View Full Version : Awsome site! Need guideance.

08-25-2007, 06:28 PM
So I had a ton of orange peel left over from the body shop and having to deal with them anymore is not an option. I decieded too take a wack at it myself and did a lot of reading up before started.

Wet sanded with 2000 grit paper, I know I used way to much soap. 1. Would this hurt?

I also noticed when sanding there were areas that the paper glided over incrediable smoothly and other areas that seemed very coarse. I did use short strokes, but I could have used a little less pressure. I was a little hesident that I wasnt doing it right, and when I dried everything off I did have a bunch of haze which I know is normal.

This is as far as Ive gotten!

Im not sure how much of the orange peel I got out. Its hard to tell with the haze. Im trying to look at different angles but Im just not seeing it. 2. Is it ok just to do the next steps? Rubbing compond, then finishing polish, then terry cloth buffing right? Then just and see how it looks and if needed repeat the steps again? 3. If I sanded down to much clear can I even do the next steps?

Also what are the best finishing componds and polishes that you can get at Autozone?

And are those little polishing balls that hook up to your drill ok, or is there another type thats better?


08-25-2007, 07:01 PM
welcome to autopia slim, you`ll get different recomendations from different guys but for the most part you should be very very careful while wetsanding, it`s not something easily accomplished by a first timer.

after sanded orange peel is visible when the scuffs are dry and appear to be small circular dots.

i would recomend you use a rotary buffer if you have experience although i have used a dual action polisher on my wifes vehicle and it removed 2k grit with an orange spot pad.

don`t really know what you mean by terry cloth buffing but compound/polish will do the trick if done correctly.

maybe this little write up i did could help you out.
