed and how? I might want to test a spot to see if it works 1st before doing the whole vehicle.

DISCLAIMER: I know nothing about Zaino and don`t really want to buy and/or use their products to correct this if it`s not needed(no offense). I will if I have/need to. I`m not really open to trying new things/processes because of how familiar I am with what I`ve been using up until now. I don`t feel the need to go out and learn/master a new line-up of products and how to specifically use them with the amount of work I now do. I have nothing against them or any other product; I guess I`m stuck on my own ways. :bestwish

Setec Astronomy
08-30-2007, 09:21 PM
Accumulator, for one, has said that he has built up enough of a thickness of a sealant (Klasse SG) to induce marring in the sealant layer, so based on that, it`s possible. But, I`m sorry, I don`t think you did a rotary 2-step polish and left any Zaino on the car. Is it possible that the detailer who polished the car did such a good job that any slight marring is now noticeable, when before it was swirled, and wash-induced marring wasn`t noticed?

David Fermani
08-30-2007, 09:34 PM
But, I`m sorry, I don`t think you did a rotary 2-step polish and left any Zaino on the car.

I used a polish that has very little abrasive with a yellow Edge foam cutting pad and then used a LC black final finishing foam with another product that is virtually non abrasive and then carnuba`d. Do you think that removed the Zaino?

Is it possible that the detailer who polished the car did such a good job that any slight marring is now noticeable, when before it was swirled, and wash-induced marring wasn`t noticed?

The detailer did a nice job, but this problem is very unusual. It`s like a black BMW that just swirls when you look at it. Something`s not right, it shouldn`t be this sensitive. It`s almost like the finish after wiping off wax that hasn`t dried completely on a very humid day.

08-30-2007, 09:43 PM
I promise the polishing removed the Zaino or anything else that was on the car.

08-30-2007, 10:09 PM
I promise the polishing removed the Zaino or anything else that was on the car.

The polishing absolutely removed the zaino. Even a light product by hand such as KAIO would remove the zaino.


08-30-2007, 10:19 PM
some blacks and dark blues are like that. They will marr no matter what you use or put on them. Certain makes and models are worst than others. I just bought a black Caddy Escalade that is doing the same thing. :hairpull

I will win though!:D lots of patience

What kind of car is it?

08-30-2007, 10:26 PM
I`m no paint expert so if someone else knows more about this, feel free to correct me. I`m just throwing out a possible explanations.

Could it be that after the last detailer buffed the car to perfection, the "new", leveled layer of clearcoat was somehow softer than the previous, outermost layer? Maybe the car was previously repainted and the clearcoat never cured properly?

08-30-2007, 10:38 PM
When you say "black BMW" do you mean "JET Black"? If so it may just be the inherently soft paint, in that case, IME, have fun!

But, as noted above, Zaino isn`t some incredibly bomb proof sealant unlike any other, so if you want to remove it just wash with a strong DAWN concentrate wash or similar stripping soap, (CW&G, PrepSol, TOL`s post polish wash, GR40 etc.)

08-30-2007, 10:57 PM
I think the fault lies more with the paint if it is jet black than whatever wax or sealant it has on it. Some black paints are just very soft. Porsche, Infiniti and BMW come immediately to mind.

08-31-2007, 02:34 AM
Yes, I think that everything marrs the jet black BMW paint.

08-31-2007, 06:07 AM
Technically the Zaino was removed during the polishing. To test to see if Zaino did the impossible and withstood this polishing, take a soft MF and IPA and rub a section. If the marring goes away, the blemish is in whatever protectant is still on the finish. If not, it`s in the paint.

Hope this helps.

08-31-2007, 10:14 AM
David, I`m a big Zaino fan but I`ve got to tell you that I think you may be on to something.

Originally I put Zaino on my black vette and after a few weeks I began to notice some lite marring and scratching. Then I completely stripped down and went with Clearkote RMG & CMW which has done a much better job of hiding minor imperfections. Then recently, I ran out of clearkote`s quick shine so I applied some Clear Seal and Z-8 to my trunk lid. Guess what? I`m beginning to see the lite marring again in that area only. I`m kinda bummed out because the Zaino is noticeably slicker than the clearkote but the clearkote shows NO MARRING. I guess it`s one or the other.


08-31-2007, 10:32 AM
David, I`m a big Zaino fan but I`ve got to tell you that I think you may be on to something.

Originally I put Zaino on my black vette and after a few weeks I began to notice some lite marring and scratching. Then I completely stripped down and went with Clearkote RMG & CMW which has done a much better job of hiding minor imperfections. Then recently, I ran out of clearkote`s quick shine so I applied some Clear Seal and Z-8 to my trunk lid. Guess what? I`m beginning to see the lite marring again in that area only. I`m kinda bummed out because the Zaino is noticeably slicker than the clearkote but the clearkote shows NO MARRING. I guess it`s one or the other.


Actually, you can have the best of both worlds unless the Vette is a daily driver. If your Vette is a daily driver the glaze route may be your best method for an apparent mar-free black vehicle. If not, just polish out the finish to remove the blemishes that the glaze is hiding and re-apply the Zaino. One should be able to polish even the hardest clearcoat to the point where Z5PRO will fill any residue blemishes . I am assuming you have a C5. The area in the rear or better described as the upper bumper surface is very difficult to keep blemish-free and even harder to polish to perfection. My old C5 had a similar problem but rather than thin out the CC, I just polish as best I could with these perimeters and tried my best not to introduce more down the the road.

Black vehicles are a real PITA if daily drivers. I switched to more forgiving colors for my DD`s (white and metallic green) and only retained one black vehicle (`67 Z28) which is rarely driven.