View Full Version : dealership demonstration of armor all product -Amazing!?

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08-29-2007, 08:17 AM
I recently was at a dealership looking at some new cars. When I went into the showroom, they had a armor all rep showing some crew members some of their products. I stood and watched as well.

Basically he lit a car hood on fire using spray paint. But prior to doing that, he had prepped the car with clay and a green bottle of Paint Protection only available to dealerships. After burning the hood, it left a burnt etch onto the hood of the new 07 Honda Pilot. He let me feel it to make sure that it felt "burnt" in. It did. He then proceeded to clean it off with his other stuff, the Paint Cleaner bottle. It all disappeared and looked like new!

Is this some sort of scam or am I missing something here? thanks guys, I am just curious here

08-29-2007, 08:22 AM
It`s a scam. You will see that demo in every state fair for every crap car wax they are trying to sell.

08-29-2007, 08:24 AM
I knew it was some sort of scam. I remember seeing this stuff being done at a car show a long time ago when I was a kid. Can someone chime in and tell me what I`m missing here. Is there some sort of concept that I am missing? thanks!

Setec Astronomy
08-29-2007, 08:35 AM
Why shouldn`t a solvent-based paint cleaner be able to remove fresh rattle-can laquer from a freshly waxed surface? And do you know if it was really even paint?

08-29-2007, 08:48 AM
The car`s paint isn`t being burned, only the finely atomized spray paint is actually burned. I assume the spray paint burns/flashes very quickly and gives off very little heat. What you are feeling on the car is just the burnt residue of the spray paint after it lands on the car. :confused:

08-29-2007, 09:21 AM
Its a scam perpertrated by con artists who prey on those who "want to believe" the illusion they are witnessing. Just like magic tricks, although magicians usually perform only for entertainment and are not trying to sell you something.

Setec Astronomy
08-29-2007, 09:36 AM
The car`s paint isn`t being burned, only the finely atomized spray paint is actually burned. I assume the spray paint burns/flashes very quickly and gives off very little heat. What you are feeling on the car is just the burnt residue of the spray paint after it lands on the car. :confused:

Since no detail was given, I`m presuming that it was mostly the solvent in the paint burning and that some poorly adhered overspray is what wound up on the paint. It wasn`t clear whether the spray from the can was lit on fire and then aimed at the car, or whether the paint was sprayed on the car and then a flame held to it.

08-29-2007, 09:38 AM
Since no detail was given, I`m presuming that it was mostly the solvent in the paint burning and that some poorly adhered overspray is what wound up on the paint. It wasn`t clear whether the spray from the can was lit on fire and then aimed at the car, or whether the paint was sprayed on the car and then a flame held to it.

You might be right ... I read it that the spray itself was lit and aimed at the car like a blow torch. It`s not clear how the demonstration was actually done.

08-29-2007, 09:42 AM
Heat rises. The surface of the car gets no hotter than it does in the summer sun. What he cleans off is simply residue from the fire, not actual charring of the car`s finish.

Setec Astronomy
08-29-2007, 09:47 AM
Heat rises. The surface of the car gets no hotter than it does in the summer sun. What he cleans off is simply residue from the fire, not actual charring of the car`s finish.

Yup. This is a variation on that old infomercial where they spray lighter fluid on the paint and ignite it and then "the surface is JUST LIKE BEFORE!!!"

08-29-2007, 11:29 AM
Liquid Lustre!! Watch the water sheet off from the hose!! Smoke and Mirrors. Maybe Scott should find out if this guy is gonna be in his neck of the woods!! hehehe

08-29-2007, 11:39 AM
Maybe Scott should find out if this guy is gonna be in his neck of the woods!! hehehe

I would pay to see that! The AA dealer would probably leave crying!

08-29-2007, 02:37 PM
For most volatile products, the liquid product doesn`t burn - only the vapors above the liquid product. That`s why the Miracle Wax 2000 `protects` the hood, even when sprayed with lighter fluid and set on fire. In this case, as the liquid evaporates, it actually cools the hood (like acetone evaporating off of your skin), while the vapor burns above.

Even natural gas only burns within a very narrow mixture window, around 14:1 air:fuel. Above or below this ratio, the mixture is simply too rich or lean to burn.

Setec Astronomy
08-29-2007, 02:43 PM
Even natural gas only burns within a very narrow mixture window, around 14:1 air:fuel. Above or below this ratio, the mixture is simply too rich or lean to burn.

Don`t start with stochiometric ratios! That will only lead to LEL and UEL discussions...:p

Old Pirate
08-29-2007, 02:47 PM
Same con that been use for over 25 yrs!