View Full Version : New Car_1st detailing_newbie`s got questions

08-23-2007, 09:11 PM
I just purchased a new car and have been reading tons of web sites about caring for the finish. Several places advocate using Klasse AIO before the Klasse SG. However, my paint is new (2 weeks since delivery) and is in perfect condition. Do I need to use the AOI first or can I go straight to the Klasse SG given the paints brand new condition? Thanks for the help and any other suggestions.

08-23-2007, 09:34 PM
the AIO is a chemical cleaner and will help the SG bond

08-23-2007, 09:44 PM
the AIO is a chemical cleaner and will help the SG bondLike he said it will help the SG bond better and it will help make sure the paint is extra clean.

08-23-2007, 09:49 PM
Welcome to Autopia!

Just because the paint is new does not mean it is perfect. I would first wash it using proper wash technique and then examine it under good lighting. Search for swirls that the dealer may have caused during dealer prep. If you have swirls you may want to have them polished out before using a sealant/wax.

You also need to examine the paint for contaminants. Use your hand and feel the paint. It should feel smooth like glass. If it doesn`t, it should be clayed to remove contaminants.

Once you are sure the paint is perfect go ahead and use the AIO and SG (make sure you apply it carefully as it can be very tough to use). There are also hundreds of other sealants out there to chose from that will give you excellent results.

Good luck and post pics!
